The most delicious cabbage cutlets I cook according to the recipe of gypsy Galina
The most delicious cabbage I make patties It's a Galina Gypsy recipe. My daughter does not like cabbage, as well as many children. For them, such cutlets are a great option as a cabbage to hide.
Today's edition. "Site" Share the instructions for cooking meat cabbage And pepper. Saliva flows from one species: golden, tender, juicy. Meat does not fall apart, although cabbage is a lot!
Delicious cabbage patties Ingredients
To read the recipe in more detail, watch the video with cook-channel "Galina Kitchen." I often cook according to the recipes of the hostess Galina, everything always comes out the first time and hurrah!
Editorial Board I also suggest to learn how to prepare cabbage cutlets with semolina. They are meat-free and egg-free, so they can be eaten during diet and fasting!
I highly recommend making these delicious. cabbage with pepper and pork. Alternatively, at the stage of extinguishing, they can be poured instead of water with tomato juice mixed with sour cream, and you will get something like lazy doves.
By the way, I always tell my daughter how useful cabbage is and that during the reign of Cleopatra and Tutankhamun in Egypt, cabbage was considered almost a delicacy and was available only very rich. In ancient times, such cutlets would be considered a very exquisite dish!
Today's edition. "Site" Share the instructions for cooking meat cabbage And pepper. Saliva flows from one species: golden, tender, juicy. Meat does not fall apart, although cabbage is a lot!

Delicious cabbage patties Ingredients
- 800g pork mince
- 1 egg
- 100g red Bulgarian pepper
- 500g white cabbage
- 4 teeth. garlic
- 1 bulb
- 1 tsp paprika
- 0.5 tsp black pepper
- 1 tsp salt
- 5-6 tbsp flour
- To minced pork, add an egg, salt, pepper and paprika. You can add any spices to the meat according to your taste.
- Cut the cabbage thinly with a knife. Onions and red peppers are also finely cut. Shift the vegetables to the meat.
- Mix the minced vegetables well. Rub the garlic on a fine grater. Stir everything to uniformity.
- Make minced meatballs. Throw down each of the blanks in flour.
- On a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, fry patties from both sides to a golden crust. Get it off the pan.
- With a paper towel, remove excess fat from the pan. Again move the cutlets in the pan, pour water, slightly salt, cover the lid and carcasses for 35-40 minutes until ready on a small fire. By the same principle, you can prepare such cutlets in a multicooker. Bon appetit!
To read the recipe in more detail, watch the video with cook-channel "Galina Kitchen." I often cook according to the recipes of the hostess Galina, everything always comes out the first time and hurrah!
Editorial Board I also suggest to learn how to prepare cabbage cutlets with semolina. They are meat-free and egg-free, so they can be eaten during diet and fasting!
I highly recommend making these delicious. cabbage with pepper and pork. Alternatively, at the stage of extinguishing, they can be poured instead of water with tomato juice mixed with sour cream, and you will get something like lazy doves.
By the way, I always tell my daughter how useful cabbage is and that during the reign of Cleopatra and Tutankhamun in Egypt, cabbage was considered almost a delicacy and was available only very rich. In ancient times, such cutlets would be considered a very exquisite dish!
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