12+ great ideas about how to proceed from the old disk.
Make a beautiful mosaic of plates. Difficulty: 5/10
Garnish with a guitar. Difficulty: 6/10
Glamorous mirror. Difficulty: 3/10
Mosaic groshke plant. Difficulty: 4/10
New Year decoration. Difficulty: 5/10
Box for jewelry. Difficulty: 7/10
Super Buffet. Difficulty: 8/10
Glamorous Tissue. Difficulty: 6/10
Beautiful door. Difficulty: 8/10
Funny Choboty. Difficulty 7 / 10.
Decoration. Difficulty: 6/10
Wall clock. Difficulty: 7/10
Cool collar. Difficulty: 5/10
Simpotichnyh clutch. Difficulty: 5/10
Make little animals. Difficulty: 10/10

Garnish with a guitar. Difficulty: 6/10

Glamorous mirror. Difficulty: 3/10

Mosaic groshke plant. Difficulty: 4/10

New Year decoration. Difficulty: 5/10

Box for jewelry. Difficulty: 7/10

Super Buffet. Difficulty: 8/10

Glamorous Tissue. Difficulty: 6/10

Beautiful door. Difficulty: 8/10

Funny Choboty. Difficulty 7 / 10.

Decoration. Difficulty: 6/10

Wall clock. Difficulty: 7/10

Cool collar. Difficulty: 5/10

Simpotichnyh clutch. Difficulty: 5/10

Make little animals. Difficulty: 10/10

It seemed nothing could save, but this story has a happy end!
10+ animals, scolding terrible, but in fact they are absolutely harmless!