What to put in winter shoes in spring

It is almost spring on the street, which means it is time to take off winter shoes and put them in the closet. In order for the shoes to please you with their appearance and smell for the next season, you need to prepare them for storage correctly. Pensioner Olga Pavlovna told in detail, How to remove the smell from your shoes And prepare her for the summer season.

And tonight. "Site" She shares her wise advice with you. shoe-keeping.

Before sending shoes to the closet, you need to carefully prepare them. First, you need to clean it of dirt, wash it well, and then dry and ventilate. All this is necessary to put the boots in order and remove foreign smells. After the shoes dry, you can start preparing.

First, make a miracle blend, which we then put inside the shoes. To do this, you need only three ingredients: bay leaf, leafy tea and some dried carnation flowers. The number of ingredients depends on how many pairs of shoes you need to prepare.

The main component of our miracle mixture is tea, so take more of it, do not regret it. Now grind all the ingredients in turn in a coffee grinder and mix in a separate container. Now the fragrant mixture is poured into capron socks. Boot filling is ready.

If the boots are not made of suede and similar materials, lubricate them with a small amount of Vaseline. Rub it well on all the surfaces of the boots and leave it for a couple of hours or overnight to soak. This will help to maintain a good look of shoes and will not allow it to fade.

Then take an old newspaper or magazine, twist a cone and put it in a shoe. Then put a sock with the mixture there. Buckle up or lace up, put another folded newspaper inside, so that the boot does not lose shape. Now put the boots in the box and in the closet.

What do we need the mix for? First, it removes all unpleasant odors and impregnates boots with a pleasant aroma. Secondly, it is an excellent protection against moths. Vaseline will help to keep shoes presentable, and paper will save shoes from deformation. If you do everything item by item, next season you'll get your boots out like new.

In this video, you can watch Olga Pavlovna prepare her boots for the summer season.


This is a great way to keep your shoes in good condition. So take tea, cloves, bay leaves - and prepare your shoes for hibernation!

You got leather shoes? Then look at what tips for the care of leather shoes we have prepared for you.

Also learn how to resuscitate your favorite shoes after winter and remove unnecessary stains and divorces.

Learn how to store shoes in a small apartment.

How do you prepare shoes for the summer season? Tell me in the comments.


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