The 10 principles of intuitive eating
In Western countries there is a growing interest in "intuitive nutrition". His method was developed by Dr. Stephen hawks. At the time, the doctor suffering from completeness, constantly tormented himself with fasts and severe diets, but hated the weight came back very quickly. Only after the hawks developed a technique of intuitive power, he was able to lose 22 pounds and to keep the result.
Eighty six million five hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred ninety one
Intuitive nutrition is radically different from the diet. The diet teaches us to limit the desire to deny the body in its demands, which further leads to the breakdown and grazing, as the body requires. And the intuitive power follows the principle of: give the body exactly what it requires, hear him, and he will be satisfied. Because the body knows what it needs.
So, the 10 basic tenets of intuitive eating:
1. Discard diets.
Come to a clear realization that any diet is harmful and useless. Throw books on diet and magazine articles that offer false hope of losing weight quickly, easily and permanently. Angry at all the lies where you feel a failure every time a diet stopped working and you again gain weight. If you leave in the minds of even a tiny hope that somewhere you can wait for new, better and more effective diet, you will not be able to focus on intuitive eating.
2. Respect your hunger.
Let your body adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise you will easily broken at the first temptation. If you wait for the moment of excessive hunger, all attempts to moderate and conscious eating will seem fleeting and do not have at the moment irrelevant. It is the recognition of the first biological signals of hunger and is the beginning of a trusting friendship between you and food. It is very important to accustom themselves to eating solely to satisfy hunger.
3. Challenge to control the power.
Say a loud "No!"the thoughts in my head that keep telling you that you — well, if you consume less than 1000 calories, and very bad if I allowed myself a piece of chocolate cake. Control power blames you all the rules, subtracted by the log. Its headquarters is located deep in our minds, and the speaker shouts poignant provoking phrase beznadega and accusations. Getting rid of such control is a crucial step towards intuitive eating.
4. Make peace with food.
Declare a truce, stop the battle with food! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't eat a particular food, over time, this failure turns into uncontrollable cravings and, as a result, overeating. And with such panache as if it's your last supper. And the inevitable sense of guilt and the extra pounds after that.
5. Respect their sense of fullness.
Listen to signals from your body that tells you that it no longer feels hunger. Notice how you feel in those moments when you are comfortably full. Pause during meals and pay attention to the taste of food, your level of saturation and a feeling of fullness in this moment. Evaluate the saturation on the 10 point scale (10 — damage, 1 – present and strong feeling of hunger). Stop by 5-6 points, even if your plate is still food.
6. Find the factor of satisfaction.
In Asian countries most people by its very nature, intuitive eaters. They believe that the purpose of food is pleasure and sustenance. They eat when hungry and stop when sated. When you eat exactly what you like in a favorable environment, derived from food, the pleasure multiplied, thereby giving you more energy and satisfaction. Discovering a similar experience, you may be surprised to discover that to the level of "enough" food was to go much smaller. Consciously enjoy every bite. And if you don't enjoy the food due to the quality of the meal, the subconscious will do it for you – at the expense of quantity.
7. Respect your feelings without food.
Look for ways to soothe, distract, or reward yourself without food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger — emotions that we experience regularly. Each sense has its own trigger and its own way of satisfaction. Food does not solve the problem either one of them. She can only comfort him for a short period or distract. Moreover, binding of emotional hunger will only make yourself feel worse in the long run. In the end, you will still need to deal with the source of emotions. And even with the consequences of overeating.
8. Respect your body.
Accept your genetics. No one can get into shoes 4 sizes too small, and so is useless to expect the same from body size. Hard to give up diets if you are unrealistic or overly critical of your body. You need to learn to love and respect yourself, what number could show the scale. The main thing that this love was the right character – you need to like yourself, stop being shy and make friends with yourself. Realizing that your body is your treasure, you yourself want to improve it.
9. Exercise — feel the difference.
Forget about military training. Just be active and feel the difference. Pay attention to the movements of the body and not to burn calories exercise. If you focus on the effect after a workout, you will feel the entire energy for you personally, you will understand the difference between what is best for you: lie down in the morning for a few more minutes in bed, or get up and stretch (or at least walk in the morning air). But if your only goal is to lose weight, it is rarely the motivating factor for charging.
10. Respect your health — choose sensible food.
Take those products that care about your health and taste buds. Remember that it is not necessary to maintain a perfect diet to be healthy. You do not happen nutritional deficiency and you will not gain weight from one meal. Only matters what you eat for a long time. While attention should not take the numbers on the scale, and progress, no matter how small it may be. No matter how slowly you move, the main thing — do not stop.
