The rite against adultery
Today, 26 SeptemberThe day of the Hieromartyr Cornelius is celebrated. In the people, this holiday is called Kornilov Day. The saint lived in Caesarea of Palestine in the first century. He was the first pagan to adopt Christianity, inspired by the preaching of Peter. Cornelius was glorified by the miracle that he created with his prayers.
In a pagan temple, he began to pray to God, after which an earthquake began, which completely destroyed the building. All the inhabitants of the city adopted the Christian faith after that. People consider this day special for women. That's what the editorial board is about. "Site" He'll tell you today.
Our ancestors believed that before Kornilov day you need to remove all root vegetables from the garden. They left only turnips, which should be collected in two days. It was said that any root crop that remains in the ground after this day does not grow, but chills. Let’s talk a little bit about other features and prohibitions of Kornilov day.
For example, it was believed that on this day you can not guess with a mirror, so as not to call a big trouble. In Russia, on this day they did not get married and did not arrange weddings, it was believed that the marriage would be unhappy. If the young married recently, they were supposed to eat one turnip with honey for a long and sweet family life.
Our ancestors said that on this day you need to eat some dish of radish, so that the next year does not get sick. In general, in Russia, this vegetable was very revered, it was believed that once there is radish on the table, then there is prosperity and peace in the family. A special Kornilov day was considered for spouses, because today you can make a special ceremony that will bring you family happiness and love.
How to establish a relationship with your husband Let's figure out what a special ceremony. It is on this day that you can make a special conspiracy so that your husband never cheats. Especially strong is the rite with wedding rings. You need to take both rings and tie them with a red thread, and then put them in a container of holy water and say:
As these rings are together, so will the servant of God (the name of the husband) always be together with the servant of God (the name of the wife). No quarrels and resentments, cursed demons and evil people, diseases and crooks will not separate us. As I have just said, let it be for years long and for times forever.”
Repeat the ritual three times (three days in a row), and then put the rings on the church candle, light and, until it burns, pray to the Virgin. The prayer will be heard and the husband will never change. There will be peace and love in the family. This is considered the most powerful ritual, but there are other conspiracies and omens.
For example, in order for a man to never go left, the wife should sit on his left hand. A man in the house should have the largest spoon in size, this is a symbol of his supremacy in the family. And the spouses should have common dishes that only they use. It's like a shared bed. Of these dishes (plates and cups) no one else should eat.
In the kitchen, a woman must have a talisman, which consists of a male symbol (pepper, horseradish, etc.) and a female (apple, onion). Symbols should be woven so that the spouses are inseparable. You can make another amulet from salt dough. Blind two figures: a pair of pigeons, swans, fish or even a married couple. Such a charm should be burned in the oven and stored somewhere away from human eyes.
That's all we wanted to tell you about this day and its special traditions. You can think of it as superstition, it's your business. After all, we think that in married life the most important thing is not some amulets and rituals, but true love. Be happy!
Amulets are a good thing, but they alone will not improve relations. Recently we wrote about 5 pairs of needs of spouses, satisfying which you will strengthen your family better than any amulets.
Unfortunately, cheating happens no matter how hard we try to prevent it. But what do we do after that? Earlier we wrote about how to forgive infidelity husband and whether it is worth it.
How do you think treason can be prevented? Tell us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
In a pagan temple, he began to pray to God, after which an earthquake began, which completely destroyed the building. All the inhabitants of the city adopted the Christian faith after that. People consider this day special for women. That's what the editorial board is about. "Site" He'll tell you today.

Our ancestors believed that before Kornilov day you need to remove all root vegetables from the garden. They left only turnips, which should be collected in two days. It was said that any root crop that remains in the ground after this day does not grow, but chills. Let’s talk a little bit about other features and prohibitions of Kornilov day.
For example, it was believed that on this day you can not guess with a mirror, so as not to call a big trouble. In Russia, on this day they did not get married and did not arrange weddings, it was believed that the marriage would be unhappy. If the young married recently, they were supposed to eat one turnip with honey for a long and sweet family life.

Our ancestors said that on this day you need to eat some dish of radish, so that the next year does not get sick. In general, in Russia, this vegetable was very revered, it was believed that once there is radish on the table, then there is prosperity and peace in the family. A special Kornilov day was considered for spouses, because today you can make a special ceremony that will bring you family happiness and love.
How to establish a relationship with your husband Let's figure out what a special ceremony. It is on this day that you can make a special conspiracy so that your husband never cheats. Especially strong is the rite with wedding rings. You need to take both rings and tie them with a red thread, and then put them in a container of holy water and say:
As these rings are together, so will the servant of God (the name of the husband) always be together with the servant of God (the name of the wife). No quarrels and resentments, cursed demons and evil people, diseases and crooks will not separate us. As I have just said, let it be for years long and for times forever.”
Repeat the ritual three times (three days in a row), and then put the rings on the church candle, light and, until it burns, pray to the Virgin. The prayer will be heard and the husband will never change. There will be peace and love in the family. This is considered the most powerful ritual, but there are other conspiracies and omens.

For example, in order for a man to never go left, the wife should sit on his left hand. A man in the house should have the largest spoon in size, this is a symbol of his supremacy in the family. And the spouses should have common dishes that only they use. It's like a shared bed. Of these dishes (plates and cups) no one else should eat.
In the kitchen, a woman must have a talisman, which consists of a male symbol (pepper, horseradish, etc.) and a female (apple, onion). Symbols should be woven so that the spouses are inseparable. You can make another amulet from salt dough. Blind two figures: a pair of pigeons, swans, fish or even a married couple. Such a charm should be burned in the oven and stored somewhere away from human eyes.

That's all we wanted to tell you about this day and its special traditions. You can think of it as superstition, it's your business. After all, we think that in married life the most important thing is not some amulets and rituals, but true love. Be happy!
Amulets are a good thing, but they alone will not improve relations. Recently we wrote about 5 pairs of needs of spouses, satisfying which you will strengthen your family better than any amulets.
Unfortunately, cheating happens no matter how hard we try to prevent it. But what do we do after that? Earlier we wrote about how to forgive infidelity husband and whether it is worth it.
How do you think treason can be prevented? Tell us in the comments!
Photo by depositphotos preview.