Wonder grass, or a surgeon without a scalpel. Removes inflammation, heals wounds, dissolves kidney stones, and not only ...
Grass has fallen It helps treat many diseases that modern medicine cannot cure without surgery. For this, she is called a “surgeon by nature” or “scalpelless surgeon”. And the scientific name of this herb is erva woolly.
The homeland of the grass half fell - the island of Ceylon, belonging to the territory of the state of Sri Lanka. Nowadays, erva woolly began to be cultivated in other regions, including the territory of the former USSR.
Erva woolly medicine of Ceylon since ancient times used grassy for the treatment of many ailments and considered it one of the best medicinal plants that can dissolve stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, as well as cleanse the body of harmful substances.
In modern medical practice, the herb half-pal is used to treat pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.
Curative properties
How to take
Treatment is necessarily carried out in combination with a special diet, in which fried, spicy and fatty dishes should be removed from the diet, as well as spices, spices, mushrooms, legumes and other harmful products (including tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks).
Contraindications to use - individual intolerance, osteoporosis, diseases that are accompanied by increased excretion of calcium, you can not take infusion half-pala children under 12 years.
And remember about the unpleasant factor: decoction half-pala significantly damages tooth enamel. Drink this herb only through a straw. It is best to rinse your mouth with warm water immediately after application, and even better to brush your teeth.
I wish you health without drugs, and let the grass half fall! Mother nature generously gifted us, giving many plants the ability to heal a person and endow him with vitality.
"Site" It offers to keep the list of amazing herbs, the use of which has a powerful therapeutic effect. Do not forget that the doses of drugs and methods of their use in each case should be prescribed by a doctor.

The homeland of the grass half fell - the island of Ceylon, belonging to the territory of the state of Sri Lanka. Nowadays, erva woolly began to be cultivated in other regions, including the territory of the former USSR.
Erva woolly medicine of Ceylon since ancient times used grassy for the treatment of many ailments and considered it one of the best medicinal plants that can dissolve stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, as well as cleanse the body of harmful substances.

In modern medical practice, the herb half-pal is used to treat pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis, inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract.
Curative properties
- Powerful diuretic
Unlike other diuretics, it does not lead to sharp dehydration. Helps to remove uric acid, urea and chlorides in urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, urethritis and cystitis. Due to the action of grass from the body chases sand. Of course, there are drugs with a similar effect, for example, phytolysin. But these are drugs. - Excellent tool for cleaning the body
Removes heavy metal salts and industrial toxins. That is why this herb is recommended to drink those who live in places with a bad environmental situation. I think this applies to almost everyone today. - Natural anti-inflammatory agent
Often, expensive medications are not required to relieve the inflammatory process, which is reduced by increasing urinary flow as a result of the action of erva woolly. - Erva woolly It also helps to get rid of polyps in the intestines and fibroids.
- Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels, dilutes the blood.
- Treats persistent migraines, disorders of the female cycle.
- Regulates metabolism.
How to take
- Pour a tablespoon of finely chipped grass with one glass of boiling water and heat it for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool to a warm state, strain and squeeze. Drink the decoction warm for half a glass half an hour before eating through a tube, so as not to damage the enamel of the teeth.
- You can make an infusion in a thermos. One tablespoon half-pala pour 250 g of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink a third glass of warm decoction 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-30 days.
- Pol-Pala removes harmful substances from the body, cleanses it. Here is a recipe for enema with a decoction of miracle grass: a glass of decoction of grass for 2 liters of warm water. Do enemas in the morning and evening 3 times a week, then a week break. 3 times. After a warm enema, make a cold one - 20 degrees. Immediately put a warm heating pad on the liver. For decoctions, it is desirable to use melt, spring or distilled water.
Treatment is necessarily carried out in combination with a special diet, in which fried, spicy and fatty dishes should be removed from the diet, as well as spices, spices, mushrooms, legumes and other harmful products (including tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks).

Contraindications to use - individual intolerance, osteoporosis, diseases that are accompanied by increased excretion of calcium, you can not take infusion half-pala children under 12 years.
And remember about the unpleasant factor: decoction half-pala significantly damages tooth enamel. Drink this herb only through a straw. It is best to rinse your mouth with warm water immediately after application, and even better to brush your teeth.
I wish you health without drugs, and let the grass half fall! Mother nature generously gifted us, giving many plants the ability to heal a person and endow him with vitality.

"Site" It offers to keep the list of amazing herbs, the use of which has a powerful therapeutic effect. Do not forget that the doses of drugs and methods of their use in each case should be prescribed by a doctor.
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