Top 10 books on self-development, after which I think "I wish I had read this before!»
Forty one million eight hundred ninety eight thousand seven hundred ninety six
1. Alex Novak "Book, which is not»
If you have 20 minutes a day, in a week this book will change your life.
Who should read "the Book"?
1. Looking for themselves;
2. Living on autopilot;
3. Having a long unrealized dream;
4. Postponing important things "for later»;
5. The adherents of the system of self-development.
What's in the book?
This work is, in fact, a "box of tools" to manage their own lives. You get them and begin to make REAL steps for setting vivid goals and (most importantly) bring them to life. In the book many examples, a lot of theory and clear guidelines for practical implementation. The book is written in simple and understandable language, without "tricky" speed excessive and cumbersome terminology.
Why do you need to find/download/purchase the book?
Appearing online in December 2014, the work has produced a bombshell. In less than a month and a half after that, the site's users viewed a total of more than 100,000 pages. "Book" has caused a storm of controversy, got into all sorts of charts and was eventually noticed by publishers. The author (Alex Novak) received an offer of publication the paper version of the book. The contract with the publishing house "Peter" was signed in February of this year. On the shelves "Book" will appear at the end of April 2015, and then know about it at all.
2. Nick Vujicic – "Life without borders»
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs, but he is quite independent and lives a full and rich life: got two higher educations, on their own typing on computer at the speed of 43 words per minute, surf, enjoys fishing, swims, and even dives from the diving Board into the water. His book is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome the difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and be happy. Nick openly talks about his physical problems and experiences, about how it was hard for him to accept his condition — was the moment he wanted to commit suicide. It took him many years to learn to see their problems not as an obstacle but an opportunity for growth, to set ourselves big goals and always achieve the desired. Without arms and legs, he learned to climb in every sense of the word. In his book Nick has formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.
3. Yitzhak Pintosevich – "Live!»
This book is a synthesis of the latest discoveries in medicine, physiology, psychology and training secrets of Olympic athletes. Its author, Yitzhak Pintosevich, a former professional world-class athlete, coach, businessman has created a unique program for busy people, most of the time conducting on the job, directed towards achieving important goals for themselves and are not willing to change his schedule. The goal of the program is to save them from "breakdowns," depression and disease. It is possible in the short term to boost your energy level, improve health and achieve the highest degree of personal performance in life.
4. Igor Mann – "Number 1»
There is a famous activity: "where I see myself in five years", which well reflects the level of ambition of the person. Often people answer "I Want to be number 1, the main authority in the industry," but few are really doing something to achieve a selected target, especially in the stipulated time. Only actions (and their results) give an idea about the real scale of the personality.
But "to make himself" it's not easy too much effect on the result. There are no unimportant details. As in all things, we must act systematically.
This book gives one such a plan, a checklist that is easy to modify for you personally. After reading and filling in special tables (slice of strong and weak qualities, determination of priorities, the development of key skills, image change, methods of self-promotion) you will receive step-by-step algorithm, as from the point where you are now, to get to the point where you want to be.
5. Josh Waitzkin – "the Art of learning»
This is the autobiography of Joshua Waitzkin, winning his first national chess championship at the age of 9 and became the world champion in the martial art of tai Chi at the age of 28. How he managed to achieve such a result in a completely different sport disciplines? Joshua himself did not believe that he is the best in the best in chess or tai Chi. He says: "I'm the best in the ability to learn." In this book he shares his story and principles of learning which helped him to climb to the top twice. Not only is the story outstanding, but also the proof that any victories and achievements — right up to championship level — is achieved through proper lifestyle, proper habits and psychological attitudes, not innate talents.
6. Vadim Zeland – "Hacking the technogenic system»
If you do not have any special merits and talents, then you have no other way how to get out of the overall system and allow yourself to become unique. Having technique release, presented in the book, you will be able to create any world. The power of your intellect and creative potential will rise to the level of genius. You will not have problems with achieving their goals. You will see the reality in unfamiliar appearance, what it is actually.
