What books put your thoughts in order

I cannot imagine my life without books. I remember reading Don Quixote, The Little Prince and Treasure Island several times as a child. Now, unfortunately, enjoy reading is not often. The modern rhythm of life is not a fairy tale! Work, household chores and everyday life are protracted. Women forget about their true purpose, run to work, are late. Time is sorely short.


What books are worth reading We have prepared a list that contains the best Psychology books that are worth reading. They will help to reveal your inner potential, restore harmony of soul and body.

  1. Robin Norwood, “Women Who Love Too Much”
    The book deals with the phenomenon of relationship dependence. It is no less dangerous than alcohol or drug addiction. I recommend reading to anyone who has lost self-esteem and has lost their relationship with men.

  2. Bert Hellinger, Orders of Love
    A book about family therapy and relationship crisis. Information is provided in the form of records from seminars. They were conducted by the author himself, a well-known psychotherapist. Exploring situations of family conflicts, you can find a solution for your own life.

  3. John Gray, Men from Mars, Women from Venus
    Legendary book, world psychological bestseller. It will help you understand the difference between men and women. Men have a straightforward view of the world. Communication for them is the transmission of information. For women, everything is different, you want to know how - read the book!

  4. Clarissa Pincola Estes, Running with Wolves
    Clarissa Estes has been teaching and practicing psychoanalysis for over twenty years. The presented book will tell about the pristine destiny of a woman, her wisdom and extraordinary power. It will help to find the archetype of the “wild woman” and skillfully use it in the modern world. The text is a bit complex, full of psychological terms and analytics.

  5. Louise Hay, "Woman Power"
    Louise Hay is a woman who cured herself of cancer with the power of her own mind. The author shares tips on how to get rid of true female stereotypes and complexes with the help of positive thinking. A book that I want to read many times. It should be in every home, then peace and harmony will live forever in the heart.

  6. Olga Valyaeva “Destination to be a woman”
    The book will help you gain strength and learn to accept your emotions, achieve harmony and peace. To replenish the reserves of female energy in the modern world will help 85 tips of the author.

  7. Dale Carnegie, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
    It’s not just a book, it’s a guide to “rising from the ashes.” A true source of calm and balance. The book will teach you to breathe calmly, help you find a way out in difficult situations and maintain composure.

  8. Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    Be sure to read this book. It does not disappear from the shelves, it is considered the first in the world ranking of literature about business. It's simple and accessible. A real guide to action! What is money, how to make it work for yourself - all this the author tells in detail and shows on examples from his personal life.

  9. Karen Pryor, Don't growl at the dog
    Have no time for this book. In a peculiar form, it tells that relations with people are like training animals. The style of writing is provocative. Although in the book you can find a lot of advice on building relationships with people.

  10. Alan and Barbara Pease, "Body Language"
    You’ve probably seen the series Lie Theory. This book is a practical guide. Learn how to read thoughts and use sign language.

  11. Sigmund Freud, Essays on the Psychology of Sexuality
    Well written. It is useful for people who want to understand the true origin of complexes and sexual deviations. Reading is fascinating, although some thoughts contradict generally accepted norms of morality. Perhaps this is why people are so reluctant to accept them.

These are the best. Books that everyone should read. You will forever change your view of the world and become a better person.

Tell your friends about this list, probably many want to understand yourself.


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