Stars who were honored to become adoptive parents
There are few things in the world that are not available to all celebrities. And one of them is the joy of motherhood. Many celebrities consider it their duty to make happy babies who are less fortunate than others. There are no other children. This simple truth is once again proved by star parents who adopted children.
GettyImages Parents Who Adopted Sharon Stone The Basic Instinct star has adopted three sons. In 2001, Stone suffered a severe stroke, after which she learned to speak again. Three years later, she divorced her last husband, losing custody of her adopted son, Roen Joseph Bronstein.
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A post shared by Sharon Stone (@sharonstone)
However, the actress pulled herself together and was able to cope with a series of failures. A few years later, the celebrity adopted two more children - Laird and Quinn.
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A post shared by Sharon Stone (@sharonstone)
“I am currently having the happiest period of my life. I live in my home where I moved 25 years ago with my kids. They're at a beautiful age now where they don't need a nanny anymore. I can wake up on Saturday morning, go downstairs, play with my sons, swim with them, play basketball or just watch movies.
Photo Sharon Stone and her son Roan Joseph Bronstein at the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 7, 2018.
In the family of the famous singer six children. Louise Veronica Ciccone (this is the real name of the singer) is the birth mother of daughter Lourdes and son Rocky.
In 2006, while married to Hollywood director Guy Ricci, the star adopted a boy, David, from the African state of Malawi. Three years later, alone, she decided to adopt a girl Cicundo Merci James.
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A post shared by Madonna (@madonna)
Not so long ago, Madonna received permission to adopt two twin girls Stella and Esther. After that, in one of the interviews, the mother of many children told about the attitude to upbringing: “I want my children to become responsible people who are able to love and compassion.” I don’t care which way they go, I just want them to be good people.
Hugh Jackman One of the brightest and most successful Hollywood actors became an exemplary adoptive father for son Oscar and daughter Ava.
“It’s incredibly hard to know you can’t have your own child,” Jackman told reporters. He and his wife have recently decided to adopt a third child. This decision, according to the actor, was not easy: “We try to raise children ourselves, not to give to nannies.”
Nicole Kidman's "Play Back" star became a mom in three different ways.
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A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman)
In marriage to Tom Cruise, the actress adopted a girl Isabella and a boy Connor.
GettyImages In her second marriage to singer Keith Urban, Nicole gave birth to a daughter, Sanday Rose Kidman-Urban. Another biological daughter, Kidman and Urbana, was born in 2010 as a surrogate.
Charlize Theron Model, producer and one of the most charming actresses in Hollywood herself brings up two adopted children.
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A post shared by ¡Hola! Argentina (@holaarg)
She adopted a boy from South Africa in 2012 and a girl from the United States in 2015.
GettyImages: I enjoy every second I spend with the kids. And never, never questioned her decision to wait as long as it took to have children. The appearance of Jackson and August is the purest and brightest moment of happiness in my life, Charlize said in an interview.
The star of the series “Gangster Petersburg”, “Penalty”, the films “Escape” and “Leviathan” Alexei Serebriakov has long called on the public to pay attention to the problem of orphans. Together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, the actor founded a charity fund to help children “Time to live”.
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A post shared by Alexey Serebriakov (@aleey_serebryakov_fan)
Alexei raises the daughter of his wife from his first marriage Dasha and adopted boys Stepan and Danila in two different orphanages. In conclusion, I would like to wish all parents from our selection of bright and boundless family happiness! After all, giving a new life to children is a real feat, not going to any comparison with the screen.
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GettyImages Parents Who Adopted Sharon Stone The Basic Instinct star has adopted three sons. In 2001, Stone suffered a severe stroke, after which she learned to speak again. Three years later, she divorced her last husband, losing custody of her adopted son, Roen Joseph Bronstein.
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A post shared by Sharon Stone (@sharonstone)
However, the actress pulled herself together and was able to cope with a series of failures. A few years later, the celebrity adopted two more children - Laird and Quinn.
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A post shared by Sharon Stone (@sharonstone)
“I am currently having the happiest period of my life. I live in my home where I moved 25 years ago with my kids. They're at a beautiful age now where they don't need a nanny anymore. I can wake up on Saturday morning, go downstairs, play with my sons, swim with them, play basketball or just watch movies.

Photo Sharon Stone and her son Roan Joseph Bronstein at the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles, California, U.S., January 7, 2018.
In the family of the famous singer six children. Louise Veronica Ciccone (this is the real name of the singer) is the birth mother of daughter Lourdes and son Rocky.

In 2006, while married to Hollywood director Guy Ricci, the star adopted a boy, David, from the African state of Malawi. Three years later, alone, she decided to adopt a girl Cicundo Merci James.
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A post shared by Madonna (@madonna)
Not so long ago, Madonna received permission to adopt two twin girls Stella and Esther. After that, in one of the interviews, the mother of many children told about the attitude to upbringing: “I want my children to become responsible people who are able to love and compassion.” I don’t care which way they go, I just want them to be good people.
Hugh Jackman One of the brightest and most successful Hollywood actors became an exemplary adoptive father for son Oscar and daughter Ava.

“It’s incredibly hard to know you can’t have your own child,” Jackman told reporters. He and his wife have recently decided to adopt a third child. This decision, according to the actor, was not easy: “We try to raise children ourselves, not to give to nannies.”
Nicole Kidman's "Play Back" star became a mom in three different ways.
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A post shared by Nicole Kidman (@nicolekidman)
In marriage to Tom Cruise, the actress adopted a girl Isabella and a boy Connor.

GettyImages In her second marriage to singer Keith Urban, Nicole gave birth to a daughter, Sanday Rose Kidman-Urban. Another biological daughter, Kidman and Urbana, was born in 2010 as a surrogate.
Charlize Theron Model, producer and one of the most charming actresses in Hollywood herself brings up two adopted children.
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A post shared by ¡Hola! Argentina (@holaarg)
She adopted a boy from South Africa in 2012 and a girl from the United States in 2015.

GettyImages: I enjoy every second I spend with the kids. And never, never questioned her decision to wait as long as it took to have children. The appearance of Jackson and August is the purest and brightest moment of happiness in my life, Charlize said in an interview.
The star of the series “Gangster Petersburg”, “Penalty”, the films “Escape” and “Leviathan” Alexei Serebriakov has long called on the public to pay attention to the problem of orphans. Together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrey Smolyakov, the actor founded a charity fund to help children “Time to live”.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Alexey Serebriakov (@aleey_serebryakov_fan)
Alexei raises the daughter of his wife from his first marriage Dasha and adopted boys Stepan and Danila in two different orphanages. In conclusion, I would like to wish all parents from our selection of bright and boundless family happiness! After all, giving a new life to children is a real feat, not going to any comparison with the screen.
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