Humiliating cohabitation: lived with one for three years, with the other four years. Oh, fortieth birthday!
Previously under the term "civil marriage" They meant something very different... The fact is that in the XVI century in Holland, the church completely refused to marry young people of different faiths.
But over time, the authorities made concessions and agreed to register such marriages. Such unions were called civil unions at the time.
Today, the term “civil marriage” means the union of two people who live together, conduct a common household, but their marriage is not registered anywhere.
So, this is not quite the right interpretation, because all of the above can be called in one word - cohabitation. It is often difficult for a woman to admit even to herself that she is an ordinary cohabitant!
Men deftly use the phrase “we are in a civil marriage” and for years deceive naive girls who are waiting for a proposal every day. How comfortable are the men under such cover!
They have all the bonuses of family life: coziness, care, warm food, laundry, regular intimacy and the like. What's in return? No responsibility! Neither moral nor legal... At any time, a man can leave without remorse and financial losses.
A friend of mine lived in a civil marriage for a while. When her cohabitant decided to buy an apartment on a mortgage, she immediately warned him: "This is your apartment, your renovation, and I will not invest in this money and my energy."
To be honest, I admire her determination and flexibility of mind. After all, the girl perfectly understood how such a story could end. She appealed so deftly with the phrase “this is yours” that the young man soon proposed to her.
But many ladies prefer to console themselves with the idea that they are married without five minutes. And in vain, because while the beauty washes a man’s underwear, cooks cakes, pays mortgages and loans, she wastes time and energy on a man who is not ready to call her official wife.
Another trick that clever men invented: fear of stamps in the passport. If your faithful is so afraid of the mark in the document, be sure to ask him how he feels when applying for visas, driver's license and other documents?
99% of the time, if a man is afraid to come out and tell the public that you're together, he doesn't want to. So, secretly, he still dreams of first love or hopes to meet someone better, nicer.
And naive women live waiting: three years with one, four with another, five with a third. Oh, it's her fortieth birthday and she doesn't have her wedding ring yet.
How do you feel about civil marriage?
But over time, the authorities made concessions and agreed to register such marriages. Such unions were called civil unions at the time.

Today, the term “civil marriage” means the union of two people who live together, conduct a common household, but their marriage is not registered anywhere.
So, this is not quite the right interpretation, because all of the above can be called in one word - cohabitation. It is often difficult for a woman to admit even to herself that she is an ordinary cohabitant!

Men deftly use the phrase “we are in a civil marriage” and for years deceive naive girls who are waiting for a proposal every day. How comfortable are the men under such cover!

They have all the bonuses of family life: coziness, care, warm food, laundry, regular intimacy and the like. What's in return? No responsibility! Neither moral nor legal... At any time, a man can leave without remorse and financial losses.

A friend of mine lived in a civil marriage for a while. When her cohabitant decided to buy an apartment on a mortgage, she immediately warned him: "This is your apartment, your renovation, and I will not invest in this money and my energy."

To be honest, I admire her determination and flexibility of mind. After all, the girl perfectly understood how such a story could end. She appealed so deftly with the phrase “this is yours” that the young man soon proposed to her.

But many ladies prefer to console themselves with the idea that they are married without five minutes. And in vain, because while the beauty washes a man’s underwear, cooks cakes, pays mortgages and loans, she wastes time and energy on a man who is not ready to call her official wife.

Another trick that clever men invented: fear of stamps in the passport. If your faithful is so afraid of the mark in the document, be sure to ask him how he feels when applying for visas, driver's license and other documents?

99% of the time, if a man is afraid to come out and tell the public that you're together, he doesn't want to. So, secretly, he still dreams of first love or hopes to meet someone better, nicer.
And naive women live waiting: three years with one, four with another, five with a third. Oh, it's her fortieth birthday and she doesn't have her wedding ring yet.

How do you feel about civil marriage?
How to make a lazy sweater in two evenings
Cancer cells simply do not form if a person is constantly eating.