What should not be in the house of a serious lady
Most of your life you spend in your home: sleeping, relaxing, receiving guests, working. Your home is a reflection of all events in life, and its energy can affect your well-being, luck, personal relationships and fate.
To allow happiness, luck and love into your life, it is necessary. Cleanse the house of negative energy. According to the ancient Eastern science of feng shui, the source of evil is a number of objects that you need to get rid of immediately.
How to clean the house
After you throw out all the things that steal your health and happiness, you should do it. purification. Take in your hand lit dry grass wormwood, juniper, aromatic candles or sticks. Start bypassing the house from the threshold, gradually moving strictly clockwise, a little linger in each corner. At the end of the walk at the front door read prayer.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect my house from envy and from attack by evil people. Help me cleanse my house of my own and my own filth. From swearing and shit, from anger and envy, cleanse my house. Save our house from ruin, fire and desecration. So let peace and love nest in it. Your will be done. Amen.
A person during sleep is most defenseless, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. In order not to provoke disorders of the psyche and body, pay attention to the organization of the bedroom according to the rules of feng shui.
Be careful with mirrors in the house: in any case do not keep broken, chipped or cracked. Treat them respectfully, control your thoughts and actions when you look at your reflection.
Women's health Happiness depends on harmony in the home. Throw away the things that cause trouble. Help the good energy to enter your home. Do you want that cleaning? Press the "Share on Facebook" button!

To allow happiness, luck and love into your life, it is necessary. Cleanse the house of negative energy. According to the ancient Eastern science of feng shui, the source of evil is a number of objects that you need to get rid of immediately.
How to clean the house
- Gifts.
You will not please your family and friends if you keep things that you do not like. It is reckless to put such objects in a prominent place in the house - so you only get more stress and weaken the energy of the room. Gifts from unpleasant people and at all act as a curse or evil eye. Exchange, sell, pass on things that do not please you. - Broken machinery, electronics.
Specialists in bioenergy claim that through the technique transmitted negative. As long as the phone, TV or radio is in working condition, you are not in danger. But once the technique fails, all the negative energy is channeled into the outside world. An old monitor or system unit of a computer can so strongly "fan" negative that they can cause oncology. - Newspapers and magazines
Do not store old newspapers, magazines and family archives at home. They bring someone else’s energy and make a mess of your life. All paper rubbish literally inhibits the thinking of the inhabitant of the house, like a tenacious web entangles life, preventing clarity of thought.
DepositPhotos - Hospital clothing
If you’ve been in the hospital for a while, don’t bring the clothes and shoes you used home. Everything from the hospital is filled with the energy of disease and suffering. Throw them away without thinking! With them you throw out problems, bad health and dark thoughts.
DepositPhotos - Things of dead people
To part with the objects of departed dear people is very difficult, as if to tear a piece from the heart. But all experts say that the things of the dead bring only misfortune, constantly making you remember the grief of loss. Give the clothes to charity, and let them keep the photos in the albums.
DepositPhotos - Old cleaning supplies
Old brooms, scoops, mops, rags create destructive energy and send troubles to the owner. If you are often sick and tired of constant troubles in life – get rid of these objects and do not spit on new ones. House cleaning products should be clean, look neat and stored in an unremarkable place.
DepositPhotos - Spoiled dishes
Is it a pity to throw away your favorite cup with a broken handle or a plate with a crack? You're making a huge mistake keeping things like this in your house. The dishes symbolize family, comfort and prosperity. Oriental wisdom says that cracks in dishes are cracks in fate. To drink and eat from spoiled containers means to attract only failures. If you do not want negative consequences, immediately throw away all broken and cracked dishes. - Hunting trophies and stuffed animals
Deer horns, skins and stuffed animals destructively affect the energy of the inhabitants of the house. Such “decorations” are highly undesirable. They keep traces of anger, fear, memories of the violent death of the animal. The remains of slain animals should be buried in the ground, not on display!
DepositPhotos - Artificial flowers
Plastic flowers Not only terrible vacuum collectors, but also powerful pumps that absorb all the negativity. They have dead energy and depress the atmosphere in the house. If you do not want to harm your happiness and health, get rid of such unnatural beauty.
After you throw out all the things that steal your health and happiness, you should do it. purification. Take in your hand lit dry grass wormwood, juniper, aromatic candles or sticks. Start bypassing the house from the threshold, gradually moving strictly clockwise, a little linger in each corner. At the end of the walk at the front door read prayer.
“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Protect my house from envy and from attack by evil people. Help me cleanse my house of my own and my own filth. From swearing and shit, from anger and envy, cleanse my house. Save our house from ruin, fire and desecration. So let peace and love nest in it. Your will be done. Amen.

A person during sleep is most defenseless, so at night the influence of negative energy is especially strong. In order not to provoke disorders of the psyche and body, pay attention to the organization of the bedroom according to the rules of feng shui.
Be careful with mirrors in the house: in any case do not keep broken, chipped or cracked. Treat them respectfully, control your thoughts and actions when you look at your reflection.
Women's health Happiness depends on harmony in the home. Throw away the things that cause trouble. Help the good energy to enter your home. Do you want that cleaning? Press the "Share on Facebook" button!