The secret of harmony Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva glorified the project “Dom-2”. For three years, she built relationships in front of viewers and cameras. She was so used to popularity that at the end of the project remained on television, already in the role of the presenter.

Over time, Alena opened her blogs on all available platforms, created personal clothing brands and realized that she could earn money on her own and not depend on anyone. Her independence brought her freedom of speech.


Instagram Alena Vodonaeva For example, Alena Vodonaeva Instagram She leads as she pleases. He does not hesitate to write everything he thinks about full people.

A special resonance was caused by her post with indignation about overweight, which she published on her Instagram page during a visit to the United States. The text went as an accompaniment to the video shot by Alena with a random passer-by - a fat woman in a short skirt.

“If you are fat, don’t wear short pink skirts. Don't lose your adequacy. I have devoted a whole chapter in my book to wardrobe relevance! Don’t make fun of yourself in public places. You don't need leggings larger than L. Do not open your hands if they are thick. This item also applies to many stars of Russian show business on the red carpet.

“The long sleeve is beautiful and elegant. As for America and excess weight, everyone in Los Angeles is beautiful. Everyone's in sports. But in places like Universal Studio, all of America comes. Ordinary people. 70% are overweight. Someone is not as heavy as the girl in the video, someone is very heavy and barely walks, and some even move in special wheelchairs. They cannot walk.”

In the comments on Vodonayeva immediately fell reproaches and resentments. First, for not being shy about discussing others. Secondly, for a stone in the garden of those who are at least a little fuller than Alena herself.

The blogger found something to answer: “The thing that surprises me the most is, where do people on Instagram come from who believe that everything I listed above and ranked as flaws is the norm?” What's the popcorn in their head? They hate me because I encourage them to think about health and look good, right?

Being healthy, looking beautiful and well-groomed is important. And if the posts of public people called exclusively for this, there would be no price for them.

But who sets the standards of beauty? Everyone's their own. And here certainly no star has the right to specify what to wear and with whom to live. Therefore, in this sense, the outrage caused by Vodonayeva’s words is justified and just.

If Alena so strongly agitates for a normal weight and reinforces his words photo of his toned body, then she knows the secret of gaining and maintaining slimness.

He's eating right. Vodonaeva eats 4-5 times a day. The emphasis is on protein foods, vegetables and fruits. He drinks a lot of water. Do not abuse sweets and flour. It looks perfect as a result. Husband of Alena Vodonaeva He can't admire her beauty. So are we.


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