Men have complexes too! 10 hidden fears that 90% of men are afraid to say

It is so customary that men should be strong, fearless, successful. Especially in women’s eyes, they should look like real masters of the world. However, this is another misconception imposed on us by society. A man is primarily a person who has his own fears and complexes.


But it's time to expose. Today's edition. "Site" The 10 most common fears that 90% of men hide. It is important to know what disturbs the stronger sex in order to better get along with them and understand them.

Men's fears
  1. Money.
    Material state is the main headache of all men. The family is on their shoulders. Many men don’t even start relationships with girls until they make enough money. There is a stereotype that women only need money. But women are really more important than attention and care. To seem more significant, men even exaggerate their well-being or plunge into debt.


View of the body
Men, of course, do not show preoccupation with their bodies the way women do. But in fact, they want to look fit and courageous, and the appearance of the stomach gives rise to a lot of complexes in them. They also know that women like pumped-up guys, especially since childhood they are taught to be defenders.


So much. complexes about height. Those below 170 centimeters are very worried about this. By the way, men of small stature very often achieve great heights. So they compensate for what they think is a shortcoming. We think that if women talked less about the fact that a man should be above them, men would not have such fear.

We all know about female competition. But in men it is also present, only they do not show it. They also evaluate other men and are very worried if a girl looks at someone or pays attention. Especially if that person is richer or more beautiful. This is very damaging to pride and self-esteem. Tell your loved one more often that he is the best and that you love him so that he can bear it all more easily.


A little experience with girls
How? men love Be proud of their pseudo-achievements in relationships with women. But in fact, they exaggerate the number of partners several times in order to appear better than other men, and, of course, want to hint to women about their experience in bed affairs. And it is necessary to show that the goods are valuable, before you have time to blink an eye, as another woman will take her. The macho image haunts men everywhere.


Men are very worried about the vegetation on the body, and even more so about the baldness on the head. Too little hair on the body - maybe it's not manly enough? Too much - do you look like an animal? So do not hint at men about hair problems - for them it is a very painful issue.

As soon as a man tells someone that he is on a diet, he will immediately be laughed at by other men or women. Therefore, men usually remain silent about this in order not to cause unnecessary suspicion about their person. But the stronger sex also restrict themselves in food, diet when necessary, because they also monitor their health and want to look good.


Relationship with your lover
Another stereotype: a man is an insensitive, brutal animal who cares only about sex. But they, like women, are important warmth, simple communication and affectionate words. They just don’t talk a lot about love and happy relationships, because it’s not accepted. But they worry a lot about the relationship and always want the interests of both to be met.


If a woman has more partners than he has girls, a man has a complex. He will always compete with her in his imagination. You may also feel inexperienced compared to a woman. Your main task is to let him know that the past is in the past.


Expression of emotions
“Men don’t cry,” everyone has been taught since childhood. And, as adults, representatives of the stronger sex are afraid to show their feelings and emotions, so that this is not regarded as weakness. But they also have their own experiences, troubles, resentments. So do not once again tell a man how he should behave in a particular situation. He doesn't owe anyone anything. He's just a man who has emotions.


Give your man more time and always tell him about his importance in your life. So he will have no fears or complexes. Share useful information with your friends on social networks!


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