Dance with a tick is not worth it, how to make it clear who is the master in the house

Every time going to nature, be sure to take with you a hat and a tool for extracting a tick. Sadly enough, every year these insects become more and more. Ticks annoy both animals and people at any age. You need to remove the tick that is stuck in the skin as soon as possible. Today we will tell you how to remove the tick in different ways.

The experience of pulling ticks is great for me, as I am a happy owner of a dog. Not so long ago, a dog bit a tick, my four-legged friend almost died out in my arms. After this incident, every month I give the dog a remedy for which I regretted the money before. Now the dog is safe, only after walking it often happens that the animal brings a tick into the house.

You need to be on your guard. You can not allow the dog to lie on the couch and check the coat several times for ticks. After a trip to nature, you need to carefully examine yourself. Ticks often cling to unclosed areas of skin. In the forest, a tick can fall on its head, stick to its neck or fall in the neckline. If you find a tick, don't panic, get it out as quickly as possible.

Probably one of the most convenient and safest ways to get a tick whole is to use tweezers. It is necessary to capture the tick at the very base of the head and scroll counterclockwise, slowly pulling the insect tweezers. After the tick is pulled, you need to treat the bite site with alcohol or iodine. Get rid of the tick.

Take a thread 20 cm long and fold it twice. Fingers slightly twist the thread, so that there is a loop. Put this loop near the head of the tick as close to the skin as possible and twist the thread. The loop itself will tighten and in a few seconds the tick will fall away. Treat the wound and dispose of the insect.

Cut off the head of the syringe with a syringe and attach it tightly to the skin with a tick. Pull the air by the lever. The tick will fall off faster if you wipe the syringe with acetone. Do not forget to treat the bite site and check if the tick is completely out.

When there are no other tools at hand, oil is also suitable. Although they say that this method is unsafe. In any case, if you are far from civilization, you have to act. Moisten a piece of cloth with oil and attach it to a place with a tick. After a few seconds, the tick will begin to suffocate and will come out on its own. After that, it is advisable to treat the bite with any antiseptic. Watch the bite site, if it doesn't itch or blush, you'll live. Otherwise, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

The needle needs to be heated on fire and pierce the belly of the tick. After that, the insect itself will fall away from the flesh. Treat the bite site with alcohol and get rid of the tick.

It turns out that mites survive in water for a long time, so flushing down the toilet is not an option. It is best to crush the tick on paper with a solid object or dip in a chlorine-containing solution or alcohol. Take care of yourself and treat your animals regularly from ticks. How do you use it?


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