You can not save anyone.

You can not save anyone. You can attend with them, can offer them a grounding his sanity (reason), his peace. You even can share with them your way, offer them your vision. But, you can not remove their pain. You can not go their way instead. You can not give them the appropriate (correct) answers, or answers that they are able to learn right now (immediately). They will have to find the answers, ask your own questions, to make friends with their own insecurities. They will have to make their own mistakes, to feel his own grief, to learn their own lessons. If they really want to be alone, they have to trust the healing path that clears up, step by step (as you progress). You can not heal them. You can not dispel their fear, their anger, their feelings of helplessness. You can not save them ... you can not fix anything. If you're going to push too hard, they may stray from his unique way. Your way - maybe not their way.
You do not "create" their pain. Perhaps you did or did not do something said or not said something, and (thus) "hooked" the pain that was already inside them. But you're not "create" it, and you have nothing to blame, even if they claim otherwise. Yes, you can take responsibility for their "words and deeds". You can regret the past, but you can not "erase" or change what happened, you can not control the future. Anything you can do, is to "be" with them in the here and now, the only place in your power. You are not responsible for their happiness, and they are not responsible for yours.
Your happiness can not come from outside. If so, it is dependent, fragile happiness, which soon turn into sadness. Then, you will consume a "network" of the accusations and guilt, regret and "persecution." Your happiness is interconnected with your presence, with your connection with your breath with the body, with the "ground." Your happiness is not small, and it can not "remove" the fear, anger, and even the strongest shame. Your happiness - not the state, not a transitory experience (experience), and do not feel that you can give to others. Your happiness - the endless, ever-present, nothing more than unlimited space of the heart, where the joy and sadness, bliss and anguish, confidence and doubt, loneliness and "connections", even fear and desire, can replace each other, as the rainy and sunny weather, that "present" in the vast (vast) heavenly space.
You can not save anyone. You yourself can not be saved, if you are looking for salvation. No "in order" to save someone who lose someone to protect someone "to do" perfect or perfectly happy. Let go of any impossible ideal. You're beautiful in its imperfection, ideal outrageous in their doubts, perfect (love) even in the feeling inability to love. All these parts of you - granted, they all part of the whole, and you have never been less than the whole.
You breathe, you know that you're alive. You have a right to be (there), to feel what you feel, think what you think. You have a right to your joy, and the right to your grief. And right on your doubts too. You have the right to go their own way. The right to be right and wrong, the right to this huge happiness that you knew when I was little. You breathe and you can not be separated from the life force that "animates" everything which knows itself, like all creatures, reveals itself in every moment of this incredibly wonderful (amazing) life.
Your "I" is not tied to what others think about you. It is associated with the moon, with the vast expanse of space, comets, glistening in an unknown direction, with the "forgetting" of time and love and loneliness ... this unspeakable gratitude (appreciation) before each new dawn, unexpected, according to ...
Jeff Foster