Why a Healthy Lifestyle Is Popular
A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of modern man. This is very commendable, but everyone has an opinion on this. True, there are common misconceptions that can not heal the body, but harm it.
Why give up your favorite food when you can just cook it differently? Instead of torturing yourself with unpleasant salads and suffering on the treadmill 4 times a week, you need to understand what you are striving for. Fanaticism does not allow you to fully enjoy life, it becomes a habit, and as a result, the body gets tired faster, the immune system is weakened.
The goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle It should not be imposed, it is important that it is your conscious choice. Editorial "Site" I decided to find out if our beliefs about a healthy lifestyle are true.
Goals and objectives of a healthy lifestyle They have to be objective. You do not need to fixate on sports or nutrition, scold yourself for eating a piece of cake or try to lift an unbearable weight.
Sports are essential for keeping fit and endurance, and it doesn’t have to be a gym. There are many sports, the main thing is to choose the right one and enjoy it.
Tell your friends about common misconceptions on social media.

Why give up your favorite food when you can just cook it differently? Instead of torturing yourself with unpleasant salads and suffering on the treadmill 4 times a week, you need to understand what you are striving for. Fanaticism does not allow you to fully enjoy life, it becomes a habit, and as a result, the body gets tired faster, the immune system is weakened.
The goal is to lead a healthy lifestyle It should not be imposed, it is important that it is your conscious choice. Editorial "Site" I decided to find out if our beliefs about a healthy lifestyle are true.

- Oatmeal
Useful cereal, a source of slow carbohydrates, a favorite breakfast of athletes and adherents of proper nutrition. It turns out that it is undesirable to eat it every morning, especially if the body lacks calcium. This porridge prevents the absorption of calcium, so it is better to eat it at least every other day. - Morning run
A laudable desire to strengthen your body can turn into damaged joints and shorten your life by several years. To such conclusions came cardiologist from the United States Martin Matsumar. He noticed that people with a sedentary lifestyle and those who often run in the morning live less than those who engage in moderate physical activity. After sleep, the body is relaxed, especially the joints. All professional athletes must do a pre-warm-up to avoid injuries. Also, running is contraindicated in people with varicose veins and problems with the cardiovascular system. It is very important to have a full healthy sleep, and sports should not prevent this. Sleep deprivation is worse than a few extra pounds. - Raw vegetables
“It is best to eat fresh vegetables, they contain a maximum of nutrients,” say in one voice lovers of healthy eating. Indeed, raw vegetables have useful fiber and a lot of useful substances, but boiled, steamed or baked vegetables bring other benefits. Not everyone can eat raw vegetables, in some people it causes bloating, indigestion, so it is quite reasonable to bake the same broccoli or zucchini in the oven. - Bicycle
A universal simulator for all muscles, an environmentally friendly form of transport can harm health. It's about sitting. If it is not raised enough or too high, the joints will suffer. A large role is also played by the appearance of sitting: a convex solid clamps the arteries and nerves, which can cause impotence in men. - Quitting sweets
Most believe that sugar is the cause of obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system. Adherents of healthy lifestyle will exclude sweets from the diet, and in vain. Fructose helps athletes maintain performance, and sugar is necessary for normal brain function. It is better to replace purchased sweets with homemade ones, there are dried fruits instead of questionable chocolates. - Wheat sprouts
There is an opinion that sprouted wheat grains are an invaluable treasure trove of vitamins for the body. The lectin contained in wheat does not allow the human body to function normally. This substance is needed by plants for protection. With frequent use of products containing lectins, there is a risk of harming the gastrointestinal tract. - Swimming
Swimming is a useful physical activity only if you do it moderately and correctly. If you are not engaged in sports swimming, it is better to refuse to swim breaststroke, as this can injure unprepared tendons and disrupt the uniform work of the muscles. It’s fine if you’re training with a coach, but if you’re not, it’s best to swim on your back or choose a swimming style that doesn’t hurt you. - Diet
Strict diets can lead to a decrease in metabolism, bad for the heart. The diet should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The correct diet can only be made by a qualified specialist, and a self-made nutrition plan, in which carbohydrates or fats are completely excluded, can only harm. - Milk.
Vegetable milk is made from the extract of seeds, cereals, nuts mixed with water. The most useful of them is coconut, it has all the necessary fats caprylic acid, which helps fight infections. Soy milk contains a large number of phytoestrogens, they can cause rapid growth of tumors. - Fractional feeding
They say that if you eat small portions 5 times a day, you can lose weight, and fractional nutrition will protect you from hunger and breakdowns. And yes and no. Eating every 2-3 hours increases the level of insulin in the blood and inhibits the burning of fat. This is a great option for those who want to maintain their original weight, but not lose weight. Only after 3 hours, insulin levels return to normal, and meals should be with an interval of just over 3 hours to achieve the desired result.
Goals and objectives of a healthy lifestyle They have to be objective. You do not need to fixate on sports or nutrition, scold yourself for eating a piece of cake or try to lift an unbearable weight.
Sports are essential for keeping fit and endurance, and it doesn’t have to be a gym. There are many sports, the main thing is to choose the right one and enjoy it.
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