Source: /users/1077
Eighty six million five hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred ninety one
Intuitive nutrition is radically different from the diet. The diet teaches us to limit the desire to deny the body in its demands, which further leads to the breakdown and grazing, as the body requires. And the intuitive power follows the principle of: give the body exactly what it requires, hear him, and he will be satisfied. Because the body knows what it needs.
So, the 10 basic tenets of intuitive eating:
1. Discard diets.
Come to a clear realization that any diet is harmful and useless. Throw books on diet and magazine articles that offer false hope of losing weight quickly, easily and permanently. Angry at all the lies where you feel a failure every time a diet stopped working and you again gain weight. If you leave in the minds of even a tiny hope that somewhere you can wait for new, better and more effective diet, you will not be able to focus on intuitive eating.
2. Respect your hunger.
Let your body adequate energy and carbohydrates. Otherwise you will easily broken at the first temptation. If you wait for the moment of excessive hunger, all attempts to moderate and conscious eating will seem fleeting and do not have at the moment irrelevant. It is the recognition of the first biological signals of hunger and is the beginning of a trusting friendship between you and food. It is very important to accustom themselves to eating solely to satisfy hunger.
3. Challenge to control the power.
Say a loud "No!"the thoughts in my head that keep telling you that you — well, if you consume less than 1000 calories, and very bad if I allowed myself a piece of chocolate cake. Control power blames you all the rules, subtracted by the log. Its headquarters is located deep in our minds, and the speaker shouts poignant provoking phrase beznadega and accusations. Getting rid of such control is a crucial step towards intuitive eating.
4. Make peace with food.
Declare a truce, stop the battle with food! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can't or shouldn't eat a particular food, over time, this failure turns into uncontrollable cravings and, as a result, overeating. And with such panache as if it's your last supper. And the inevitable sense of guilt and the extra pounds after that.
5. Respect their sense of fullness.
Listen to signals from your body that tells you that it no longer feels hunger. Notice how you feel in those moments when you are comfortably full. Pause during meals and pay attention to the taste of food, your level of saturation and a feeling of fullness in this moment. Evaluate the saturation on the 10 point scale (10 — damage, 1 – present and strong feeling of hunger). Stop by 5-6 points, even if your plate is still food.
6. Find the factor of satisfaction.
In Asian countries most people by its very nature, intuitive eaters. They believe that the purpose of food is pleasure and sustenance. They eat when hungry and stop when sated. When you eat exactly what you like in a favorable environment, derived from food, the pleasure multiplied, thereby giving you more energy and satisfaction. Discovering a similar experience, you may be surprised to discover that to the level of "enough" food was to go much smaller. Consciously enjoy every bite. And if you don't enjoy the food due to the quality of the meal, the subconscious will do it for you – at the expense of quantity.
7. Respect your feelings without food.
Look for ways to soothe, distract, or reward yourself without food. Anxiety, loneliness, boredom, anger — emotions that we experience regularly. Each sense has its own trigger and its own way of satisfaction. Food does not solve the problem either one of them. She can only comfort him for a short period or distract. Moreover, binding of emotional hunger will only make yourself feel worse in the long run. In the end, you will still need to deal with the source of emotions. And even with the consequences of overeating.
8. Respect your body.
Accept your genetics. No one can get into shoes 4 sizes too small, and so is useless to expect the same from body size. Hard to give up diets if you are unrealistic or overly critical of your body. You need to learn to love and respect yourself, what number could show the scale. The main thing that this love was the right character – you need to like yourself, stop being shy and make friends with yourself. Realizing that your body is your treasure, you yourself want to improve it.
9. Exercise — feel the difference.
Forget about military training. Just be active and feel the difference. Pay attention to the movements of the body and not to burn calories exercise. If you focus on the effect after a workout, you will feel the entire energy for you personally, you will understand the difference between what is best for you: lie down in the morning for a few more minutes in bed, or get up and stretch (or at least walk in the morning air). But if your only goal is to lose weight, it is rarely the motivating factor for charging.
10. Respect your health — choose sensible food.
Take those products that care about your health and taste buds. Remember that it is not necessary to maintain a perfect diet to be healthy. You do not happen nutritional deficiency and you will not gain weight from one meal. Only matters what you eat for a long time. While attention should not take the numbers on the scale, and progress, no matter how small it may be. No matter how slowly you move, the main thing — do not stop.
Source: /users/1077