Childhood diseases serve mom signs
I want to continue the theme of childhood diseases. We as mothers in this case, you can do what I do that helps me. I have three of them. Sometimes they are – like all children – sick. I don't think America will reveal to you, will only streamline your experience about it. And questions on this topic are always very much.
1. Observe the child.
Almost always coming disease one way or another takes the mother signs through the behavior of the children. Usually if a child is suddenly not from that not from this becomes more difficult, I would even say unbearable, suddenly requires a lot more attention – for me it is a signal of the approaching disease.
Before, I did not understand. Noting this extraordinary behavior, could Naregatsi. In the end, the child was sick, and I was left with the guilt. Now I'm hardly noticing such signs, the child will immediately try to surround the maximum amount of love and warmth. And sometimes I would even say often – it's all over. If the disease comes, in its minimum expression.
2. My mother's breakdowns increase childhood diseases
This is a continuation of the previous paragraph. And yet. I noticed that if I suddenly on the child, frustrated, irritated — the disease become stronger. It is clear from the psychosomatic point of view – the baby's not all my feelings can Express, to speak. He does not understand.
And my mom's an avalanche of emotions spilled out at him, his body produces so much that he himself can't handle. All of this is converted to different ailments. Do you need it? Better to yell at the pillow, which still beat the couch and growl at the wall. Although this requires more awareness and inclusion.
And still if the rush of emotion the child has happened, apologise and talk to him. Say you sorry for what you afford. Tell him that it's not his fault that you're just tired. Apology to the children is always a strong step and terapeutyczny for both of you.
3. The main thing – not drugs, and love
I almost never use drugs. Under normal disease – absolutely. Do not force down temperature, for example. Ridiculously, but our middle son believes that everyone is treated to sweet tea. We he is the cure for all. Temperature – sweet herbal tea. Snot and coughing – again tea. Intestinal infection — again tea. Therefore, even in the games he has treated patients exclusively tea.
Of course, there are exceptional cases, and more serious, when can we and the child's doctor show, and some medicine to give. But most of all – sweet tea. Or rather, the love invested in it. Water baby with a spoon, even if he is already eight years old, and he could himself. Lie down with them, Pat them on the head. Sometimes wiping with a damp towel. To sing a song, tell a story. Just to be near, discarding all the cases. This works better than pharmacy medications.
4. As much of the sun.
It's more about prevention. And especially true for those who live in the North, where the sun is not enough. I know firsthand – our children are white-blue, almost transparent. And much more sick. So I take every opportunity to sun bath for children.
In Fiji they say that the sun heals everything right. And they are largely right. The sun is the vitamin D and the immune system, and much more. I try to make the children spent in the sun most of the time in the most naked condition. Where the sun aggressive – be sure to use the cream. Of course, I try to spend time in the sun in the middle and at the morning and afternoon sun, ideally two hours before sunset.
Moreover, when children get sick, I try them on in the morning and evening sun to pull out, to "lay out" — at least for the balcony. The sun heals better than the four walls of the house.
5. Physical activity – as much as possible.
The more children move, the more often you are on the air, the again, the better their immunity. Again, even during his illness I'm not trying to be on the limit. If we are at sea, then in the evening we go there even with the temperature. To lie on the ground, dig the sand and sickness leave. Of course, we won't carry ill children to places where other people is weird in relation to other children. But nature, it seems to me, very useful.
6. Hardening.
I'm not an expert on hardening, not a fan of that. Specially hardening we never had. To wash babies with cold water, you need at least to do the same themselves. And it is strange – do not pour, and children – is necessary. We should not be the goal, but in many places very well at it.
But with the birth of children we try not to coddle, clothe especially at home to a minimum. Almost always, in any season, at any temperature they are at home only in his underwear (and some without). At home we all just go barefoot. And it often happens that all those who at home always dressed in full, all the time in the nozzle. And our overweening.
We do not forbid them to swim in cold water. Remember, it was 15-17 degrees, and the older we frolicked in the lake near the house. Then, of course, run into a warm bath. Do not ban them and puddles to jump, and rain to run, and the snow roll.
7. Happiness-therapy.
Yeah, I already talked about this, but will not be superfluous to repeat. We want to give to that child who was ill the maximum amount of positive emotions and joy. This can contribute small gifts, and ice cream (even if the child's temperature), and some candy, cookies, cartoons, games, hike in the sand of the sea. Depending on the condition of the child, its needs and features.
