What in the days of the Soviets revered guests
Once upon a time, in time immemorial, your grandfather and I tasted Provençal mayonnaise. It had a slightly mustard taste compared to modern liquidish, like condensed milk. Vinegar, if added, a couple of molecules. A joke, of course. And the state standards were wow! What can I say, party-table You should have thought responsibly. I ordered pizza at home and it's free.
It's us in the newsroom. "Site" Imagine how children are now told about the land of Soviets. It has been almost 30 years, and many still keep culinary traditions. Take any major holiday - there are always Olivier salads or a fur coat on the table. They came to us from there. Honestly, this mayonnaise will not be found. Unless you cook it yourself. And the green peas? That's a deficit.
Menu for the festive table has an offer. Let's remember a little bit about the food. Spear kefir, milkbathA sprat in a tomato. And sausage. Doctor's. Variety is not so, but how much was cooked and what were the dishes. Ooh! For food, of course, had to hunt, “trotter” so to speak. But somehow they did.
As we mentioned, Olivier salad was the central dish - it was always treated with awe. Not only because of taste and fashion, but also because of ingredients that were impossible to obtain. It's like a computer game: a can of mayonnaise, a can of green peas, cooked. Pick it up and you'll get a +10 salad.
If it was not possible to get something from the components for olive, then the accents shifted towards herring under a coat or vinaigrette. This does not make the table cheaper. The coat is an undoubted hit, which you often find now. They are even served at rating restaurants. Olivier, too, by the way.
The role of heavy artillery was a dish called "Mashed potatoes with cutlets." Let’s be honest – and now puree is often found on the table. We won't say anything about the cutlet, it's like that. But the fact that this dish was traditionally prepared for the holidays will be confirmed by absolutely everyone who is now a little over forty or even less.
Another food, which was not inferior to patties with potatoes in importance and a blow to the stomach, is blueberries. Venerable hostesses immediately twisted them a whole Kazan, which was not so easy to overcome even a large company. Often meals were served together. It was a real feast. The main difficulty of cooking was in meat or minced meat, which before the holidays were no less actively swept away from the shelves, as well as mayonnaise with peas.
Do you remember the "fish bay" from "The Irony of Fate"? Exactly. Cold and fish-fill They were also very popular. It depends on what you can buy: a piece of meat or fresh fish. With good luck, there was both on the table. Needless to say, I personally remember my grandmother’s festive chill.
Cheese and sausage cuts. If you managed somewhere to tear two hundred grams of Dutch cheese or a stick of Moscow sausage, it was equal to great luck. Of course, the apotheosis of all holiday efforts! And if someone had the necessary acquaintances, then caviar was also found on the table: black, red and overseas eggplant. It was amazing!
I know families whose festive table has not changed much since then. Olivier is no longer a festive dish. So is the herring under the coat. Nowadays, the ingredients are much easier. We, for example, massively switched to chicken, but then it was practically not cooked: it rarely appeared on sale, and with the “blue” carcass I had to get really tired.
There. The menu for the festive table is now, of course, more diverse, but the taste is not the same. State standards are different, there are a lot of semi-finished products, chicken on the table at all will not surprise anyone. By the way, now you can easily buy any fruit. And then there were canned apples and pears on the table. But what's important? The labor with which everything was extracted.
After this article will suck under the spoon be healthy. I'm already remembering where I have potatoes, and I'm figuring out what I have for mincemeat to make right now. That's it! I look at the tip from our editorial office, how to prepare the perfect cutlets. Where else? Write in the comments what the menu is. dinner-table It was in your family. Does everything fit? In the meantime, we wish you a good mood.

It's us in the newsroom. "Site" Imagine how children are now told about the land of Soviets. It has been almost 30 years, and many still keep culinary traditions. Take any major holiday - there are always Olivier salads or a fur coat on the table. They came to us from there. Honestly, this mayonnaise will not be found. Unless you cook it yourself. And the green peas? That's a deficit.

Menu for the festive table has an offer. Let's remember a little bit about the food. Spear kefir, milkbathA sprat in a tomato. And sausage. Doctor's. Variety is not so, but how much was cooked and what were the dishes. Ooh! For food, of course, had to hunt, “trotter” so to speak. But somehow they did.

As we mentioned, Olivier salad was the central dish - it was always treated with awe. Not only because of taste and fashion, but also because of ingredients that were impossible to obtain. It's like a computer game: a can of mayonnaise, a can of green peas, cooked. Pick it up and you'll get a +10 salad.

If it was not possible to get something from the components for olive, then the accents shifted towards herring under a coat or vinaigrette. This does not make the table cheaper. The coat is an undoubted hit, which you often find now. They are even served at rating restaurants. Olivier, too, by the way.

The role of heavy artillery was a dish called "Mashed potatoes with cutlets." Let’s be honest – and now puree is often found on the table. We won't say anything about the cutlet, it's like that. But the fact that this dish was traditionally prepared for the holidays will be confirmed by absolutely everyone who is now a little over forty or even less.

Another food, which was not inferior to patties with potatoes in importance and a blow to the stomach, is blueberries. Venerable hostesses immediately twisted them a whole Kazan, which was not so easy to overcome even a large company. Often meals were served together. It was a real feast. The main difficulty of cooking was in meat or minced meat, which before the holidays were no less actively swept away from the shelves, as well as mayonnaise with peas.

Do you remember the "fish bay" from "The Irony of Fate"? Exactly. Cold and fish-fill They were also very popular. It depends on what you can buy: a piece of meat or fresh fish. With good luck, there was both on the table. Needless to say, I personally remember my grandmother’s festive chill.
Cheese and sausage cuts. If you managed somewhere to tear two hundred grams of Dutch cheese or a stick of Moscow sausage, it was equal to great luck. Of course, the apotheosis of all holiday efforts! And if someone had the necessary acquaintances, then caviar was also found on the table: black, red and overseas eggplant. It was amazing!

I know families whose festive table has not changed much since then. Olivier is no longer a festive dish. So is the herring under the coat. Nowadays, the ingredients are much easier. We, for example, massively switched to chicken, but then it was practically not cooked: it rarely appeared on sale, and with the “blue” carcass I had to get really tired.

There. The menu for the festive table is now, of course, more diverse, but the taste is not the same. State standards are different, there are a lot of semi-finished products, chicken on the table at all will not surprise anyone. By the way, now you can easily buy any fruit. And then there were canned apples and pears on the table. But what's important? The labor with which everything was extracted.

After this article will suck under the spoon be healthy. I'm already remembering where I have potatoes, and I'm figuring out what I have for mincemeat to make right now. That's it! I look at the tip from our editorial office, how to prepare the perfect cutlets. Where else? Write in the comments what the menu is. dinner-table It was in your family. Does everything fit? In the meantime, we wish you a good mood.