How to know if your home is really clean
Cleaning an apartment is a matter for many familiar and even somewhat monotonous. Wipe the dust, wash the floor, wipe possible fat stains on the tile and, if necessary, walk through new stains from juice or baby food. Routine, in a word.
But cleanliness Very well appreciated by other people. And now they already see all the mistakes of the standard cleaning from the hostess, who can automatically miss the presence of dirt. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s not laziness, it’s just how our brain works. That is why we offer you some tips that will help bring your home to perfect cleanliness.
Clean room
If you follow at least some of our advice, your apartment or even house will sparkle with cleanliness to the envy of all guests. In fact, cleaning leaves much to be desired. And we are sure that our readers are all as tidy and clean!

But cleanliness Very well appreciated by other people. And now they already see all the mistakes of the standard cleaning from the hostess, who can automatically miss the presence of dirt. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s not laziness, it’s just how our brain works. That is why we offer you some tips that will help bring your home to perfect cleanliness.
Clean room
- Kitchen towels, hangers and other textiles should be changed once a week.
- Kitchen equipment needs serious care. It must be washed and all parts wiped dry clean cloth before assembly. And do it all the time.
- A few tablets of activated carbon in the refrigerator will absorb all the excess odors.
- On kitchen shelves and lockers will not collect fat, if each time wipe them with a piece of clean fabric, after cooking especially fatty dishes.
- If you fill a cold pan with water, it will be easier to wash, but the food in it will burn. Remember and don't do that.
- Sponges for washing should be changed once a week and stored dry in one place. At night, you can wipe the kitchen sink dry. This method will save you from problems with insects, if any.
- The bottom of a pot, pan or even a kettle will remain neat if it is wiped immediately after a burnt dish. In the case of a kettle, if the water boiled and it burned on the stove, immediately take up its resuscitation, without delaying. Or just throw it away.
- Make it a habit not to fill garbage bags to the brim, but to take them out earlier. The smell of the kitchen will disappear.
- Start cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, and wipe the dust later, otherwise it will settle on the surfaces again.
- If due to the repair there were white divorces on the floor, wash them with a solution of vinegar (2 tbsp) and water (1 liter).
- Covers from sofas and chairs should be given to dry cleaning at least once every six months.
- Don't forget to dust off the sockets, door handles and boards. Guests immediately catch the eye and make a bad impression. Cleanliness is very important!
- In general, try not to start too many “vacuums”. This applies to everything that can be hung on the wall: paintings, framed photos, commemorative icons, etc. Perfectly collect dust soft toys, figurines, various jewelry and unnecessary accessories.
- Warehouse of "important" things on the balcony will spoil any, even the cleanest and most comfortable apartment. Get rid of the trash and get the living space in order.
- Carrying out cleaning in the bathroom, do not forget to wipe the mixers from all corners and do the shower hose. Use an unnecessary toothbrush if convenient.
- Put some cleaning fluid in the toilet in the morning and go to work. Upon arrival, just brush the walls - the toilet will sparkle.
- The shower curtain should be clean and neat.
- Household chemicals for the bathroom should be hidden somewhere. It has an aggressive composition and a strong smell. It spoils the impression of the owners of the house.
- The laundry basket should have a lid. No stranger should be staring at your underwear, that's obvious.
- Either keep the soapbox clean without letting it swim in layers of fat, or switch to liquid soap and shower gel. A very convenient alternative, by the way.
If you follow at least some of our advice, your apartment or even house will sparkle with cleanliness to the envy of all guests. In fact, cleaning leaves much to be desired. And we are sure that our readers are all as tidy and clean!
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