Over a bottle of kvass discussed with a friend, why many in 60 so run themselves
Have you noticed that there are cheerful toasty old women who can give a head start to the young? And there are tired and sad pensioners who age very quickly. Beautiful elderly women not only owe genetics to mother nature, beautiful appearance is achieved by labor. Today I’m going to talk about how to slow down aging and why some people age faster than others.
There are several types of aging that affect appearance. It all depends on what kind of activity a woman is engaged in, whether she moves a lot, whether she watches herself, how often she is nervous. Depending on this, the types of ageing are distinguished:
We were not taught to take care of our health. People who are examined annually are negligible. Even medical professionals are used to the fact that a person is worried, otherwise why come to the hospital? Neglecting your health has dire consequences. The most obvious is rapid aging.
The teeth can determine how the person is watching. Many people think that you should go to the dentist only when the tooth hurts. Although the annual examination by a specialist saves money, and the teeth are protected. Those who quickly get their teeth, do not envy. This may be a genetic predisposition, and may be a consequence of an irresponsible attitude to their health. People with a beautiful smile seem more attractive and even a few years younger than their age.
No matter how much a woman has to do, she will always find time to take time for herself. You don’t have to go to beauty salons to look good. There are plenty of grandma beauty recipes for beautiful hair and elastic skin. Yes, at least every day moisturize the skin with cream, so that it remains elastic and beautiful. When a woman is too busy with children, work, home, it seems to her that appearance is secondary. It is from such squirrels that husbands leave while they are young. Taking care of yourself gives you confidence and keeps you young just as much as you are ready to take care of yourself.
Those who were interested in sports in their youth will never give up this business. The more a person moves, the better he feels. And endorphins! Stop looking for excuses, some just start going to the gym for joint mobility and endurance training. You don’t have to go to the gym for that. Hiking is the best remedy for melancholy and ugly folds.
You are mistaken if you think that there is no life in retirement. Some people call retirement a gift from heaven. Because you can do what you love, learn something new, do whatever you want. But those who choose to dig in the garden all day long, irrevocably turn into grandmothers. Don’t think of yourself as neglected and abandoned by children and grandchildren, you need yourself.
Clothing is not the main thing here to follow fashion. It's much more important to wear what suits you. Do not relax, you are still a woman and still beautiful, with the help of a successful wardrobe you can pick up a cheerful and interesting man. The main thing is not to give slackness and not to think that only young beasts dress up.
Time is ruthless. It takes away health and beauty. But if you start to take care of yourself, if you start to love yourself, you will find that you are still full of strength and energy to conquer this world with your beauty. Be healthy and cheerful, do not stop taking care of yourself.

There are several types of aging that affect appearance. It all depends on what kind of activity a woman is engaged in, whether she moves a lot, whether she watches herself, how often she is nervous. Depending on this, the types of ageing are distinguished:
- Tired. You can see on the face, this type clearly delineated nasolabial folds, lowered upper eyelids, and the face looks sad.
- Muscle. The skin remains smooth even in old age, as Asians age.
- Deformational. Very quickly sagging skin on the face, there is a second chin and bags under the eyes, while the skin is dense and wrinkles are not very noticeable.
We were not taught to take care of our health. People who are examined annually are negligible. Even medical professionals are used to the fact that a person is worried, otherwise why come to the hospital? Neglecting your health has dire consequences. The most obvious is rapid aging.

The teeth can determine how the person is watching. Many people think that you should go to the dentist only when the tooth hurts. Although the annual examination by a specialist saves money, and the teeth are protected. Those who quickly get their teeth, do not envy. This may be a genetic predisposition, and may be a consequence of an irresponsible attitude to their health. People with a beautiful smile seem more attractive and even a few years younger than their age.

No matter how much a woman has to do, she will always find time to take time for herself. You don’t have to go to beauty salons to look good. There are plenty of grandma beauty recipes for beautiful hair and elastic skin. Yes, at least every day moisturize the skin with cream, so that it remains elastic and beautiful. When a woman is too busy with children, work, home, it seems to her that appearance is secondary. It is from such squirrels that husbands leave while they are young. Taking care of yourself gives you confidence and keeps you young just as much as you are ready to take care of yourself.

Those who were interested in sports in their youth will never give up this business. The more a person moves, the better he feels. And endorphins! Stop looking for excuses, some just start going to the gym for joint mobility and endurance training. You don’t have to go to the gym for that. Hiking is the best remedy for melancholy and ugly folds.

You are mistaken if you think that there is no life in retirement. Some people call retirement a gift from heaven. Because you can do what you love, learn something new, do whatever you want. But those who choose to dig in the garden all day long, irrevocably turn into grandmothers. Don’t think of yourself as neglected and abandoned by children and grandchildren, you need yourself.

Clothing is not the main thing here to follow fashion. It's much more important to wear what suits you. Do not relax, you are still a woman and still beautiful, with the help of a successful wardrobe you can pick up a cheerful and interesting man. The main thing is not to give slackness and not to think that only young beasts dress up.

Time is ruthless. It takes away health and beauty. But if you start to take care of yourself, if you start to love yourself, you will find that you are still full of strength and energy to conquer this world with your beauty. Be healthy and cheerful, do not stop taking care of yourself.
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