She took drops 2 times a day! After a month, the doctor is tired of being surprised.
I am hypertensive with experience, so I have already read a myriad of articles, folk recipes, interviews with specialists about my illness. But questions about hypertension no end. How to prevent this disease, how to slow it down?
I would continue to suffer from pressure spikes, headaches and insomnia if I hadn’t tried very effective drops.
This chatter, as I call it, I've been drinking for years as an ambulance for stress. In addition, it perfectly helps with hypertension and insomnia. It includes affordable and time-tested pharmacy products.
How to treat hypertension Drops VCPBP
I would continue to suffer from pressure spikes, headaches and insomnia if I hadn’t tried very effective drops.
This chatter, as I call it, I've been drinking for years as an ambulance for stress. In addition, it perfectly helps with hypertension and insomnia. It includes affordable and time-tested pharmacy products.
How to treat hypertension Drops VCPBP
- B - tincture of valerian
It helps to improve blood circulation, has sedative properties, helps with insomnia and neurosis, suppresses fermentation processes in the intestine, relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Valerian is used in the treatment of thyroid pathologies, it helps well with epilepsy, schizophrenia, asthma, migraine and constipation.
- K - horse chestnut tincture Used to strengthen blood vessels, thin blood, relieve inflammation and stimulate cholesterol metabolism. Doctors recommend taking tincture to prevent the formation of blood clots, prevent heart attack and stroke.
Tincture of horse chestnut is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis. Healing properties allow you to fight diseases of the gallbladder, heart and liver.
- P is motherwort tincture
Shepherd as a remedy for heart disease was widely used in the Middle Ages, and then it was unjustly forgotten until the XIX century. This plant is considered one of the best sedatives, so it is often used to treat hysteria, insomnia, neurosis, psychasthenia, vegetovascular dystonia. Motherwort is also prescribed for hypertension, impotence and Meniere syndrome. - B - Hawthorn tincture
Take in order to reduce the excitability of the heart muscles, normalize blood circulation. Tincture of hawthorn can eliminate tachycardia and arrhythmia, as well as reduce pressure. Treats insomnia, dizziness and increased anxiety. - P is peony tincture
Relieves anxiety, improves the functioning of the stomach, increases its acidity, favorably affects the work of the intestine. In medicine, peony tincture is prescribed to eliminate intestinal colic, treat ulcerative gastritis, diarrhea. It helps people suffering from headaches, paralysis and epilepsy. - Tinctures are dispensed in the pharmacy without a prescription. To prepare hypertensionTake a bottle of dark glass and mix in it all kinds of tinctures in the same proportion. Use the remedy should be 1 time a day for 50 drops 30 minutes before meals. Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
I only recognized this diva by her voice! That’s what everyone’s favorite 55-year-old singer is doing.
Great ideas for summer time. No. 3, even I can do it!