Why You Should Appreciate Every Day You Live

For the past 10 years, scientists have been talking about global warming and its implications in the future. We ourselves observe the change of weather: winters have become warmer and humid, while in hot countries there are many unprecedented cataclysms.

But last year’s report by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made a lot of noise about the issue. The data published by the researchers provoked a series of high-profile publications in the media.


Apocalyptic predictions appear in the media every day, and in the flow of information it is difficult to know what to believe. Editorial "Site" I decided to analyze the scientists’ report and find out if “we have only 12 years to prevent a climate catastrophe,” as well as check other statements that concern society.

The IPCC report indicated that carbon dioxide emissions should be reduced by 45% by 2030. temperature It will not increase more than one and a half degrees Celsius. This way we can save the Earth from major disasters, but we will lose the Greenland ice sheet.

Dr Debra Roberts said: The idea that there will be a catastrophe in 2030 is fundamentally wrong. We used this date as a milestone to show what action states need to take in a given time.”


In 2015, nearly two hundred countries signed the Paris Agreement, pledging to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to slow global warming. But in 2017, Donald Trump announced the official withdrawal of the United States from the agreement, and Russia has not yet signed the document, although it ranks 4th in the world in terms of CO2 emissions.


The report also indicates that if the current rate of temperature increase on our planet continues, it will rise by one and a half degrees Celsius by 2040. It is clear that this will lead to many natural disasters. But first of all, this will affect small islands, so we are not talking about a global crisis.

In order to avoid the catastrophe that may occur after 2100, many countries are actively using alternative energy sources.


A 2006 study found that the world’s overfished fish stocks will be depleted by 2048. Therefore, the UN has declared ocean conservation a top global goal, and measures are being taken today to significantly reduce water pollution by 2025, as well as tighten fishing rules.

Scientists advise all concerned not to stay away, to abandon the use of plastic and reduce the use of seafood.

DepositPhotos The assumption of the decline of humanity in 2050 was indeed described in a report by the Australian National Centre for Climate Recovery. Study co-author Katherine Keech said: It is important to understand that this work does not claim scientific validity. “Scientists describe what may happen, rather than predicting what will happen.”

Now the UN calls on different countries to switch to renewable energy sources by 2050 – then the Earth’s temperature will rise by only two degrees by 2070. In this way we can avoid the indignation of nature.

It should also be understood that our planet is not alone in the universe, so it is impossible to give an accurate prediction. No one excludes that some kind of cataclysm may occur and we will talk about global cooling.


One thing is clear: we destroy what we have. Fires, tsunamis and earthquakes are very often the result of the work of human hands: careless attitude to nature, testing new technologies. You need to take care of fresh water and land, do not throw garbage anywhere. If you use wooden furniture, for example, do not be lazy to plant a few trees. Of course, the climate changed even in primitive society, when there was no talk of plastic and technology.

Life on the planet does not stand still, and this leads to various changes. Therefore, we need to live in harmony with nature and help it, and not do everything to make the heat and humidity abnormal for our countries even more pronounced.

We also talked about what happens to the glaciers in Antarctica.

Tell us in the comments if you are doing something to save the environment. Share important information with your friends on social media!

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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