What betrays the age of a woman, even if she lost her passport
Did you know that your nose and ears grow throughout your life? This is not the only thing that is constantly changing in our body. Editorial "Site" It will tell you what age changes affect each person. I am sure that most of them (like us) did not even know.
Below we have listed 5 physiological metamorphoses that occur with a person as he ages.
Did you know about these age characteristics? Boldly shared with us in the comments impressions. Good luck!

Below we have listed 5 physiological metamorphoses that occur with a person as he ages.
- Loss of tooth sensitivity As we age, our dental nerves shrink, so our teeth respond less to cold and hot food. Wouldn't that be a bad thing? However, such a change can lead to new troubles. As a result of reduced sensitivity of the person senseless symptoms of dental diseases, such as caries.
- Changing color perception Studies have shown that after 58 years we often face problems of color perception. This is because age-related eye changes create a yellow filter effect. Because of this, it is quite difficult to distinguish colors: blue from purple, and yellow from green.
- Changing taste of food How many people did not like olives in their youth, but with age they became a real delicacy? This happens because the older a person is, the slower his taste buds on the tongue are renewed. It is this feature of the body that affects the perception of dishes. According to experts, changes in gastronomic preferences are observed in women from about 50 years, and in men - from 60 years. By the way, the most popular “adult” products, according to studies, were goat cheese, beans and gorishons.
- Increased attraction Psychologists believe that after 40 years we become more liberated. After all, as a rule, at this age life is already arranged: there is housing, children are quite independent, and career is stable.
- Changing fingerprints The world has long believed that fingerprints remain unchanged throughout our lives. But in 2015, a large experiment was conducted with the participation of more than 15 thousand people. It turned out that the “pattern” on the pads of the fingers can change not only under the influence of injuries (scars), but also age.
- Feeling happy Thanks to another study of American scientists, we know for sure: mature people, despite certain difficulties, generally look at life. much more positivelyrather than young.
Did you know about these age characteristics? Boldly shared with us in the comments impressions. Good luck!
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