Easter basket: this is what is absolutely not holy in the church!
Hello, dear and beloved. The great holiday is the Resurrection of Christ. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the people will be drawn to the churches and churches to consecrate. basket. What you will not see in the hands of parishioners: meat, wine, money, car keys...
The essence of Orthodox Easter consecration, even on the greatest holidays, does not work automatically. In order for the grace of God to work in a person’s life, he must fulfill the commandments throughout his life. Enterprising people forget the true purpose of visiting the temple at Easter. And the contents of the Easter onion should be much simpler.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what foods cannot be consecrated in the church. When is Orthodox Easter?. The priests consider this a sin and pagan traditions.
The main components of the Easter basket are kulich (butter or cottage cheese) and eggs. It is in these products that Christian symbols are embedded. Kulich is a symbol of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the entire human race.
Eggs, churchlyYou can only paint it in red. Brightly painted paints are better left at home for beauty, they should not be consecrated.
Alcoholic beverages and even kagoras should not be carried to the temple. At Easter, the prayer for the consecration of wine is not read, alcohol absolutely does not fit into pious traditions.
The same applies to vegetables and fruits that are sanctified at the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Spas, August 19), but not at Easter. Also, candy, cookies, money and cutlery are the extra ingredients of the Easter basket.
Garlic, horseradish and salt endow magical properties only to those people who believe in mythology, and not in the power of prayer. Faith and popular belief have little in common.
Meat and sausages in any form strictly forbidden to enter the church gate, not the church. “Meat brought to the temple can defile it, because by his death Christ put an end to blood sacrifices.” The Easter service also reads a prayer for meat, but it speaks of permission to eat meat products after fasting, rather than sanctifying them.
The priests remind that there is a tradition to leave food in the temple for people who do not have the opportunity to prepare for Easter. feast. So bake some small cakes and put a couple more eggs in the basket. Your donation will be useful to those in need.
If consecrated food is spoiled, it should not be thrown away or given to animals. Such products are better to burn and throw the ashes in an unstoppable place, for example in a river, or sprinkle them on the ground in a flower pot.
You can supplement the Easter basket with a beautiful towel and a candle bought in the temple. During the consecration, light it, and do not worry if the flame goes out from the water. At home, a candle can be lit in front of the icon and let it burn completely.
Remember, the consecration of the kulichs is not the main thing on the day of the Resurrection of Christ. It is much more important to keep fasting, to defend midnight, to confess and to take communion. When will Orthodox Easter come in 2018Do not neglect worship, go to the temple, pray and share the joy of the bright holiday with all your relatives. Live with God and everything will be fine!
If you have not yet decided on the recipe for Easter cake, try to prepare an unusual and very tasty Easter Cruffin.
Try to make the kulich beautiful, because it is a symbol of a big holiday.

The essence of Orthodox Easter consecration, even on the greatest holidays, does not work automatically. In order for the grace of God to work in a person’s life, he must fulfill the commandments throughout his life. Enterprising people forget the true purpose of visiting the temple at Easter. And the contents of the Easter onion should be much simpler.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what foods cannot be consecrated in the church. When is Orthodox Easter?. The priests consider this a sin and pagan traditions.

The main components of the Easter basket are kulich (butter or cottage cheese) and eggs. It is in these products that Christian symbols are embedded. Kulich is a symbol of Christ, who sacrificed himself for the entire human race.
Eggs, churchlyYou can only paint it in red. Brightly painted paints are better left at home for beauty, they should not be consecrated.

Alcoholic beverages and even kagoras should not be carried to the temple. At Easter, the prayer for the consecration of wine is not read, alcohol absolutely does not fit into pious traditions.
The same applies to vegetables and fruits that are sanctified at the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Spas, August 19), but not at Easter. Also, candy, cookies, money and cutlery are the extra ingredients of the Easter basket.

Garlic, horseradish and salt endow magical properties only to those people who believe in mythology, and not in the power of prayer. Faith and popular belief have little in common.
Meat and sausages in any form strictly forbidden to enter the church gate, not the church. “Meat brought to the temple can defile it, because by his death Christ put an end to blood sacrifices.” The Easter service also reads a prayer for meat, but it speaks of permission to eat meat products after fasting, rather than sanctifying them.

The priests remind that there is a tradition to leave food in the temple for people who do not have the opportunity to prepare for Easter. feast. So bake some small cakes and put a couple more eggs in the basket. Your donation will be useful to those in need.
If consecrated food is spoiled, it should not be thrown away or given to animals. Such products are better to burn and throw the ashes in an unstoppable place, for example in a river, or sprinkle them on the ground in a flower pot.

You can supplement the Easter basket with a beautiful towel and a candle bought in the temple. During the consecration, light it, and do not worry if the flame goes out from the water. At home, a candle can be lit in front of the icon and let it burn completely.
Remember, the consecration of the kulichs is not the main thing on the day of the Resurrection of Christ. It is much more important to keep fasting, to defend midnight, to confess and to take communion. When will Orthodox Easter come in 2018Do not neglect worship, go to the temple, pray and share the joy of the bright holiday with all your relatives. Live with God and everything will be fine!

If you have not yet decided on the recipe for Easter cake, try to prepare an unusual and very tasty Easter Cruffin.
Try to make the kulich beautiful, because it is a symbol of a big holiday.
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