If you have a dream, if your goal is difficult to achieve when many people want the same things you do, if you have to stand in long queues for your dream... You should know that you have the unique chance. The chance to get an advantage that others do not. The chance to hack the matrix and break free. You should at least know that it is possible.
7. Tom Peters – "Imagine»
Author of global bestsellers, master new approaches to business and management guru Tom Peters is back with a wonderful new book about the new order of the modern business world. Written in the inimitable style to clearly Express the new philosophy of the author, Re-imagine! motivates us to action.
Meet the destructive commandments of Tom Peters, let's see how he predicts the death of bureaucracy and find out why he thinks business is cool to think beautiful... think weird and comprehend a lot more "change" than we could imagine before.
8. Brian Tracy – "get out of the comfort zone»
Book # 1 self-development. It has been translated into 40 languages. Purchased over 1 200 000 copies. With this book, the global success of Brian Tracy — one of the leading experts in the world on personal development.
The book presents the result of more than thirty years of studying the allocation of time. She talks about how to achieve the solution of complex problems, leaving the comfort zone.
9. Bodo Schaefer "Laws winners»
In a compact, affordable and fun way to describe 30 tested laws and the most important strategy, with which in every sphere of life You will be able to achieve their goals.
10. Robin Sharma — "the Monk who sold his Ferrari»
What is true success and how to achieve it? Is it possible to find happiness that is not dependent on career, nor on global crises? How to get rid of endless worries about the future and start to enjoy each and every day? Are there any simple recipes that allows you to attain spiritual gifts, without abandoning the familiar comfort? How to develop super powers and subjugate fate? And, perhaps most importantly: how to find your calling and be yourself? The answer is in this book, which became a bestseller in many countries. Along with former millionaire Julian Mantle Robin Sharma invites the reader to take an amazing journey to Sivan — the country where dreams come true!
1. Alex Novak "Book, which is not»
If you have 20 minutes a day, in a week this book will change your life.
Who should read "the Book"?
1. Looking for themselves;
2. Living on autopilot;
3. Having a long unrealized dream;
4. Postponing important things "for later»;
5. The adherents of the system of self-development.
What's in the book?
This work is, in fact, a "box of tools" to manage their own lives. You get them and begin to make REAL steps for setting vivid goals and (most importantly) bring them to life. In the book many examples, a lot of theory and clear guidelines for practical implementation. The book is written in simple and understandable language, without "tricky" speed excessive and cumbersome terminology.
Why do you need to find/download/purchase the book?
Appearing online in December 2014, the work has produced a bombshell. In less than a month and a half after that, the site's users viewed a total of more than 100,000 pages. "Book" has caused a storm of controversy, got into all sorts of charts and was eventually noticed by publishers. The author (Alex Novak) received an offer of publication the paper version of the book. The contract with the publishing house "Peter" was signed in February of this year. On the shelves "Book" will appear at the end of April 2015, and then know about it at all.
2. Nick Vujicic – "Life without borders»
Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs, but he is quite independent and lives a full and rich life: got two higher educations, on their own typing on computer at the speed of 43 words per minute, surf, enjoys fishing, swims, and even dives from the diving Board into the water. His book is an inspiring, emotional story about how to overcome the difficulties, despair, believe in yourself and be happy. Nick openly talks about his physical problems and experiences, about how it was hard for him to accept his condition — was the moment he wanted to commit suicide. It took him many years to learn to see their problems not as an obstacle but an opportunity for growth, to set ourselves big goals and always achieve the desired. Without arms and legs, he learned to climb in every sense of the word. In his book Nick has formulated the rules of life that helped him, and now he shares them with readers.