Sometimes it happens that the child becomes ill before leaving for the sea, for example. And the first impulse is to cancel the trip. But most often it is on the sea all from the same place. And snot, and coughing, and the temperature disappear in an unknown direction. I know that this is not just us. Of course, with temperature under forty we're not going anywhere, and once we have that trip canceled. But thirty-seven and a half – it's not as scary as it seems.
8. Let the whole world wait.
When I have sick kids, everything else ceases to excite me at all. I can a few days do not clean your house, almost nothing to cook. Of course, any hobby, and things are laid out immediately. Because this is the only one who got sick. The house can wait, work. Child – can't wait
In my experience, in this case the child recovers more quickly gain greater amount of attention per unit of time. Becoming the number one in one or two days (longer than we have no one hurt).
9. The cycle of the disease in the family.
Yes, most likely they all suffer in a circle. In terms of lack of sun and nature, the circle can be closed, and after the third ill start again may be the first and have recovered. And that's fine.
You can spend a lot of effort to isolating the child, send the other to grandma, to move to another room. But for me it is too costly — both emotionally and physically. Simply accept that this is so. To be ready for this mentally. And then someone disease can be avoided.
So about half of the cases give way only our eldest son (his immune system, unfortunately, has been undermined by vaccinations). In other cases, hurt all three, but in different ways. Someone longer and more complicated, someone faster and easier.
10. During the illness the child is required to resupply their forces.
The most difficult usually occurs after the child has recovered. Because you may find that you are completely exhausted. Of course it's hard. If you treat the child with love, you always give him everything. Without a trace. And how to live then? And do you have enough energy to not only cure the child, but also the most survive? After all, disease is often and lack of sleep, and feelings, and constant involvement in the process, and whims, and the need to negotiate with your child on medications or procedures. It is not so easy.
You can imagine that you have a secret reserve of strength and energy, on a rainy day. When you have that got you protected. But as soon as he came to an end, you are at risk. The risk can be different and emotional collapse and physical illness. It can also be called "parent burnout". And why? Because we your stock is spent, and new have not created.
It's like you quit my job, spent my whole last paycheck, and then too need to live. And even if you get a new job, the first month you also need that to live, waiting for the first paycheck.
Taking care of your fullness should always be a priority for you. Especially when children get sick. Why especially? Because this time of your energy, children need more, they absorb it with a vengeance. So every minute try to regain my strength.
Fell asleep child? Do not rush to scrub floors. Lie down with him, relax, read your favorite book, in the tub go. Ask your husband to watch the evening with baby and take a walk without anybody, just get some fresh air. Will be back full force – and this will benefit both you and the child. Again, you will have something to give, and in this case – not "the last shirt".
The victim's mother is not always appropriate and not always useful. If you think that everything will be better from what you have now from all the squeezes to the last drop, and nothing for himself don't ask, you are mistaken. Who then will get you sick, angry and devastated? Who then have to endure, to heal and to nurse? Who then to receive from you in full for your sacrifice? Then who needs it?
11. Prayer.
This is probably our main weapon, which we are so rare and clumsy use. There is in every religion a large number of protective prayers and mantras. In traditional cultures the mother morning child bless and protect different attributes and charms. Somewhere was a shirt embroidered with the sacred protective sense, some drew patterns on the body and face, it may be hung on the neck of charms. And almost all of the children read prayers.
And we do this is not taught. Although I now remember my mom was grandma's notebook with some prayers and incantations in different diseases. Me then this notebook is very interested, although I don't remember, but mom it. That is, until relatively recently, all of this is passed down from mother to daughter. What smear, what kind of grass to brew, where to apply, what is the mood to read. Now we have such things to look, try, learn.
So in Orthodoxy (and Christianity in General) mostly for the children, pray the mother of God – after all, who better can understand the anxiety of the mother's heart. In other religions there are also special mantras or prayers. You can ask in your temple of knowledgeable people, to search the Internet. There are still Stormy omartian the book "the Power of parental prayer, where you can find many universal prayers for different occasions that will suit any religion.
We always overestimate the ability of medicine and medicines, abusing them. But underestimate the forces of nature, of love, of prayer and of the Lord. But it's all free, no overdose and adverse reactions, allergies and consequences!
