Recipe for sour cream straws

Among the best Soviet sweets, many will surely remember the legendary cream-strawwhich have become a true classic. And by the way, this delicacy is prepared quite simply, and from improvised ingredients. So why not please yourself and your loved ones with such goodies?

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to prepare tubes without unnecessary hassle, so that there is something to brighten up a warm family tea party. Be sure to please the family, and let them again feel this forgotten taste of Soviet sweets.

Tubes with cream Ingredients for the test
  • 250g margarine
  • 4 tbsp flour
  • 3-4 yolks
  • 250ml cream

Cream ingredients
  • 300ml sour cream
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar

  1. Grind the margarine with flour. Add yolks and sour cream, then mix the dough.

  2. Send the dough to the fridge for 2 hours (even overnight).
  3. Cooled dough thinly roll and cut into thin stripes.

  4. Put the stripes on the molds.

  5. If there are no forms, they can be made at home from parchment paper (just give the sheet a cone-shaped shape, bend the edges inside for strength and fasten with tape).

  6. Wrapped on the mould strips bake in the heated to 180 degrees oven about 25-30 minutes.

  7. For cream, whip sour cream with sugar. You can, of course, make custard, but with sour cream less hassle, besides, it is much tastier.

  8. Fill the tubes with sour cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Homemade straws with cream Ready. Bon appetit!

Such straws look like from the window of some pastry store, and therefore guests may not even immediately understand that this beauty was prepared right in your kitchen. But the taste will immediately become clear that sweets are homemade, without any doubtful additives.


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