This is how I cured my liver without medication. I share an exercise that works without fail!
The role of the liver in the human body is difficult to overestimate. The range of its functions is wide and varied. The main one is the barrier. After all, it is the liver that accounts for the bulk of the fight against various toxins, poisonous products of protein metabolism and all that we ourselves load it. Improper nutrition, alcohol bad habits - all this affects the condition of the liver and leads to various diseases.
Most often there are various forms of liver failure, fatty degeneration of the liver (a disease preceding cirrhosis) and various types of hepatitis. If everything is already in advanced form - you can not do without medications, but you can prevent and alleviate the condition with the help of one exercise, and "Site" He'll tell you about it.
How to cure liver B traditional Chinese medicine The liver is considered to be the commander of the army who develops strategy. And this applies not only to our body, but also to the effect of the liver on our ability to plan for life. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the movement, distribution and circulation of qi energy throughout the body.
These are interrelated processes: the liver provides the movement of energy, and energy in turn moves the blood. Accordingly, if energy stagnates, then blood stagnates. Because of this, various health problems can occur: pain in the sides, chest and lower abdomen, the formation of seals. It can also affect menstruation in women, up to their absence.
There is one asana in yoga that helps to solve these problems. It is known as halasana, or plow posture. It helps to overcome various forms of liver failure. To some extent, it duplicates the action of hepatoprotectors, and also helps restore liver function and the circulation of qi energy in the body.
To properly perform this exercise, you should lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body with your palms down, squeeze your legs. That's the starting point. All the following movements should be performed with extreme caution and without sudden movements. First, raise your straight legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor.
Emphasize your palms, raise your feet above your head and slowly lower your socks to the floor. Keep your legs straight. For greater efficiency, the hands should be clutched into the lock, but if it does not work, it is not terrible. Stay in this position for a few minutes (you can count to 100). Then carefully return to the starting position.
What happens during this exercise and why does it help the liver? The volume of the abdominal cavity decreases and intrauterine pressure increases. The compression of the hepatic veins increases, and the venous outflow changes. When you leave the exercise, the blood flow starts with a new force. Thus, blood circulation improves, the activity of liver cells and biochemical reactions is accelerated. The energy is also circulating correctly.
The most important thing in this exercise is for the liver - the moment of exit from it. Therefore, it does not matter how exactly to perform the exercise – with straight or bent legs. If it is difficult to keep your legs straight, you can lower your knees on your forehead, and spread your elbows to the sides. The effect on the liver will be the same.
You can learn more about the proper performance of this beautiful exercise from the video. Beginners must watch!
Can the liver be cured? Without medication, using only this exercise? It all depends on the degree of the disease. If this is a serious violation of the liver - it is better to consult a doctor and be treated with appropriate drugs. Exercise can be used as a supplement to treatment. If you just feel a slight malaise or discomfort (for example, overeat on holidays or drank too much, and the liver rebelled), then this exercise will help the best!
What exercises do you know to help your internal organs work? Share it in the comments!

Most often there are various forms of liver failure, fatty degeneration of the liver (a disease preceding cirrhosis) and various types of hepatitis. If everything is already in advanced form - you can not do without medications, but you can prevent and alleviate the condition with the help of one exercise, and "Site" He'll tell you about it.
How to cure liver B traditional Chinese medicine The liver is considered to be the commander of the army who develops strategy. And this applies not only to our body, but also to the effect of the liver on our ability to plan for life. According to Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the movement, distribution and circulation of qi energy throughout the body.

These are interrelated processes: the liver provides the movement of energy, and energy in turn moves the blood. Accordingly, if energy stagnates, then blood stagnates. Because of this, various health problems can occur: pain in the sides, chest and lower abdomen, the formation of seals. It can also affect menstruation in women, up to their absence.

There is one asana in yoga that helps to solve these problems. It is known as halasana, or plow posture. It helps to overcome various forms of liver failure. To some extent, it duplicates the action of hepatoprotectors, and also helps restore liver function and the circulation of qi energy in the body.

To properly perform this exercise, you should lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body with your palms down, squeeze your legs. That's the starting point. All the following movements should be performed with extreme caution and without sudden movements. First, raise your straight legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor.

Emphasize your palms, raise your feet above your head and slowly lower your socks to the floor. Keep your legs straight. For greater efficiency, the hands should be clutched into the lock, but if it does not work, it is not terrible. Stay in this position for a few minutes (you can count to 100). Then carefully return to the starting position.

What happens during this exercise and why does it help the liver? The volume of the abdominal cavity decreases and intrauterine pressure increases. The compression of the hepatic veins increases, and the venous outflow changes. When you leave the exercise, the blood flow starts with a new force. Thus, blood circulation improves, the activity of liver cells and biochemical reactions is accelerated. The energy is also circulating correctly.

The most important thing in this exercise is for the liver - the moment of exit from it. Therefore, it does not matter how exactly to perform the exercise – with straight or bent legs. If it is difficult to keep your legs straight, you can lower your knees on your forehead, and spread your elbows to the sides. The effect on the liver will be the same.
You can learn more about the proper performance of this beautiful exercise from the video. Beginners must watch!
Can the liver be cured? Without medication, using only this exercise? It all depends on the degree of the disease. If this is a serious violation of the liver - it is better to consult a doctor and be treated with appropriate drugs. Exercise can be used as a supplement to treatment. If you just feel a slight malaise or discomfort (for example, overeat on holidays or drank too much, and the liver rebelled), then this exercise will help the best!
What exercises do you know to help your internal organs work? Share it in the comments!