Why foreigners are not comfortable in our apartments
Have you ever seen the eyes of foreigners round with amazement, who enter the expanses of our homeland? If so, it is not surprising! Our Fatherland gives us space for discovery. Differences in mentality, potential, values, views of the world – all this magnet attracts and intrigues curious residents of the “decaying West”.
They are alien to our habits and way of life, and a special reason for surprise is our home. And not some high-rise buildings in the elite area of the city, but ordinary Stalinka, Khrushchev and Brezhnevka are the most familiar housing in the post-Soviet space.
On the Internet, they were given an eloquent nickname - "grandmothers". And indeed, in such dwellings most often live. lonesomeThey were forgotten by their grown children. These elderly people are very sorry, because often they simply do not have the financial opportunity to change something in the interior of their apartment.
But there are individuals who, even with a lot of money, are hesitant to make repairs. That’s because “We’ve been in line for 2 years behind this wall” and “Do you even know how much this carpet costs?”
What is so surprising and at the same time frightening Westerners in our harsh apartments? Let's look at everything in order...
Despite everything, foreigners from year to year continue to travel around the expanses of our homeland. How wonderful that we always have something to surprise them!

They are alien to our habits and way of life, and a special reason for surprise is our home. And not some high-rise buildings in the elite area of the city, but ordinary Stalinka, Khrushchev and Brezhnevka are the most familiar housing in the post-Soviet space.

On the Internet, they were given an eloquent nickname - "grandmothers". And indeed, in such dwellings most often live. lonesomeThey were forgotten by their grown children. These elderly people are very sorry, because often they simply do not have the financial opportunity to change something in the interior of their apartment.

But there are individuals who, even with a lot of money, are hesitant to make repairs. That’s because “We’ve been in line for 2 years behind this wall” and “Do you even know how much this carpet costs?”
What is so surprising and at the same time frightening Westerners in our harsh apartments? Let's look at everything in order...

- Atmosphere
Deciding to remove one woman in the “grandmother’s house” somewhere on the outskirts, you should be ready for the fact that every day in this cement “chamber of horror” there is a merciless struggle for survival. Favorite neighbors do not let anyone get bored: quarrels on the other side of the wall, regular flooding of the apartment with water, close surveillance - all this makes life unbearable. - Entrances
Housing of our compatriots, as a rule, clean and cozy, but, going to their own entrance, these people shit with some fatal pleasure. Folding cigarette butts, the smell of urine, inscriptions on the walls and not only ... In general, it is better not to touch the walls. - Tapochki
This element of home comfort is firmly entrenched in our everyday life. All guests are able to change into home shoes. For what? Unknown. Is it not enough to just take off your shoes? Many people are so used to wearing slippers that without them they no longer feel comfortable. - Family members
If the Americans and Europeans are more restrained in relation to family ties, then our countrymen are not particularly ceremonious, visiting relatives. The near and far may fall into the house at night in a large crowd and live for several months. At the same time, they will not be embarrassed that there is no free space for tenants in the house. And asking when dear guests are going home is extremely tactless. - balcony
The French and Italians use their balconies for morning tea, but our compatriots are not balcony sewers. If there is extra free space, our person will always find something to put there! Often, to get to their own balcony, people have to make a small tunnel through the mountains of junk. - dacha
Our cottages are not a place for aimless pastime and rest! On their well-deserved vacation, most countrymen go to the outskirts of the city to plow in the garden to lose their pulse. And then they go back to work proudly, telling them how many bags of potatoes were planted/dug up.
Despite everything, foreigners from year to year continue to travel around the expanses of our homeland. How wonderful that we always have something to surprise them!
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I took two wool threads and hairspray... I'm going for a walk tomorrow with a new one!