An experienced Chinese doctor: “Do not treat correctly, comrades!” Organs always get sick in pairs.
Knowledge of oriental medicine always amazes the imagination with its depth. After all, these teachings consider the human body not just as a set of organs, but as a complex system of interweaving physiological functions and energy flows. Unlike Western colleagues, representatives of the East believe that the processes occurring in the human body are inextricably linked with what happens in the energy shell.
And tonight. "Site" A little more will open the curtain over the mystery. traditional Chinese medicine It will tell you what energy meridians are and how they work.
The connection of internal organs on our body is a huge amount bioactive pointsThey work for the utilization of excess energy, as well as are responsible for the work of individual organs and systems. These are small areas about 2 mm in size. Eastern healers noticed that all these points are folded into chains, and gave them a name – meridians.
In total, healers identify 12 main meridians, each of which is responsible for the functioning of individual systems in our body.
As you can see, all meridians are connected in pairs. In each pair, one organ is yang energy and the other is yin energy. Usually, energy is distributed evenly between pairs of meridians, but if the balance is disturbed, both organs suffer at once. To make it clearer, let’s explain by example.
If diagnosed with pancreatitis, then there is an excess of energy in the meridian of the pancreas and spleen, but there is also a lack of energy in the paired meridian - the meridian of the stomach. And this indicates a 90% probability of gastritis with low acidity.
Or vice versa, the diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity. This indicates an excess of energy in the meridian of the stomach and a deficiency in the pancreas. That is, the degeneration of the pancreas. The disease may not even appear in any way for many years, from which it is even more dangerous.
From this we can conclude: the excess energy in the meridian causes hyperfunction or inflammatory process in the corresponding organ, and the deficiency - hypofunction or degenerative process. Most often, the first we detect the inflammatory process, and degenerative processes are hidden. But they can be the most dangerous.
Organs always get sick in pairs, which means that they need to be treated in pairs. After all, you can treat the inflammatory process in one of the paired organs without noticing the hypofunction of the other for many years. Any treatment will be in vain until the balance is restored. Knowing this, it is much more effective to treat diseases of internal organs.
Impact on biologically active points of our body can work miracles that are beyond the control of even modern medicine. Chinese medicine operates on these six pairs of meridians and twelve possible conditions for acupuncture treatment.
Of course, we have described only a very small amount of what is known about meridians. This is not a definitive idea of the energy structure of the human body, but even this makes us look at our body and its healing differently.
What do you think of traditional Chinese medicine? Would you like to know more about the meridians of the human body? Tell us about it in the comments!

And tonight. "Site" A little more will open the curtain over the mystery. traditional Chinese medicine It will tell you what energy meridians are and how they work.
The connection of internal organs on our body is a huge amount bioactive pointsThey work for the utilization of excess energy, as well as are responsible for the work of individual organs and systems. These are small areas about 2 mm in size. Eastern healers noticed that all these points are folded into chains, and gave them a name – meridians.
In total, healers identify 12 main meridians, each of which is responsible for the functioning of individual systems in our body.
- meridian
Responsible for metabolism and breathing. Controls the respiratory organs: larynx, trachea, bronchi. Impact on the meridian points reduces breathing problems, reduces temperature. In pair with him is the meridian of the large intestine.
DepositPhotos - colon meridian
It is closely related to the previous one, is responsible for digestion and for the function of excreting processed food from the human body. The impact on this meridian helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, disorders in the mucous membranes.
DepositPhotos - meridian
He is responsible for the most important energy organ of man - the stomach. This body is responsible for the normal intake and processing of food. Violations in its work reduce the overall protective properties of the body.
DepositPhotos - Meridian of the spleen and pancreas
These organs are responsible for assimilating the maximum benefit from food. This meridian is closely related to the previous one. 779607
DepositPhotos - Heart meridian
Meridian is responsible for the work of the heart and the state of the vascular system. On it also depend such manifestations as thinking, emotions and sensations. Violation in his work leads to stress, which leads to problems with the cardiovascular system.
DepositPhotos - Meridian of the small intestine
This meridian is involved in the further process of digestion of food, its cells absorb water from it. It forms a pair to the heart meridian. The impact on it helps with pain in the head, neck, shoulder blades.
DepositPhotos - bladder meridian
It is responsible for the process of removing fluid from the body. Impact on the meridian helps with spasms, skin diseases, disorders in the CNS, headaches.
DepositPhotos - Renal meridian
It supports the activity of all tissues and organs that are responsible for growth and reproduction. From its state depends on the energy state of the body. If something is wrong with him, there may be increased nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbance.
DepositPhotos - meridian pericardium
Just like the meridian of the heart, it affects the work of the cardiovascular system, but has a wider sphere of influence. Under the control of this meridian falls the sexual nature of man. It affects the human nervous system.
DepositPhotos - "Three heaters"
The meridian responsible for the human endocrine system. It is divided into three sections: upper (chest organs), middle (stomach, spleen), lower (kidneys and genitals). Connected to the pericardial meridian.
DepositPhotos - gallbladder meridian
This meridian is closely related to the liver meridian. The impact on it helps to get rid of pain in the forehead and temples, migraines, arthritis.
DepositPhotos - liver meridian
Correct energy flows in the liver contribute to the processes of preservation and self-renewal of the body. This meridian improves the condition and composition of the blood, activates the production of biologically active substances.
As you can see, all meridians are connected in pairs. In each pair, one organ is yang energy and the other is yin energy. Usually, energy is distributed evenly between pairs of meridians, but if the balance is disturbed, both organs suffer at once. To make it clearer, let’s explain by example.
If diagnosed with pancreatitis, then there is an excess of energy in the meridian of the pancreas and spleen, but there is also a lack of energy in the paired meridian - the meridian of the stomach. And this indicates a 90% probability of gastritis with low acidity.
Or vice versa, the diagnosis of gastritis with high acidity. This indicates an excess of energy in the meridian of the stomach and a deficiency in the pancreas. That is, the degeneration of the pancreas. The disease may not even appear in any way for many years, from which it is even more dangerous.
From this we can conclude: the excess energy in the meridian causes hyperfunction or inflammatory process in the corresponding organ, and the deficiency - hypofunction or degenerative process. Most often, the first we detect the inflammatory process, and degenerative processes are hidden. But they can be the most dangerous.

Organs always get sick in pairs, which means that they need to be treated in pairs. After all, you can treat the inflammatory process in one of the paired organs without noticing the hypofunction of the other for many years. Any treatment will be in vain until the balance is restored. Knowing this, it is much more effective to treat diseases of internal organs.
Impact on biologically active points of our body can work miracles that are beyond the control of even modern medicine. Chinese medicine operates on these six pairs of meridians and twelve possible conditions for acupuncture treatment.
Of course, we have described only a very small amount of what is known about meridians. This is not a definitive idea of the energy structure of the human body, but even this makes us look at our body and its healing differently.
What do you think of traditional Chinese medicine? Would you like to know more about the meridians of the human body? Tell us about it in the comments!
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