3. Yitzhak Pintosevich – "Live!»
This book is a synthesis of the latest discoveries in medicine, physiology, psychology and training secrets of Olympic athletes. Its author, Yitzhak Pintosevich, a former professional world-class athlete, coach, businessman has created a unique program for busy people, most of the time conducting on the job, directed towards achieving important goals for themselves and are not willing to change his schedule. The goal of the program is to save them from "breakdowns," depression and disease. It is possible in the short term to boost your energy level, improve health and achieve the highest degree of personal performance in life.
4. Igor Mann – "Number 1»
There is a famous activity: "where I see myself in five years", which well reflects the level of ambition of the person. Often people answer "I Want to be number 1, the main authority in the industry," but few are really doing something to achieve a selected target, especially in the stipulated time. Only actions (and their results) give an idea about the real scale of the personality.
But "to make himself" it's not easy too much effect on the result. There are no unimportant details. As in all things, we must act systematically.
This book gives one such a plan, a checklist that is easy to modify for you personally. After reading and filling in special tables (slice of strong and weak qualities, determination of priorities, the development of key skills, image change, methods of self-promotion) you will receive step-by-step algorithm, as from the point where you are now, to get to the point where you want to be.
5. Josh Waitzkin – "the Art of learning»
This is the autobiography of Joshua Waitzkin, winning his first national chess championship at the age of 9 and became the world champion in the martial art of tai Chi at the age of 28. How he managed to achieve such a result in a completely different sport disciplines? Joshua himself did not believe that he is the best in the best in chess or tai Chi. He says: "I'm the best in the ability to learn." In this book he shares his story and principles of learning which helped him to climb to the top twice. Not only is the story outstanding, but also the proof that any victories and achievements — right up to championship level — is achieved through proper lifestyle, proper habits and psychological attitudes, not innate talents.
6. Vadim Zeland – "Hacking the technogenic system»
If you do not have any special merits and talents, then you have no other way how to get out of the overall system and allow yourself to become unique. Having technique release, presented in the book, you will be able to create any world. The power of your intellect and creative potential will rise to the level of genius. You will not have problems with achieving their goals. You will see the reality in unfamiliar appearance, what it is actually.
If you have a dream, if your goal is difficult to achieve when many people want the same things you do, if you have to stand in long queues for your dream... You should know that you have the unique chance. The chance to get an advantage that others do not. The chance to hack the matrix and break free. You should at least know that it is possible.
7. Tom Peters – "Imagine»
Author of global bestsellers, master new approaches to business and management guru Tom Peters is back with a wonderful new book about the new order of the modern business world. Written in the inimitable style to clearly Express the new philosophy of the author, Re-imagine! motivates us to action.
Meet the destructive commandments of Tom Peters, let's see how he predicts the death of bureaucracy and find out why he thinks business is cool to think beautiful... think weird and comprehend a lot more "change" than we could imagine before.
8. Brian Tracy – "get out of the comfort zone»
Book # 1 self-development. It has been translated into 40 languages. Purchased over 1 200 000 copies. With this book, the global success of Brian Tracy — one of the leading experts in the world on personal development.
The book presents the result of more than thirty years of studying the allocation of time. She talks about how to achieve the solution of complex problems, leaving the comfort zone.
9. Bodo Schaefer "Laws winners»
In a compact, affordable and fun way to describe 30 tested laws and the most important strategy, with which in every sphere of life You will be able to achieve their goals.
10. Robin Sharma — "the Monk who sold his Ferrari»
What is true success and how to achieve it? Is it possible to find happiness that is not dependent on career, nor on global crises? How to get rid of endless worries about the future and start to enjoy each and every day? Are there any simple recipes that allows you to attain spiritual gifts, without abandoning the familiar comfort? How to develop super powers and subjugate fate? And, perhaps most importantly: how to find your calling and be yourself? The answer is in this book, which became a bestseller in many countries. Along with former millionaire Julian Mantle Robin Sharma invites the reader to take an amazing journey to Sivan — the country where dreams come true!
How different the perception of life in men and women
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