Why it is now popular to confess on the Internet
Nine million nine hundred twenty three thousand seven hundred eighty six
In the life of every person sometimes there comes a spiritual crisis, when without help it is difficult to deal with the situation. But it is not always possible to discuss the problem with a competent psychologist, and on issues such as adultery not everyone wants to share it with relatives, acquaintances or friends. It is not only a shame the way heart to heart talk with a friend, but the fear in the heat of emotion to not quite the right advice and make the wrong decision. Because it depends on not only the further life of the spouses but also the welfare of their children. And not to be left without support, to vent, to get advice and learn how others coped with it, people prefer to chat with strangers. In this story, where among the huge number of reviews strangers, the author was able to look at the situation from the other side and find the right way out of the existing and seemingly she's not a solvable situation.
Problems in life are very different:
The General attitude of parents and children is a sensitive issue for some, and for others. Busy parents, especially successful in a career plan of young mothers sometimes regret that they gave birth to a child who takes a lot of time and emotional energy. Many young mothers understand that may not like the baby, depression, family quarrels up to the divorce. There are families where adult children do not give rest, cease to communicate, to help, not allowed to see their grandchildren.
Most often such a difficult life stories people come on special forums and such Internet resources as ispovedi.com where without any hesitation you can tell about yourself and ask for advice from readers. As a rule, in the discussion of topics drawn a considerable number of visitors who have shared her story and received useful feedback and tips that have become regular readers and now share their experiences by posting comments.
Many authors of the confessions such advice had a real help and helped to keep the family together, to take a new look at relationships with parents, children and friends. It is important to understand that it is impossible to remain alone with their problems, you need to find a way out, which is always there.
In the life of every person sometimes there comes a spiritual crisis, when without help it is difficult to deal with the situation. But it is not always possible to discuss the problem with a competent psychologist, and on issues such as adultery not everyone wants to share it with relatives, acquaintances or friends. It is not only a shame the way heart to heart talk with a friend, but the fear in the heat of emotion to not quite the right advice and make the wrong decision. Because it depends on not only the further life of the spouses but also the welfare of their children. And not to be left without support, to vent, to get advice and learn how others coped with it, people prefer to chat with strangers. In this story, where among the huge number of reviews strangers, the author was able to look at the situation from the other side and find the right way out of the existing and seemingly she's not a solvable situation.
Problems in life are very different:
- Quarrel with their parents.
- Cheating wife or husband.
- Problems in communicating with colleagues.
- Problems at work with supervisors.
- The lack of attention from adults children.
- Quarrels with relatives over the inheritance, etc.
The General attitude of parents and children is a sensitive issue for some, and for others. Busy parents, especially successful in a career plan of young mothers sometimes regret that they gave birth to a child who takes a lot of time and emotional energy. Many young mothers understand that may not like the baby, depression, family quarrels up to the divorce. There are families where adult children do not give rest, cease to communicate, to help, not allowed to see their grandchildren.
Most often such a difficult life stories people come on special forums and such Internet resources as ispovedi.com where without any hesitation you can tell about yourself and ask for advice from readers. As a rule, in the discussion of topics drawn a considerable number of visitors who have shared her story and received useful feedback and tips that have become regular readers and now share their experiences by posting comments.
Many authors of the confessions such advice had a real help and helped to keep the family together, to take a new look at relationships with parents, children and friends. It is important to understand that it is impossible to remain alone with their problems, you need to find a way out, which is always there.

Differences in the education of "wild" tribes and "civilized" society from birth. Part 3