Here are 8 foods that are considered healthy but contain a terrifying amount of sugar.
Anyone who takes care of their health knows harmfulness of sugar. Excessive use of it increases the risk of heart disease and obesity. We carefully monitor the amount of sugar, deny ourselves an extra piece of cake and try to use only useful products. But did you know that even foods that we consider healthy contain a huge amount of sugar?
Editorial "Site" Tell you what these products are and how not to become a victim latent sugar.
Increased sugar content of 8 products with a trick
It is always worth remembering how harmful excessive consumption of sugar is and taking care of your health in time. We have prepared for you a list of signals that the body gives if too much sugar. At least one of them is a serious reason to worry about your health!
Many of these products are advertised as healthy, low-fat or organic, but it is important to understand that this does not make them less sweet. Always read the label carefully and be vigilant!
Did you know that these foods contain so much sugar? Share with us in the comments!

Editorial "Site" Tell you what these products are and how not to become a victim latent sugar.
Increased sugar content of 8 products with a trick
- Grain
You probably like breakfast with cereals a lot. It’s not a bad habit, but sometimes grains can contain excess sugar. You do not need to give up your favorite breakfast, just carefully make sure that the sugar content in the cereal is no more than 9 grams. Also, make sure that it has at least 3 grams of fiber and that it is a whole grain.
DepositPhotos - Whole wheat pancakes
Another popular breakfast option is whole wheat pancakes. They are considered useful, but most mixtures for such pancakes contain granular sugar. In addition, it is customary to add maple syrup or jam to them, which also contains a lot of sugar.
DepositPhotos - Dry fruits
Dried fruits are an excellent source of fiber, they are rich in vitamins and are very useful for the body. Only in moderation. The sugar content in them is decent and it is definitely not worth it. A handful a day will be more than enough. It is better to add more fresh fruits to the diet.
DepositPhotos - Granola bars.
I skipped breakfast and then had a snack with a muesli bar. It's normal, isn't it? Unfortunately, one of the main ingredients of this bar is sugar. One of these bars can contain a daily amount of sugar, so be careful. Choose the ones that say “low in sugar.”
DepositPhotos - Fruit juices
Fresh juices are very good for health, but packaged juices are another story. Natural juices get their sweetness from fructose, and packaged only thanks to sugar syrup. In addition, such juices contain many times less vitamins than fresh. It is better to use only fresh juices. If you still want to buy juice in a bag, choose 100%, as it does not contain sugar.
DepositPhotos - Filled yogurts
Pure yogurt is useful for our body, it is a probiotic that has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. If you prefer yogurt with filler, we have bad news for you. Not only does it contain a huge amount of sugar, it is also more caloric than regular yogurt.
DepositPhotos - Tomato sauce and ketchup
Tomato paste may not be as useful as it seems. Yes, tomato sauce is rich in vitamin C, but one cup of this sauce in the preparation of pasta, and the consumption of sugar is already several times higher than normal. You can, of course, search the labels for sugar-free sauce, but it is better to make ketchup at home.
DepositPhotos - Sports drinks
You probably know that soft drinks and carbonated water contain a lot of sugar. Sports energy drinks also fall into this category. It may be fashionable, but it's certainly not great.
It is always worth remembering how harmful excessive consumption of sugar is and taking care of your health in time. We have prepared for you a list of signals that the body gives if too much sugar. At least one of them is a serious reason to worry about your health!
Many of these products are advertised as healthy, low-fat or organic, but it is important to understand that this does not make them less sweet. Always read the label carefully and be vigilant!
Did you know that these foods contain so much sugar? Share with us in the comments!
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