Roasted, smeared, wrapped... Pancake cake with strawberries, unprecedented beauty!

Thin fragrant pancakes themselves are still delicious, and pancakes with favorite berries and sweet cream, and even in such an original presentation, turn from an ordinary dish into a real masterpiece. Still don't know what to surprise the home? Listen carefully...

With this amazing and simple trick from "Site" You won't have any more questions. How to make delicious pancakesThis is the best recipe! An unusual cake made of pancakes with strawberries, exactly a fragrant rose, pleases not only the original presentation, but also the stunning taste. Write it down.

Pancake cake Ingredients
  • 250g flour
  • 60g melted butter
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 250g cream cheese
  • 80 ml cream 15% fat
  • 150g fresh strawberries

An unusually delicious cake flies in the blink of an eye! So keep in mind that the number of ingredients is designed for 4 servings.

  1. In deep dishes, mix sifted flour, melted butter, 3 tbsp of sugar (the other half will go for cream) and eggs. Stir thoroughly.

  2. Infuse the milk gradually, half a glass, constantly stirring the future pancake dough. As a result, you should get a liquid dough without lumps.

  3. Strain the dough through a sieve and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  4. While the dough fits, do the cream. Put cream cheese in the bowl, add the remaining 3 tbsp of sugar and thoroughly beat with a mixer.

  5. Pour into the cream mixture and beat again to form a homogeneous mass without lumps. Cream ready!

  6. Take the dough out of the fridge, lubricate the heated pan with a little butter and start baking pancakes. 3 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other will be enough.

  7. Put the finished pancakes in a pile and wait until they cool. Cut each pancake in two, and then each half in two. Each pancake should make 4 thin stripes.

  8. Put two pancakes on a board so that the edge of one goes to the edge of the other, grease with cream and lay strawberries, sliced in thin slices, on the top edge of the pancake. Wrap the pancake in the roulette.

  9. Do the same with other pancake stripes, alternating layers with and without strawberries. Wrap the first pancake roll in the second, the second in the third and so on. When folding pancake cake becomes difficult, put it on a plate.

  10. The remaining slices of pancakes lubricate with cream and carefully lay around the main dish, slightly pressing them.

  11. Send ready. strawberry cake In the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then cut and serve an appetizing treat to the table!

I want to cook such a delicacy every day, because it is simple, and tasty, and beautiful. It's a real look, not a cake! By the way, instead of cream cheese, you can use custard or sour cream, and replace strawberries with any other berry or fruit. And no matter how clever you are, the cake will always be great! What only one serve is worth...

You ready to experiment? Be sure to share in the comments photos of their masterpieces, we are very interested to see!


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