The story of the newlyweds who took a loan for an apartment, and parents were called to do repairs there

Today we would like to publish another letter that came to our editorial office. The reader is outraged by his new relative and does not understand how big-brother To be so callous and greedy.

Well, family affairs can sometimes be really amazing. Especially if for years you know your loved one on one side, and then everything in a matter of days can go on a completely different course. But this is life, it happens, and it is useless to resist it.

Wife of the older brother Hello, dear editor "Site". I am writing to you for the first time, but not because I want to hear some advice, but just need to speak out.

My name is Victoria and I am a happy wife and mother of two charming children, a boy and a girl. Our family is doing well, with work, relationships and, thank God, health. So I have the opportunity to maintain a good, warm relationship with my mom, dad and only brother. At least until recently.

Even though my brother is older than me, he always treated me with respect. In school, I did well, went for a medal, while his studies were not given. I was the one who helped him when he got into serious trouble at the end of the year in grade 7 or 8.

So, next... we all in the family are plump and love sweets. However, it was I who always said that I wanted to diet and gave all the goodies to my beloved brother. I'm a girl. If I knew that the diet would not affect my figure, I probably would eat all the candy in a row and not share it with him. But it is, a joke. What I mean is that I always loved my older brother, and I still love him no matter what.

Vadim, my brother, was not very lucky with girls. Don’t think about it, he grew up pretty and even smart guy, but, you know, it happens: a person does not have charisma. But there is shyness and timidity in front of the weaker sex. A year ago, he finally got married.

For my mother it was a personal holiday, you know, my son found a wife. Wedding like people, guests and everything. By the way, my wedding was much more modest and most of it was paid by my father-in-law.

After living with my parents for a while, my brother and sister-in-law took out a loan and moved to another apartment. After that, they somehow separated from us and did not invite anyone to visit. Although, I must say that before the wedding and while they lived with mom and dad, Yanochka was very warm to everyone, tried to please everyone.

Then they repaired the apartment and it was time to invite guests to a housewarming party. I came with my children (husband worked), her and my parents Vadim. It was terrible. On the table put a couple of saucers with sandwiches with sprats, tea and cookies. My mom brought me some cakes that I had baked just for the visit, and I brought a cake and a bottle of red. That's what we ate.

No, don't think I'm talking about a young couple without a normal start-up capital. Just a week before, the mother gave the young a good amount of money “to start”. Therefore, preparing or ordering delivery of something decent was an opportunity.

The next "red date" of the calendar was Jan's birthday. This time no one invited us, although my mother and I literally bombarded her with congratulations on WhatsApp. So we decided not to come. They considered the daughter-in-law an ungrateful girl and greedy, too. The brother, like her, earns well, and they are able to feed themselves.

And now it's been 2 months and it's time to celebrate my brother's birthday. My mom and I have already bought a gift. We decided to surprise: not to exchange for nonsense, but to fold up and present a good TV. Watch movies and videos over the Internet.

And for 3 days, my brother asked me and my mother to meet at a local cafe to talk. We gathered, smiling, waiting for something curious and intriguing. Maybe someone's in a position? Oh, how interesting...

It turned out that the last time my children were in their apartment, they were a little naughty: broke a couple of bottles with expensive perfume, a porcelain statuette and a picture of some kind. And we scraped a little wall behind the closet, played. The scale of the incident was revealed only the next day, and Jan was terribly unhappy. Those things were kind of important to her. And my tomboys didn't say anything and decided no one would notice.

Now Yana asks his brother to come to his birthday only adults or, so to speak, they will spend the money that they save to pay off the debt for the apartment, but will celebrate in the cafe. But no more family gatherings with kids.

I don't even know what to say after that. They're kids! They broke something, they were playing. Take some perfume and buy it. And the paintings, figurines, figurines and various other nonsense, who needs it? We'll buy them a TV, so there's a lot to see. Not small anymore. I'm not going anywhere without my kids, my husband at work, am I supposed to call a babysitter?

Especially not so and want to go to his brother, while he has such a greedy snake at home. This is what I do, thanks for reading it. After my brother's birthday, I'll try to unsubscribe. Goodbye!

Dear Victoria, thank you for your letter and story. It was very interesting. We ourselves find it difficult to give any unambiguous advice about the current situation, but we hope that our readers, users of the site like you, will cope with this task. All the best for you, we hope you and your relatives will soon understand.


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