Dog saves lives
Girl named Allen Hughes suffers from diabetes three years. Her parents found out about the center, where trained dogs that can smell identify deteriorating health of his master. Her pet is no longer simply the best one, but a real lifesaver. The dog warns the girl when her condition begins to deteriorate and may result in a life-threatening diabetic coma. Charitable Organization Medical Detection Dogs trained Macy, who has lived in the family, to distinguish between the smell and react to it so that the girl could take action. If Macy discovers that blood sugar Alena too high or too low, it begins to push a girl, so she has taken all necessary measures to stabilize blood sugar levels. It is still small and can not understand when the level of sugar in her blood is too low, until he lost consciousness.
When blood sugar drops Alena, Alena skin smells like pear, and if your blood sugar is elevated, the girl starts to smell from the mouth. This difference is able to discern only Macy.
Alena's mother 35-year-old Victoria Hughes said: "This is a unique fragrance that feels just Macy. She was always on the alert, and as soon as uchuet the smell, she warns Alain & quot ;.
Source: moidiabet.ru

When blood sugar drops Alena, Alena skin smells like pear, and if your blood sugar is elevated, the girl starts to smell from the mouth. This difference is able to discern only Macy.

Alena's mother 35-year-old Victoria Hughes said: "This is a unique fragrance that feels just Macy. She was always on the alert, and as soon as uchuet the smell, she warns Alain & quot ;.

Source: moidiabet.ru