For what old Russian porridge does not need cereal
Few people want to pamper loved ones with gastronomic delights. Unless only a lady in love, inspired by this beautiful feeling or a real fan of culinary art. But when it comes to a mother of a large family or a faithful spouse working from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. five days a week, the situation is quite different. It is for such busy hostess that we have prepared today a wonderful recipe for a quick and tasty breakfast. To be even more precise, we will tell you how to prepare milk porridge "Truff".
Editorial "Site" will tell not only how to cook porridge, but also share tips regarding the serving of this dish, so that each of our readers could please the family with a delicious and hearty breakfast without unnecessary hassle.
How to prepare milk porridge Ingredients
Ready milk porridge can be flavored with a piece of butter, jam or fruit syrup. With such additives, the dish is extremely tasty! This is a great breakfast for the younger members of the family.
Bon appetit!
Editorial "Site" will tell not only how to cook porridge, but also share tips regarding the serving of this dish, so that each of our readers could please the family with a delicious and hearty breakfast without unnecessary hassle.
How to prepare milk porridge Ingredients
- 250g flour
- 1 egg
- 700 ml of milk
- sugar
- salt
- First of all, pour the milk in a small pan and set it to heat up on a slow heat. Then pour the flour into a deep bowl and add some salt.
- Next, beat the egg in a separate bowl and pour the egg mixture into a bowl of flour. With a fork, mix the flour with the egg until you get large lumps of dough. After that, put the fork aside and just rub the dough with your hands to get egg flour flakes.
- Then take another bowl and in small handfuls shift the grout into it, rubbing into smaller flakes.
- As long as the cereal is ready, the milk should already boil. As soon as this happens, add salt and sugar to your taste and mix well. Next, send the flour flakes into the hot milk and mix it well again.
- Cook the grind on a slow heat for 3 minutes and as soon as it thickens enough, remove the pan from the stove.
Ready milk porridge can be flavored with a piece of butter, jam or fruit syrup. With such additives, the dish is extremely tasty! This is a great breakfast for the younger members of the family.
Bon appetit!
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