Often a woman wants to give birth to a child so as not to worry about problems that really bother her.
A lot of people don't know. Why do we need children?. The modern course of childfree (from English childfree - free from children) is becoming more and more popular every year. Women do not want to give birth, and that is completely normal. It is much worse when an unwanted baby appears in the family who is not to blame for the fact that his parents committed a rash act. Sometimes children become the solution to the personal problems of the mother or father. We will talk about this and other cases in more detail today.
More recently, society persistently imposed on women the idea that motherhood is their main purpose. However, few people say that before giving birth, You need to solve your self-determination problem.. How many young girls get married without knowing if they want to be a mother. And then, when a child appears in the family, they suffer and miss their carefree life.
Some people think that children can solve all their problems. Someone is trying to save their marriage. But if he's really cracking at the seams, no kid can help. On the contrary, he will suffer because his parents are unhappy with each other.
Sometimes young people get married and almost immediately have a child. Each spouse develops professionally and is in a comfortable social environment. But after a couple of years, it turns out that the husband and wife are not connected by anything else but their child. Sooner or later this will lead to conflict. However, they could have been avoided if people understood that Children are a huge responsibility..
Speaking of which, that. Imagine a successful businesswoman who is used to working and leading people. She has a husband and she truly loves him. However, the rapid pace of life and the mountain of problems that appear on the horizon are exhausting.
And then in the head of our heroine there is a crazy thought: birth. With a child in your arms, you can remove all responsibility for the burdens of business. Like, now let the man understand everything, and she, the woman, will raise the baby. Unfortunately, she doesn’t really want a baby. She hopes it will be a solution to her personal problems.
It is even worse when a woman decides to give birth to drown out her pain at the loss of a loved one. Anna has lost her father and is trying to stay afloat and support her mother. She blames herself for not having a baby sooner and her father never learned what it was like to be a grandfather. Now she thinks that giving birth will make life easier for her family. In other words, the child will be just a way to get away from his grief. Is that normal?
How do you know if you want to have a baby? Spouses should seriously consider and answer this question before planning a pregnancy. To become a truly good parent, you need to be responsible, patient and confident. I'm talking about material wealth and psychological preparedness.
You can’t just take on the role of father or mother. It's gonna happen! No, it doesn't work that way. You have to prepare for parenting seriously. A child to love unconditionally, not for good grades or achievements, but simply because he is.
Children feel everything. If your child realizes that he is a burden to the family, you will never be able to make contact with him. No wonder they say that All problems of adults come from childhood. I am convinced of this by the personal example and examples of my friends and acquaintances. To protect your child from psychological confusion in the future, you need from the moment of pregnancy planning to understand why you want to have a child.
What do you think about that? Maybe you disagree with something and want to express your point of view. Boldly share your ideas in the comments!

More recently, society persistently imposed on women the idea that motherhood is their main purpose. However, few people say that before giving birth, You need to solve your self-determination problem.. How many young girls get married without knowing if they want to be a mother. And then, when a child appears in the family, they suffer and miss their carefree life.

Some people think that children can solve all their problems. Someone is trying to save their marriage. But if he's really cracking at the seams, no kid can help. On the contrary, he will suffer because his parents are unhappy with each other.
Sometimes young people get married and almost immediately have a child. Each spouse develops professionally and is in a comfortable social environment. But after a couple of years, it turns out that the husband and wife are not connected by anything else but their child. Sooner or later this will lead to conflict. However, they could have been avoided if people understood that Children are a huge responsibility..

Speaking of which, that. Imagine a successful businesswoman who is used to working and leading people. She has a husband and she truly loves him. However, the rapid pace of life and the mountain of problems that appear on the horizon are exhausting.
And then in the head of our heroine there is a crazy thought: birth. With a child in your arms, you can remove all responsibility for the burdens of business. Like, now let the man understand everything, and she, the woman, will raise the baby. Unfortunately, she doesn’t really want a baby. She hopes it will be a solution to her personal problems.

It is even worse when a woman decides to give birth to drown out her pain at the loss of a loved one. Anna has lost her father and is trying to stay afloat and support her mother. She blames herself for not having a baby sooner and her father never learned what it was like to be a grandfather. Now she thinks that giving birth will make life easier for her family. In other words, the child will be just a way to get away from his grief. Is that normal?
How do you know if you want to have a baby? Spouses should seriously consider and answer this question before planning a pregnancy. To become a truly good parent, you need to be responsible, patient and confident. I'm talking about material wealth and psychological preparedness.

You can’t just take on the role of father or mother. It's gonna happen! No, it doesn't work that way. You have to prepare for parenting seriously. A child to love unconditionally, not for good grades or achievements, but simply because he is.
Children feel everything. If your child realizes that he is a burden to the family, you will never be able to make contact with him. No wonder they say that All problems of adults come from childhood. I am convinced of this by the personal example and examples of my friends and acquaintances. To protect your child from psychological confusion in the future, you need from the moment of pregnancy planning to understand why you want to have a child.

What do you think about that? Maybe you disagree with something and want to express your point of view. Boldly share your ideas in the comments!
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