The priest was tired of imitating confession, his fiery speech excited parishioners
The profession of priest is chosen by few. In addition to the fact that the priest is in the church on holidays, he does not have days off. Not enough one diploma to become a priest, a candidate must meet all the requirements and pass the rite of ordination in the sacred order. The work of a priest is difficult, not everyone remains to serve God for the rest of his life.
The priest in the church what it is like to be a priest, said Father Stepan. He studied at the Lviv Theological Seminary and the Ukrainian Catholic University. Now the priest works in the Paris Greek-Catholic Cathedral of St. Vladimir: People come to church because it is necessary, so they were taught since childhood. Part of the parishioners are in the temple, and their thoughts are far beyond the walls of the church.
I've only been in church for two years and I'm actually tired. I'm tired of saying Anaphora's words every day to people who don't expect God. I am not tired because I am sad or lazy, but because I am ashamed of those who come to church.
People don’t want to be closer to God, they are waiting for Harry Potter with a magic wand, a wizard who will grant all wishes. And someone does not expect anything at all, just goes to services by inertia. People have forgotten the essence of true faith, they have forgotten why they should go to church. They come out of habit and teach it to their children, and they do not know why.”
I am tired of confessing to people, listening to their problems and experiences. You will never hear them say, “Father, forgive me for sinning.” When they come to the funeral of the deceased, it seems that there is no one else in the church besides the deceased and me. Those who come to pray for their loved ones are more concerned about traditions and customs that have nothing to do with the Lord.
I am tired of marrying young people who rush to a restaurant or a photo shoot and do not think about what is happening in the church. Then why do they come to the temple? Because it's a tradition. In my memory, only one couple I married experienced this event as the Sacrament of God. They listened and cried, and the whole world heard them. I still hear that sincere “yes”, it is still alive.
You're probably going to decide that such a father doesn't belong in church if he lets himself say that. But Father Stepan does not complain about his fate. He only calls parishioners to come to church at the behest of the heart, to be in the temple during the service of body and soul. Because "God is alive, he's not somewhere in heaven, he's here with us and he sees everything," Father Stepan says.

The priest in the church what it is like to be a priest, said Father Stepan. He studied at the Lviv Theological Seminary and the Ukrainian Catholic University. Now the priest works in the Paris Greek-Catholic Cathedral of St. Vladimir: People come to church because it is necessary, so they were taught since childhood. Part of the parishioners are in the temple, and their thoughts are far beyond the walls of the church.

I've only been in church for two years and I'm actually tired. I'm tired of saying Anaphora's words every day to people who don't expect God. I am not tired because I am sad or lazy, but because I am ashamed of those who come to church.

People don’t want to be closer to God, they are waiting for Harry Potter with a magic wand, a wizard who will grant all wishes. And someone does not expect anything at all, just goes to services by inertia. People have forgotten the essence of true faith, they have forgotten why they should go to church. They come out of habit and teach it to their children, and they do not know why.”

I am tired of confessing to people, listening to their problems and experiences. You will never hear them say, “Father, forgive me for sinning.” When they come to the funeral of the deceased, it seems that there is no one else in the church besides the deceased and me. Those who come to pray for their loved ones are more concerned about traditions and customs that have nothing to do with the Lord.

I am tired of marrying young people who rush to a restaurant or a photo shoot and do not think about what is happening in the church. Then why do they come to the temple? Because it's a tradition. In my memory, only one couple I married experienced this event as the Sacrament of God. They listened and cried, and the whole world heard them. I still hear that sincere “yes”, it is still alive.

You're probably going to decide that such a father doesn't belong in church if he lets himself say that. But Father Stepan does not complain about his fate. He only calls parishioners to come to church at the behest of the heart, to be in the temple during the service of body and soul. Because "God is alive, he's not somewhere in heaven, he's here with us and he sees everything," Father Stepan says.
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