The difficulty of choosing curtain in Ukraine
Eighty three million two hundred fifty seven thousand seven hundred three
Despite the common misconception, between the air curtain and thermal type has no fundamental differences. The main difference can be called only the technical parameters in view of the fact that the natural barrier between the warm air in buildings and the cold outside air occurs with the help of a strong air flow. The most important criterion for devices of this type is to determine their performance relative to the air. These units help to reduce heat loss in cold season and cool them in the heat. Thermal curtain (Odessa) itself is a heat source, which eliminates drafts. Such a device usually found in supermarkets, pharmacies and all types of catering.
The flow of cold and warm air supplying unit with built-in heating elements. Different manufacturers use different technology, the heating elements (presence of bands and wires attached to the bottom right of the device which heat up quickly and have a higher maximum temperature) and STICH most often when creating products of this category.
The basic classification of
Tips for vibracula choose thermal curtains, you must carefully consider the technical characteristics of this type of device, the ratings of professionals and the opinions of consumers and buyers. When selecting the appropriate modification is very important length of the device, which should not only perfectly fit the width of your opening, but slightly to exceed it. An important criterion will also be the performance of the device, which affects the efficiency and operation of the device. For selecting the perfect indicator of efficiency requires a preliminary calculation in accordance with a spatial quadrature.
See website for details.
Despite the common misconception, between the air curtain and thermal type has no fundamental differences. The main difference can be called only the technical parameters in view of the fact that the natural barrier between the warm air in buildings and the cold outside air occurs with the help of a strong air flow. The most important criterion for devices of this type is to determine their performance relative to the air. These units help to reduce heat loss in cold season and cool them in the heat. Thermal curtain (Odessa) itself is a heat source, which eliminates drafts. Such a device usually found in supermarkets, pharmacies and all types of catering.
The flow of cold and warm air supplying unit with built-in heating elements. Different manufacturers use different technology, the heating elements (presence of bands and wires attached to the bottom right of the device which heat up quickly and have a higher maximum temperature) and STICH most often when creating products of this category.
The basic classification of
- The most common type of heat shields, namely, electric modification is vertical and is fastened to the side of your Windows or front door. The air in such devices is fed horizontally. In order to improve the effect and protect the device it is recommended to install both sides. There is also a more versatile modification, intended for installation on the front door or close to it, given the nature of the premises.
- Horizontal modification of the air are operated in public places as they are very cold or warm without increasing heating costs. Each product has its own energy, but the temperature remains the same as he has the task of providing a protective barrier instead of heating the entire room.
Tips for vibracula choose thermal curtains, you must carefully consider the technical characteristics of this type of device, the ratings of professionals and the opinions of consumers and buyers. When selecting the appropriate modification is very important length of the device, which should not only perfectly fit the width of your opening, but slightly to exceed it. An important criterion will also be the performance of the device, which affects the efficiency and operation of the device. For selecting the perfect indicator of efficiency requires a preliminary calculation in accordance with a spatial quadrature.
See website for details.

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