I sincerely want to wish all the moms to diseases were less, so they happened less often and were faster!
Author: Olga Valyaeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/olga.valyaeva/posts/818408981560318:0
1. Observe the child.
Almost always coming disease one way or another takes the mother signs through the behavior of the children. Usually if a child is suddenly not from that not from this becomes more difficult, I would even say unbearable, suddenly requires a lot more attention – for me it is a signal of the approaching disease.
Before, I did not understand. Noting this extraordinary behavior, could Naregatsi. In the end, the child was sick, and I was left with the guilt. Now I'm hardly noticing such signs, the child will immediately try to surround the maximum amount of love and warmth. And sometimes I would even say often – it's all over. If the disease comes, in its minimum expression.
2. My mother's breakdowns increase childhood diseases
This is a continuation of the previous paragraph. And yet. I noticed that if I suddenly on the child, frustrated, irritated — the disease become stronger. It is clear from the psychosomatic point of view – the baby's not all my feelings can Express, to speak. He does not understand.
And my mom's an avalanche of emotions spilled out at him, his body produces so much that he himself can't handle. All of this is converted to different ailments. Do you need it? Better to yell at the pillow, which still beat the couch and growl at the wall. Although this requires more awareness and inclusion.
And still if the rush of emotion the child has happened, apologise and talk to him. Say you sorry for what you afford. Tell him that it's not his fault that you're just tired. Apology to the children is always a strong step and terapeutyczny for both of you.
3. The main thing – not drugs, and love
I almost never use drugs. Under normal disease – absolutely. Do not force down temperature, for example. Ridiculously, but our middle son believes that everyone is treated to sweet tea. We he is the cure for all. Temperature – sweet herbal tea. Snot and coughing – again tea. Intestinal infection — again tea. Therefore, even in the games he has treated patients exclusively tea.
Of course, there are exceptional cases, and more serious, when can we and the child's doctor show, and some medicine to give. But most of all – sweet tea. Or rather, the love invested in it. Water baby with a spoon, even if he is already eight years old, and he could himself. Lie down with them, Pat them on the head. Sometimes wiping with a damp towel. To sing a song, tell a story. Just to be near, discarding all the cases. This works better than pharmacy medications.
4. As much of the sun.
It's more about prevention. And especially true for those who live in the North, where the sun is not enough. I know firsthand – our children are white-blue, almost transparent. And much more sick. So I take every opportunity to sun bath for children.
In Fiji they say that the sun heals everything right. And they are largely right. The sun is the vitamin D and the immune system, and much more. I try to make the children spent in the sun most of the time in the most naked condition. Where the sun aggressive – be sure to use the cream. Of course, I try to spend time in the sun in the middle and at the morning and afternoon sun, ideally two hours before sunset.
Moreover, when children get sick, I try them on in the morning and evening sun to pull out, to "lay out" — at least for the balcony. The sun heals better than the four walls of the house.
5. Physical activity – as much as possible.
The more children move, the more often you are on the air, the again, the better their immunity. Again, even during his illness I'm not trying to be on the limit. If we are at sea, then in the evening we go there even with the temperature. To lie on the ground, dig the sand and sickness leave. Of course, we won't carry ill children to places where other people is weird in relation to other children. But nature, it seems to me, very useful.
6. Hardening.
I'm not an expert on hardening, not a fan of that. Specially hardening we never had. To wash babies with cold water, you need at least to do the same themselves. And it is strange – do not pour, and children – is necessary. We should not be the goal, but in many places very well at it.
But with the birth of children we try not to coddle, clothe especially at home to a minimum. Almost always, in any season, at any temperature they are at home only in his underwear (and some without). At home we all just go barefoot. And it often happens that all those who at home always dressed in full, all the time in the nozzle. And our overweening.
We do not forbid them to swim in cold water. Remember, it was 15-17 degrees, and the older we frolicked in the lake near the house. Then, of course, run into a warm bath. Do not ban them and puddles to jump, and rain to run, and the snow roll.
7. Happiness-therapy.
Yeah, I already talked about this, but will not be superfluous to repeat. We want to give to that child who was ill the maximum amount of positive emotions and joy. This can contribute small gifts, and ice cream (even if the child's temperature), and some candy, cookies, cartoons, games, hike in the sand of the sea. Depending on the condition of the child, its needs and features.
