Instructions for preparing stuffed potatoes in the oven

Potato dishes every day in our diet: mashed, baked, fried potatoes. We love them, but we see them as something ordinary. Another thing, if the potatoes are stuffed and baked in the oven, then it will turn into a real delicacy.

The dish will turn out to be quite hearty and not suitable for those who are on a diet. But on holidays, everyone can. And guests will be delighted if they are served not just boiled potatoes as a side dish, but a whole culinary work.


Stuffed potatoes in the oven Ingredients
  • 15 medium-sized potatoes
  • 50g butter
  • 1 bulb
  • 250g of meat
  • 50g sour cream
  • salt, pepper, 2 tbsp tomato paste at will

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut the middle of them. You should have a thick bottom cylinder.


  2. Put the potatoes in a pan with salted boiling water and boil until half-ready, about 10 minutes. There are housewives who instead keep potatoes in salted ice water for 10 minutes. The method of preparation will depend on the taste.


  3. Peel the onions and cut the meat into large pieces. Then pass everything through a meat grinder or grind in a blender. Sprinkle, peep and stir. It's got to be ground.

  4. Make the sauce: mix the melted butter, sour cream and spices. If you want more sour taste, you can add more tomato paste.


  5. Farm the potatoes, put in a mold, on top of the fields with sauce. Bake in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for about half an hour.


It's a separate second course. mincedTo which you can serve nothing more is a great family dinner.

Only light vegetable salads will not be superfluous, since the dish is very hearty and high-calorie. And the greens. Fiber from vegetables will help this tasty assimilation. Let him. stuffed-potato You're gonna need it.

Read more about how to cook potatoes according to Polish or Portuguese recipes in our next articles. Follow the links.


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