How to Choose a Country to Travel During Your Vacation

Yay! We are on holiday soon and the whole family is going to... Where? Exactly. This is the question in which the spears of different preferences and the shields of authoritative opinions break. You walk around the house with your wife, and both hands to the sky. Where is it? Where to go on holiday in October? I am sure you will agree that the way to the final decision can be very difficult.

Come on. "Site" A little help to you, in order to exclude at least those pitfalls, without which it is quite possible to do at the planning stage. Speaking of planning. To stop throwing and messy running through travel agencies, we sincerely recommend that you think in advance where to go on a legal and long-awaited vacation and what things to take up to the first aid kit.

We have one interesting table that gives a quite adequate idea of what to look for in a particular country at a given time of year, because the holiday does not always fall in July or August. Let's take a closer look at her. In our list, the European part of the globe, all countries in the direct zone of a pleasant budget flight.

To begin with, you should determine what you like more: skis and mountains, a hot beach by the sea or historical places with museums? Now, if you look at our chart with your eyes squinting a little bit, you can see that the green sectors are the most. This is true even if you decide to count them. Conclusion: excursions, green tourism, different cities and villages, landscapes and beautiful places are accessible all year round, so where to go there is always.

In general, if you have not visited, for example, Hungary, and you want to devote your entire vacation to unusual places, go there. There's only one Budapest worth it! And in the table there is the Netherlands (the people of Holland), and we know for sure that this country is not inferior to Hungary in anything. If you are also a fan of excursions, you will be happy to meet there at any time of the year.

This does not mean that, for example, Austria, Norway and Poland are far behind in terms of tourism, just in the coldest months of the year there is a ski season. Fans of riding boards, skis and other devices go there with pleasure. Oddly enough, in the table there is a tiny Andorra: the tiny European principality is replete with mountain resorts and all sorts of outlandish antiquity.

Now let’s move smoothly to Bulgaria: this country, judging by the table, as if sharpened on a productive holiday. This does not mean that there is nothing to see, just in comparison with the number of people who want to visit either the mountains or the sea, the number of fans of excursions is much inferior. In the off-season, Bulgaria is as quiet as Grandma in the countryside when no one is there.

Greece and Spain are countries where the year is easily divided into two seasons: tourist and beach. Of course, any advertising here will be superfluous. Everyone knows that in Greece everything is, and in Spain bullfighting, Salvador Dali and Gaudí. Greece is the cradle of civilizations, and Spain has perhaps the most incredible beaches. Be sure to go there!

We have Italy, Romania and Georgia. In these countries, of course, beaches and all sorts of foam parties prevail. Nevertheless, in the season you can climb the mountains and master pleasant hiking routes. Personally, we would have gone to Rome or Venice first, but you have every right to take a different view.

We may have told the obvious things, and Where to rest in the summerYou know much better than we do. The only thing we want to appeal to is your personal enthusiasm. Do not wait for the time of vacation, so as not to spend all your time at home, and never be satisfied with what you have achieved. Rest should be diverse, and the brighter the impressions, the brighter the life will be. In the meantime, we wish you happiness. And let no one leave hurt!


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