How not to turn into a spender during vacation
Most people don't travel, they say, "It's expensive." That's how it is when you rent a suite in a five-star hotel. However, there are more budgetary ways to see the world. The website will tell you that, What you need to know a tourist and how to save on travel.
Not all countries have opened borders for tourists, but somewhere you can already go. In addition, summer 2020 may be the best time to see your home country. While you're thinking about where to spend your vacation, we'll talk about six ways to save on travel.
Most European restaurants and cafes offer water for free. It is better to ask the waiter about this, so as not to overpay extra money. And in Scandinavian countries, you can drink water even from the tap or take it with you in a bottle.
Sometimes airlines arrange sales and give tickets almost for nothing. Or you can use low-cost services. A friend of mine once flew to Spain from Ukraine for 20 euros in two directions. Such freebies can be found in special groups in social networks or on official websites of companies. You need to be patient and surf the Internet.
By the way, I know one interesting way to travel. The same friend told me about it: you book the cheapest tickets for any date in any country. In this case, there is nowhere to go - you will not find excuses why not go. This way you can visit countries you never thought about. In addition, such tickets cost a penny - it is not terrible to cancel the reservation in case of force majeure.
The scheme also works with buses and trains. You just need to find budget companies or discounts. At first, it is a little tiring, but with experience you understand how this method opens up more opportunities. In general, there are advantages and savings on new adventures.
Of course, those who can rent a luxury villa on the sea, there is no point in saving. But for most people, “a penny of the ruble saves.” Therefore, it is better to find a cheap hostel, apartment or use the services of couchsurfing. For those who do not know what kind of surfing is, I will tell you: people provide each other with help and accommodation during travel. This is an online service for lovers to save money.
Many travelers take food with them to save money. These should be products that do not spoil on the road: instant oatmeal, tea in bags, coffee, various sweets. By the way, I was rescued more than once by peanuts - a useful storehouse of essential carbohydrates on a trip.
In many countries, especially in Europe, museums and exhibitions offer free admission for a few days. When planning a trip, you should see in advance whether there are similar offers in the city you are going to visit. Sometimes it may not be completely free entry, but just a discount on the ticket.
Another useful life hack is to buy a card for travel. Thus, it will be possible to save a lot of money. Plus, you'll be safe in case you lose money. Such cards are available for all types of public transport, as well as a discount on visiting various cultural places. By the way, in case you can not use all the trips, some tourists can give a card to other travelers. You can meet them at the train station or at the airport, so be attentive, sociable and friendly.
Of course, these tips are just basic opportunities to save on travel. We also advise you to walk more, which will help you save on transport, get to know the city better and just improve your health. “What difference does it make to how old your sneakers are when you walk in them in Paris?”

Not all countries have opened borders for tourists, but somewhere you can already go. In addition, summer 2020 may be the best time to see your home country. While you're thinking about where to spend your vacation, we'll talk about six ways to save on travel.
Most European restaurants and cafes offer water for free. It is better to ask the waiter about this, so as not to overpay extra money. And in Scandinavian countries, you can drink water even from the tap or take it with you in a bottle.
Sometimes airlines arrange sales and give tickets almost for nothing. Or you can use low-cost services. A friend of mine once flew to Spain from Ukraine for 20 euros in two directions. Such freebies can be found in special groups in social networks or on official websites of companies. You need to be patient and surf the Internet.

By the way, I know one interesting way to travel. The same friend told me about it: you book the cheapest tickets for any date in any country. In this case, there is nowhere to go - you will not find excuses why not go. This way you can visit countries you never thought about. In addition, such tickets cost a penny - it is not terrible to cancel the reservation in case of force majeure.

The scheme also works with buses and trains. You just need to find budget companies or discounts. At first, it is a little tiring, but with experience you understand how this method opens up more opportunities. In general, there are advantages and savings on new adventures.
Of course, those who can rent a luxury villa on the sea, there is no point in saving. But for most people, “a penny of the ruble saves.” Therefore, it is better to find a cheap hostel, apartment or use the services of couchsurfing. For those who do not know what kind of surfing is, I will tell you: people provide each other with help and accommodation during travel. This is an online service for lovers to save money.

Many travelers take food with them to save money. These should be products that do not spoil on the road: instant oatmeal, tea in bags, coffee, various sweets. By the way, I was rescued more than once by peanuts - a useful storehouse of essential carbohydrates on a trip.

In many countries, especially in Europe, museums and exhibitions offer free admission for a few days. When planning a trip, you should see in advance whether there are similar offers in the city you are going to visit. Sometimes it may not be completely free entry, but just a discount on the ticket.

Another useful life hack is to buy a card for travel. Thus, it will be possible to save a lot of money. Plus, you'll be safe in case you lose money. Such cards are available for all types of public transport, as well as a discount on visiting various cultural places. By the way, in case you can not use all the trips, some tourists can give a card to other travelers. You can meet them at the train station or at the airport, so be attentive, sociable and friendly.

Of course, these tips are just basic opportunities to save on travel. We also advise you to walk more, which will help you save on transport, get to know the city better and just improve your health. “What difference does it make to how old your sneakers are when you walk in them in Paris?”