Sometimes it happens that the child becomes ill before leaving for the sea, for example. And the first impulse is to cancel the trip. But most often it is on the sea all from the same place. And snot, and coughing, and the temperature disappear in an unknown direction. I know that this is not just us. Of course, with temperature under forty we're not going anywhere, and once we have that trip canceled. But thirty-seven and a half – it's not as scary as it seems.
8. Let the whole world wait.
When I have sick kids, everything else ceases to excite me at all. I can a few days do not clean your house, almost nothing to cook. Of course, any hobby, and things are laid out immediately. Because this is the only one who got sick. The house can wait, work. Child – can't wait
In my experience, in this case the child recovers more quickly gain greater amount of attention per unit of time. Becoming the number one in one or two days (longer than we have no one hurt).
9. The cycle of the disease in the family.
Yes, most likely they all suffer in a circle. In terms of lack of sun and nature, the circle can be closed, and after the third ill start again may be the first and have recovered. And that's fine.
You can spend a lot of effort to isolating the child, send the other to grandma, to move to another room. But for me it is too costly — both emotionally and physically. Simply accept that this is so. To be ready for this mentally. And then someone disease can be avoided.
So about half of the cases give way only our eldest son (his immune system, unfortunately, has been undermined by vaccinations). In other cases, hurt all three, but in different ways. Someone longer and more complicated, someone faster and easier.
10. During the illness the child is required to resupply their forces.
The most difficult usually occurs after the child has recovered. Because you may find that you are completely exhausted. Of course it's hard. If you treat the child with love, you always give him everything. Without a trace. And how to live then? And do you have enough energy to not only cure the child, but also the most survive? After all, disease is often and lack of sleep, and feelings, and constant involvement in the process, and whims, and the need to negotiate with your child on medications or procedures. It is not so easy.
You can imagine that you have a secret reserve of strength and energy, on a rainy day. When you have that got you protected. But as soon as he came to an end, you are at risk. The risk can be different and emotional collapse and physical illness. It can also be called "parent burnout". And why? Because we your stock is spent, and new have not created.
It's like you quit my job, spent my whole last paycheck, and then too need to live. And even if you get a new job, the first month you also need that to live, waiting for the first paycheck.
Taking care of your fullness should always be a priority for you. Especially when children get sick. Why especially? Because this time of your energy, children need more, they absorb it with a vengeance. So every minute try to regain my strength.
Fell asleep child? Do not rush to scrub floors. Lie down with him, relax, read your favorite book, in the tub go. Ask your husband to watch the evening with baby and take a walk without anybody, just get some fresh air. Will be back full force – and this will benefit both you and the child. Again, you will have something to give, and in this case – not "the last shirt".
The victim's mother is not always appropriate and not always useful. If you think that everything will be better from what you have now from all the squeezes to the last drop, and nothing for himself don't ask, you are mistaken. Who then will get you sick, angry and devastated? Who then have to endure, to heal and to nurse? Who then to receive from you in full for your sacrifice? Then who needs it?
11. Prayer.
This is probably our main weapon, which we are so rare and clumsy use. There is in every religion a large number of protective prayers and mantras. In traditional cultures the mother morning child bless and protect different attributes and charms. Somewhere was a shirt embroidered with the sacred protective sense, some drew patterns on the body and face, it may be hung on the neck of charms. And almost all of the children read prayers.
And we do this is not taught. Although I now remember my mom was grandma's notebook with some prayers and incantations in different diseases. Me then this notebook is very interested, although I don't remember, but mom it. That is, until relatively recently, all of this is passed down from mother to daughter. What smear, what kind of grass to brew, where to apply, what is the mood to read. Now we have such things to look, try, learn.
So in Orthodoxy (and Christianity in General) mostly for the children, pray the mother of God – after all, who better can understand the anxiety of the mother's heart. In other religions there are also special mantras or prayers. You can ask in your temple of knowledgeable people, to search the Internet. There are still Stormy omartian the book "the Power of parental prayer, where you can find many universal prayers for different occasions that will suit any religion.
We always overestimate the ability of medicine and medicines, abusing them. But underestimate the forces of nature, of love, of prayer and of the Lord. But it's all free, no overdose and adverse reactions, allergies and consequences!
I sincerely want to wish all the moms to diseases were less, so they happened less often and were faster!
Author: Olga Valyaeva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/olga.valyaeva/posts/818408981560318:0
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