Husband jumps on stepladder and removes dust chandelier, guests shamed
Slowly but surely. The fashion for large and bulky chandeliers is a thing of the past. This is understandable, because now the trends are minimalism, cluttering space, cleanliness and freedom in the room. But on the other hand, the house should be light, unless some special requirements are provided otherwise. How to make cool and stylish lighting with your own hands? We'll tell you.
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A post shared by Retro_Light Ekaterina (@retro_svet17)
Huge chandeliers have always been in a place of honor in almost every Soviet apartment. This was considered an element of wealth and status. But times change, and now you do not find such chandeliers often. Of course, it is very appropriate to purchase such a lamp if it fits into the design of the room in all parameters.
Now special attention is paid to LEDs, more precisely LED tapes. They look quite stylish, easily integrated into any design, easy to install. I must add that such lighting looks to some extent even futuristic. Maybe that's the whole point.
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A post shared by Linear/Figure/Lights (@ledvin19742019)
The World Wide Web is full of many inspiring photos, where you can see cool interior solutions with LEDs. In general, you can try to repeat them if the hands grow from the right place. There is a lot of information on the Internet on various resources, where craftsmen share their tips and observations.
First, figure it out. In what room will you make such repairs? It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the installation of new lighting and to work with electricity in general. Therefore, if possible, it is worth consulting with a specialist.
© Freepik Action Plan So, the room that needs updates found. You can schematically depict it on a piece of paper and estimate where the LED elements will be installed. So you'll know for sure, what's gonna happen out.
After that, you can try to independently mount the drywall ceiling, into which the LED tape will subsequently be connected. Ceilings can be made stretchy, but this design will be more expensive than drywall. It is much harder to set them up. It is unlikely to be possible to do without assistants.
Buy LED tape is better than single-rowTwo-row is usually more expensive. All this can be specified in the store of lighting fixtures and their components. Consultants will help calculate the desired length of the tape, based on the size of the room. And also tell you what elements are needed for the correct operation of LEDs.
"Let there be light!" Important during self-installation of lighting Be very careful. After installing and connecting all the wires, it remains only to install profiles - and everything is ready. It is also cool that you can adjust the form in which the LED tape will be laid out. So you can get amazing diamonds, squares, rectangles or zigzags in your home. For a reasonable amount. Neighbors will be jealous.
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A post shared by LEDs in Vladikavkaz (@svetodiodi_vl_15)
Implementing interesting repair ideas is not difficult. You just have to be patient and persistent. You're gonna make it. Or did it work? What life hacks for repairs can you share?
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Retro_Light Ekaterina (@retro_svet17)
Huge chandeliers have always been in a place of honor in almost every Soviet apartment. This was considered an element of wealth and status. But times change, and now you do not find such chandeliers often. Of course, it is very appropriate to purchase such a lamp if it fits into the design of the room in all parameters.
Now special attention is paid to LEDs, more precisely LED tapes. They look quite stylish, easily integrated into any design, easy to install. I must add that such lighting looks to some extent even futuristic. Maybe that's the whole point.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Linear/Figure/Lights (@ledvin19742019)
The World Wide Web is full of many inspiring photos, where you can see cool interior solutions with LEDs. In general, you can try to repeat them if the hands grow from the right place. There is a lot of information on the Internet on various resources, where craftsmen share their tips and observations.
First, figure it out. In what room will you make such repairs? It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the installation of new lighting and to work with electricity in general. Therefore, if possible, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

© Freepik Action Plan So, the room that needs updates found. You can schematically depict it on a piece of paper and estimate where the LED elements will be installed. So you'll know for sure, what's gonna happen out.
After that, you can try to independently mount the drywall ceiling, into which the LED tape will subsequently be connected. Ceilings can be made stretchy, but this design will be more expensive than drywall. It is much harder to set them up. It is unlikely to be possible to do without assistants.

Buy LED tape is better than single-rowTwo-row is usually more expensive. All this can be specified in the store of lighting fixtures and their components. Consultants will help calculate the desired length of the tape, based on the size of the room. And also tell you what elements are needed for the correct operation of LEDs.

"Let there be light!" Important during self-installation of lighting Be very careful. After installing and connecting all the wires, it remains only to install profiles - and everything is ready. It is also cool that you can adjust the form in which the LED tape will be laid out. So you can get amazing diamonds, squares, rectangles or zigzags in your home. For a reasonable amount. Neighbors will be jealous.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by LEDs in Vladikavkaz (@svetodiodi_vl_15)
Implementing interesting repair ideas is not difficult. You just have to be patient and persistent. You're gonna make it. Or did it work? What life hacks for repairs can you share?
The most delicious cabbage cutlets I cook according to the recipe of gypsy Galina
In the third month, I refused to buy ice cream, I am cooking amazing natural.