How to make upholstered furniture look good

Even with careful use, upholstered furniture can become significantly contaminated, which makes its further use unpleasant. But do not throw things in the landfill just for this reason. And professional dry cleaning of the sofa, chairs or soft chairs can be quite expensive. Is it possible to solve the problem on your own?

And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to Clean Furniture at Home In a curious but very accessible way. Be sure to try and return a fresh look to your favorite chair.

To prepare a universal home cleaner, you will need to take 2 containers with a spray gun (half-liter bottles are best), baking soda, liquid detergent, citric acid and water.

In the first container pour 5 tablespoons of soda. In another - about 5 teaspoons of citric acid. Also in a bottle with citric acid pour about 2-3 tablespoons of detergent liquid.

Now each bottle is enough to fill a little more than half with water, twist the lid and shake the contents well. The home cleaner is ready, now you only need to use it correctly to make the furniture clean.

To do this, first abundantly sprayed on a dirty surface liquid from a container of soda. It is possible that the spray gun will be clogged, and therefore you can just spray the dirtiest places with a solution of soda.

Now you need to spray the liquid from the second container from above so that soda and citric acid react. The resulting foam will easily dissolve even the most complex contaminants, and all that remains to do is simply wipe the dirt with a wet cloth.

It remains only to let the furniture dry - and you can boast in front of the home, how deftly and almost free you managed to refresh the old furniture, cleansing it of annoying dirt, salty stains and even surprises left by your favorite cat.

In such a simple way, not only can stain outBut also to clean the car interior. This is an effective and cheap tool that will help you more than once. And even professional dry cleaning workers will not believe their eyes when they see such a stunning result.


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