Intuitive Nutrition: You Can Eat Anything
Fashion for a healthy lifestyle entailed a passion for various diets, which are many on the Internet for every taste and wallet. They are effective, no doubt, but whether they bring health benefits is debatable.
Even those lucky people who managed to achieve the desired result, some time after the end of the diet unconsciously begin to catch up. And then out of nowhere extra centimeters, another newfangled diet and already native food breakdowns. How do you break this cycle that only leads to stress?
Healthy diet No diets, which I will talk about today "Site"The surest step on the way to a strong inside and toned body from the outside. If you learn to listen to your body, you can eat anything!
The method of intuitive eating began in the 1970s, when Teima Weiler decided to try a new approach to weight loss, which completely rejects diet and allows you to eat absolutely any food to achieve a healthy weight. The idea of Teima is extremely simple: the body knows whether it is hungry or not.
If you let your intuition run, the body will consume just as much food as is necessary for normal life - and not a gram more! Only by starting to respect physical hunger and avoiding emotional hunger, you can achieve sustained weight loss and get many pleasant bonuses: get rid of chronic stress, strengthen your health and love your own body.
An ardent propagandist of intuitive nutrition is a well-known psychotherapist and a qualified specialist in the field of nutrition Svetlana Bronnikova, who talks about diet-freeGives good advice on how to stop worrying about food and get rid of extra pounds without unnecessary hassle.
The principles of intuitive nutrition
Farewell, hunger! Stress diets don’t work, no matter how effective they may seem. As numerous studies show, in the long term, this way to lose weight, on the contrary, leads only to weight gain and deterioration of the general condition of the body.
To be healthy and look great, trust your body, listen to its needs and signals. As soon as you can choose and allow yourself any food, one way or another you will choose healthy.
Did you like the article? Share it with friends so that they get rid of excess weight and health problems by eating their favorite foods.
Even those lucky people who managed to achieve the desired result, some time after the end of the diet unconsciously begin to catch up. And then out of nowhere extra centimeters, another newfangled diet and already native food breakdowns. How do you break this cycle that only leads to stress?

Healthy diet No diets, which I will talk about today "Site"The surest step on the way to a strong inside and toned body from the outside. If you learn to listen to your body, you can eat anything!
The method of intuitive eating began in the 1970s, when Teima Weiler decided to try a new approach to weight loss, which completely rejects diet and allows you to eat absolutely any food to achieve a healthy weight. The idea of Teima is extremely simple: the body knows whether it is hungry or not.
If you let your intuition run, the body will consume just as much food as is necessary for normal life - and not a gram more! Only by starting to respect physical hunger and avoiding emotional hunger, you can achieve sustained weight loss and get many pleasant bonuses: get rid of chronic stress, strengthen your health and love your own body.

An ardent propagandist of intuitive nutrition is a well-known psychotherapist and a qualified specialist in the field of nutrition Svetlana Bronnikova, who talks about diet-freeGives good advice on how to stop worrying about food and get rid of extra pounds without unnecessary hassle.
The principles of intuitive nutrition
- Forget dieting.
Try to come to a clear understanding that any diet is harmful and ineffective. Forgetting about diets and eating favorite foods is an important point in overcoming stress. Allow yourself any food that the body needs, and do not limit yourself, because food is not an enemy, but a friend and helper.
DepositPhotos - "Make up" with junk food
Being fascinated by diets, most people often forbid themselves this or that food, without thinking, in fact, why. What's the point of denying yourself the pleasure of eating pizza when you really want it? After all, then, in a moment of weakness, you find yourself weaving fast food in a local diner, experiencing an unbearable sense of guilt and stress. The best solution is to allow yourself “little pranks” at any time, clearly and meaningfully answering the question: “What will I get in the end?” Pleasure and extra pounds, nothing else.” Understanding this and making informed food choices is key to successful intuitive eating practices.
DepositPhotos - Respect the hunger.
One of the most important rules of intuitive eating is to eat only when you feel hungry. If you are hungry, your body needs nutrients. Satisfying physical hunger is an important step towards building a trusting relationship with food and yourself. But restrictions in food, on the contrary, are fraught with sad consequences: a starving body at the first opportunity will begin to stock up on nutrients in case of food stress.
DepositPhotos - Listen to your emotions.
Find effective ways to distract yourself, calm down, and have fun without eating. Stress, boredom, anger, anxiety – each of these negative feelings has a cause, and food will not eliminate it. Food only temporarily masks negative emotions, as a result, leaving you alone not only with the source of experiences, but also with the consequences of unconscious overeating.
DepositPhotos - Respect the feeling of fullness
Eat until you feel full! Listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel when absolutely full. Try to assess the degree of satiety on a 10-point scale, where 10 points is discomfort from overeating, and 1 is a feeling of severe hunger. Next time you eat, stop at 5-6 points, even if your plate is full of food.
DepositPhotos - Respect your body.
Learn to respect your heredity and appearance no matter what number the scales show. Your body is your pride! It’s hard to benefit from dieting if you think unrealistically or overly critical of your own body. Love yourself and you will want to improve your body consciously, and this is the best incentive for healing.
DepositPhotos - Eat nicely.
It's simple - eat food in a pleasant disposing environment, take your time, enjoying the taste of each piece, as do, for example, the people of Japan. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are philosophical about food, and their culture suggests that during meals a person should receive true satisfaction. After this experience, you will be surprised to find that in order to get enough, you need much less food.
Farewell, hunger! Stress diets don’t work, no matter how effective they may seem. As numerous studies show, in the long term, this way to lose weight, on the contrary, leads only to weight gain and deterioration of the general condition of the body.
To be healthy and look great, trust your body, listen to its needs and signals. As soon as you can choose and allow yourself any food, one way or another you will choose healthy.
Did you like the article? Share it with friends so that they get rid of excess weight and health problems by eating their favorite foods.
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