What exercises can replace exhausting running
We all know how healthy running is. It is energy intensive and trains muscles perfectly. But not everyone has an extra hour of time to run, and the occupation is quite exhausting. What if we said that there are exercises that replace running?
Editorial "Site" share effective muscle exercise from Tamir Sheikh. These two exercises replace an hour of running!
This small set of exercises is designed to fill the body with energy, work out all the muscles well, as during running. To all other effects, these exercises are very useful for men.
Regular exercise will help prevent prostate problems. In addition, they increase potency and return male strength. The strongest exercises!
But that doesn’t mean they’re not for women. In fact, they are universal: everyone can do them, and they will benefit everyone. Exercise will help to lose weight and bring the body into tone. For women, such a miracle complex will become indispensable.
Of course, all the benefits of running exercise will not give you, but it is a great replacement. If for some reason you can not run, then start the complex, it is perfect for you. Performing exercises with the comments of Tamir Sheikh you can see a little below, and now let’s figure out what a miracle complex is.
First, you need to stretch and warm up the muscles to prepare them for training. Breathwork: Take 10 deep breaths and exhales as quickly as possible. This will help prepare your body for static exercise. Now you can start exercising.
Here's the video we promised. Tamir Sheikh tells everything in detail.
That's it. exercise. Now you think they're light and easy to do, but the next morning you'll realize how wrong you were. It's a great exercise set. Get started now!
For the body to be healthy, it is very important to keep your weight normal. If you want to lose weight quickly and easily, use a wonderful weight loss program that will help you get in shape in just 12 weeks.
More recently, we shared with you a wonderful exercise that helps to quickly lose weight and restore the spine. Such an exercise in gold weight!
And we also talked about the technique of Alexander Drozennikov, with which you can align the spine at home.
Did you enjoy the exercise? Don't forget to share it with your friends!

Editorial "Site" share effective muscle exercise from Tamir Sheikh. These two exercises replace an hour of running!
This small set of exercises is designed to fill the body with energy, work out all the muscles well, as during running. To all other effects, these exercises are very useful for men.
Regular exercise will help prevent prostate problems. In addition, they increase potency and return male strength. The strongest exercises!

But that doesn’t mean they’re not for women. In fact, they are universal: everyone can do them, and they will benefit everyone. Exercise will help to lose weight and bring the body into tone. For women, such a miracle complex will become indispensable.
Of course, all the benefits of running exercise will not give you, but it is a great replacement. If for some reason you can not run, then start the complex, it is perfect for you. Performing exercises with the comments of Tamir Sheikh you can see a little below, and now let’s figure out what a miracle complex is.

First, you need to stretch and warm up the muscles to prepare them for training. Breathwork: Take 10 deep breaths and exhales as quickly as possible. This will help prepare your body for static exercise. Now you can start exercising.
- Exercise 1: The Horseman
Become in the starting position: legs as widely as possible, back relaxed, hands along the body. Now bend your knees as much as possible. Of course, the maximum study will be if the legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, but it can be less. 469368
Legs bent, now strain as much as possible and squeeze the pelvis, buttocks and legs. The back and neck should be even. Everything is relaxed except the pelvis and gluteal muscle. You can put your hands on your shoulders. You need to stand in this position for at least a minute. You can start with 40 seconds and increase the time.
After completing, do a short warm-up. Now let's make this exercise a little more complicated. The starting point is the same. Sit down slowly from it, entering the final position of the Rider exercise. Hold on for a few seconds and get up just as slowly. Do some replays. Do a short warm-up again and start the next exercise.
9909090923 - Exercise 2: "Stuffing"
I think everyone should remember this exercise from high school physical education. So standing, legs together, arms outstretched in front of you. Sit down as much as possible as if you were sitting on a chair. At the same time, try to stretch the spine. Just as in the previous exercise, tighten the pelvis and buttocks, the back and neck are flat. Stay in that position for a minute.
Then a short warm-up, and again a complicated option. From the initial position you slowly squat into the final position and just as slowly get up. About 20 seconds to squat and 20 seconds to climb.
Here's the video we promised. Tamir Sheikh tells everything in detail.
That's it. exercise. Now you think they're light and easy to do, but the next morning you'll realize how wrong you were. It's a great exercise set. Get started now!
For the body to be healthy, it is very important to keep your weight normal. If you want to lose weight quickly and easily, use a wonderful weight loss program that will help you get in shape in just 12 weeks.
More recently, we shared with you a wonderful exercise that helps to quickly lose weight and restore the spine. Such an exercise in gold weight!
And we also talked about the technique of Alexander Drozennikov, with which you can align the spine at home.
Did you enjoy the exercise? Don't forget to share it with your friends!