The worst mistake I made was to keep my maiden name. My husband was replaced after the wedding.
Many brides on the eve of marriage are wondering whether to change the maiden name to the surname of the husband? It seems very simple - of course, to change! But there are cases when the husband’s name is so unsound that the thought of changing important documents makes the bride shudder.
But today, many ladies (even if the husband's name caresses the rumor) are in no hurry to part with the family. maiden name. Often disputes about the "family issue" end with the fact that the man completely refuses to go to the registry office.
This view is well-founded. The fact is that the tradition of passing the name from the husband to the wife is purely patriarchal. Thus, a woman agrees to accept the values and way of life of a man.
Therefore, most representatives of the stronger sex at a subconscious level are sure that if a woman takes a male surname, then she agrees to recognize the primacy of the beloved in everything. Refusing the name, the woman questions the fact that in their family a man will play the role of the first violin.
The question of passing a male surname was carefully studied by American scientists from the University of Nevada. They surveyed 10,000 couples. It turned out that those couples who bore different surnames literally changed roles in the family: men considered their women stronger, more powerful and ambitious.
Against this background, there was a sharp change in the behavior of most men: representatives of the stronger sex literally gave up and often even in solving trifling problems, they preferred to give the reins to their wives.
Often men were so painfully perceived female dominance that they were covered by hypochondria. Soon obsessive thoughts really led to serious ailments.
Therefore, if a woman has no good reason to leave her maiden name, it is better to follow the lead of a man. He will surely rejoice when he sees his wife’s new documents with his last name. The new wife will feel that she is now married.
We wish all our family readers long years of married life and boundless understanding! Let adversity bypass the house.

But today, many ladies (even if the husband's name caresses the rumor) are in no hurry to part with the family. maiden name. Often disputes about the "family issue" end with the fact that the man completely refuses to go to the registry office.

This view is well-founded. The fact is that the tradition of passing the name from the husband to the wife is purely patriarchal. Thus, a woman agrees to accept the values and way of life of a man.

Therefore, most representatives of the stronger sex at a subconscious level are sure that if a woman takes a male surname, then she agrees to recognize the primacy of the beloved in everything. Refusing the name, the woman questions the fact that in their family a man will play the role of the first violin.

The question of passing a male surname was carefully studied by American scientists from the University of Nevada. They surveyed 10,000 couples. It turned out that those couples who bore different surnames literally changed roles in the family: men considered their women stronger, more powerful and ambitious.

Against this background, there was a sharp change in the behavior of most men: representatives of the stronger sex literally gave up and often even in solving trifling problems, they preferred to give the reins to their wives.

Often men were so painfully perceived female dominance that they were covered by hypochondria. Soon obsessive thoughts really led to serious ailments.

Therefore, if a woman has no good reason to leave her maiden name, it is better to follow the lead of a man. He will surely rejoice when he sees his wife’s new documents with his last name. The new wife will feel that she is now married.

We wish all our family readers long years of married life and boundless understanding! Let adversity bypass the house.
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