Instructions for preparing twigs of willow from chocolate

Very soon, on April 21, all Orthodox people will celebrate Palm Sunday, and exactly a week later, on April 28, the Resurrection of the Lord. For these beautiful bright days, I decided to prepare something special to surprise and delight their homes.

In one of the TV cooking programs I saw how confectioners using melted chocolate and pastry bag create a beautiful decor of chocolate. This recipe is very simple, even a child can cope!

Chocolate decor So it came to my mind to create for Palm Sunday and Easter chocolateYou can decorate cake, Easter cakes or use them as an unusual candy for tea.

Today's edition. "Site" To share with you, dear reader, interesting prairie chocolate. The children are delighted with this delicious food!

The ingredients
  • 20g dark chocolate
  • 10g white chocolate
  • parchment

  1. First you need to melt the black and white chocolate. To melt the chocolate, you need to break it into pieces and place it in a dry container, then put it on a water bath. It is important to make sure that water does not get into the pan with chocolate - otherwise there is a risk that it will clot. The container should be placed on fire and stirred periodically. The result should be an elastic homogeneous mass.

    I also use this method: put the right amount of chocolate bars in a bag, and then dip into boiling water. When the chocolate melts, just cut the corner.

  2. Now you need to prepare the surface for painting. This can be a silicone mat or a flexible board, or a regular package. In order to make a cornet, you need to take a sheet of parchment and roll it up in the form of a envelope, and then fill it with melted chocolate. In our case, we need 2 such cornices - for white and black chocolate.

  3. The twig picture is 10 centimeters. From this number you will get about 10 twigs. Start drawing with dark chocolate, giving chocolate the shape of a twig. Make stops where your kidneys should be.

  4. Next, you need to draw white chocolate buds.

  5. Send the finished twigs to the refrigerator for 15 minutes so that they freeze well.

  6. That's it, chocolate decor. willow-shaped ready.

I also suggest you learn the fastest and easiest way to cook cakes: without kneading, everything was mixed - and according to the forms, in three hours into the oven. Eat very fast. And no matter how much you bake, there is always little.

On holidays, I especially want to please relatives and friends with goodies. On the bright holiday of Easter, each hostess is obliged to bake the product of the same name.

Why not make Easter even more attractive and stylish? For this, you can use beautiful jewelry in the form handmade chocolate willows. This delicacy looks beautiful and original, and it takes no more than 15 minutes to cook.

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