Everything you need to know about Feng Shui. Now even an alcoholic neighbor...

We all want our home to serve as a fortress that can protect us from adversity and negative influence. But how to improve powerhouseNot everyone knows. If you do not sleep well, are often sick or nervous for no reason, and your personal life does not go well, then, most likely, there is no harmony in your house, and the wrong approach to the repair and selection of furniture provokes the appearance of negative energy. Especially in the bedroom.

To increase positive energy, as well as make the home comfortable and cozy, the editorial board "Site" suggest you take advantage of the following tips and recommendations feng shui.

Before you start talking about the correct organization of the bedroom, you should pay attention to the general observations and recommendations regarding powerhouse. In private homes, creating good energy is quite easy, following certain rules. But in high-rise buildings there are some nuances.

In multi-storey buildings, at the energy information level, the fields of neighbors are redistributed and projected onto each other. If your neighbor is an alcoholic or has schizophrenia, his negative field is projected onto your apartment and can create a negative information background. Therefore, your home must be consecrated and hung on the walls adjacent to the problem neighbors icons or amulets.

The same is true if the neighbor’s family is very conflicted or maimed. It is necessary to pay great attention to cleaning the house and the correct arrangement of furniture.

Very bad in the energy sense are block and panel houses or built of white brick. Silicate brick emits low frequencies and creates a pathogenic zone that negatively affects the human biofield. Hence illness, bad mood. Children in these homes find it difficult to concentrate and learn.

Any home cleaning and repairs should start with general cleaning. Throw away all the junk, clean the furniture, rugs, cut the dry leaves on the plants. If there are spots on the wallpaper or ceiling, they should be removed. Change the light bulbs for good ones. Light attracts vital energy, so there should be no dark corners in the house.

Another way to improve and maintain positive energy in the house is to decorate the house with vases. They have a good shape in terms of feng shui. Vases accumulate positive energy, and if you put three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in them, the positive energy will increase many times. Now let’s move directly to the bedroom.

Feng Shui for the bedroom
  1. If your bedroom is located on the north side of the house, it is a great place for meditation, deep sleep and relaxation. But this side is not very beneficial for lonely people: they may feel detached from the world. The northeast is not very favorable, as it worsens sleep. Northwest is a good destination for people who prefer stability in everything. East side An ideal choice for a young family, creative energy promotes development, growth and learning. In the southeast, creative and business people will feel comfortable. The western zone is recommended for romantics, whose business and work fade into the background. Sleeping and resting in the south bedroom will be problematic. The most unfavorable direction is considered the south-west.

  2. In the bedroom, two energies should be harmoniously combined: yin and yang. Yin is a female energy, it is characterized by calm lighting, dim colors, smooth forms. If you feel that you do not get enough sleep in a classic bedroom in all respects, then you should shift the accents towards yang. Add to the interior shades of burgundy, dark red, dark green or blue, pick up matte shades or lampshades, blankets with a bright pattern. But it should be accents and individual items.

  3. In any bedroom there are areas: love, rest, storage. The most important first. It can be decorated with paired objects: red or orange candles, angels, statuettes. Often used and dream catchers - they should hang at the head of the bed. Zones should not be cluttered, so all things should be safely hidden in a closet, rather than lying in a cluttered pile in plain sight. But it is better, if possible, to place the dressing room in another room.

  4. The heart of the bedroom is, of course, the ideal feng shui bed - a product with a single double mattress and a wide headboard. Each form of the headboard has its own meaning: the triangular back accompanies the love life, the oval or round one will bring prosperity to the family, the rectangular one guarantees marital fidelity. The undulating headboard is suitable for couples with experience, it gives peace and tranquility, but the arc arch is a bad choice, it is a symbol of a “dead dream”.

  5. The bed should not be round, you should not also use synthetic water mattresses - a rickety bed does not accompany a good rest. The bed should not stand with its feet against the doorway, but it can be positioned so that, lying on it, you can see the bedroom door.

  6. Do not clutter up the nightstand or toilet table. Cosmetics, magazines, books, etc., put inside, and put a beautiful talisman or statuette on the nightstand.

Tell us in the comments whether you believe that organizing a feng shui space really helps to live better. Share useful tips with your friends on social networks!


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