How to overcome the craving for sweets

Refined sugar is recognized as the most harmful product for health, besides it is addictive. If in a drink you can easily reduce the number of spoons of sugar, then it is difficult to refuse beautiful and appetizing sweets. It has long been known that various sweets, cookies and cakes spoil the figure, have a bad effect on the skin, provoke sharp mood swings and loss of strength.

An irresistible craving for sweets is the main obstacle for millions of women around the world on the way to ideal proportions.


You probably know that. sweetnessIt is difficult to deny yourself another chocolate or coffee with cream and syrup, and to say no to a piece of birthday cake on the occasion of a friend’s birthday is just disrespectful (and let it be the fifth this week!). If this is about you, don’t worry: Editorial "Site" He will talk about the method of giving up sugar by Anne Ritchie.

A typical mistake of everyone who begins to monitor their weight and diet is too strict restrictions in nutrition. So, in an attempt to abandon excessive eating of sweets, a person often goes to extremes and completely abandons sugar and simple carbohydrates. But that's not true. In addition, a healthy diet should be balanced.

If you are an avid sweet tooth, then it is stupid to suddenly deprive yourself of pleasure and torture your body. He can understand you completely wrong and drive you into a state of permanent stress, which will adversely affect your overall health. Everything must be done in stages and wisely. Healthy nutrition specialist Anne Ritchie has come up with a 4-step system that allows you to free your diet from sugar.

  1. Planning for the month
    The rejection of any product should be carried out smoothly to minimize stress to the body. Saying goodbye to addiction is a very reckless strategy. At this stage, you need to believe that you will succeed, and give as much as possible in the scheduled time. For example, you want to minimize or completely abandon sugar-containing products for a month, so you need to tune in to this time and pick up. Think every day and what you will get in the end: good skin, stable mood, weight loss.

  2. Search in the diet of the main source of sugar
    A large amount of sugar is contained not only in cakes, but also in store juices, jam, coffee syrups, etc. Think about which foods are the main sources of sugar in your diet. When the main pest is determined, proceed to phase out it. So, if you usually added 3 spoons of sugar to tea or coffee, gradually reduce its amount to add only two spoons to tea by the end of the week, and after another week - one. The same with other products: all kinds of candy must turn into a pair of slices of dark chocolate for 5-7 days, and then into one square per day.


  3. Transition to natural products
    Very often, women choose fitness bars and small cheeses as a “healthy” snack. In fact, these are just concentrates of low-quality sugars. Natural unprocessed foods are the best thing that will allow you to be beautiful and healthy and give you the opportunity to control your sugar consumption. Yes, there is sugar in vegetables and especially fruits, but it is unprocessed. Therefore, eat carrots, apples, dried fruits and other utilities. You can also make cottage cheese with raisins or coconut shavings - sweet and healthy.


  4. Full sleep.
    A lack of a couple of hours of sleep can significantly affect the quantity and quality of food consumed, and not for the better. This is a scientifically proven fact. The rested body is more filled with energy, so it does not need doping in the form of sugar.


Giving up sugar and other foods or addictions is your personal, deliberate decision. Until you want to adjust your diet, you will not help any method or diet. So start fighting against it. sweetness Only when you are 100% ready. Otherwise, you will just waste your time and get frustrated with the inefficiency of your actions.

We also told you how to make sweets without sugar with ginger.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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