11 things you should never do for a loved one
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Many of us had to abandon small to gain more. Especially if it was about a loved one. However, there are things it would seem trivia at the expense of which we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to be happy.
The website will tell you about what a wise man will not go for a partner. Why he does not learn at the end of the article.
The adoption of the appearance of the partner for who she is, perhaps, the most obvious symptom of love. After all, we all fall in love first in a way. If you like your reflection in the mirror, but you plan to change your wardrobe or to start Jogging in the morning to meet the expectations of a loved one about ideal, think: could that be your man?
Both men and women sin that like to compare their partners with former parents, often with neighbors or colleagues. "Comparison is the death of joy" — said mark TWAIN. And scientists add that it is a direct way to depression, and not the object of comparison, and the one who does it, that is your partner. Well, your condition is also, of course, would not be very good after all these "she earns more" or "she's the soup tastier."
The temptation to remake human under him is great, and often we take such attempts. Sometimes, it has even an advantage — for example when we help your loved one get rid of bad habits. If a partner against some traits of your character or of your favorite classes?
It is important to understand what it is: a minor detail that can not be taken into account for the sake of the relationship or a reflection of the inner nature, without what your partner ceases to be himself. For example:
It is no secret that the distribution of domestic responsibilities by gender is a thing of the past. Modern man learned to cook, and women to deal with the dripping tap. Therefore, home long are not purely female or male work. And, therefore, it is not necessary to assume or demand from a partner of solving everyday tasks for "gender". Ideally, you should aim to cope with the life together: studies have shown that such couples is much higher satisfaction with sex life and in General they are fine.
Healthy irony in the relationship is great, but the key word here is "healthy." But on a regular basis to make evil jokes that border on disrespect, is not the same. And don't think that this should just get used to it and not to pay attention. Marriage researcher John Gottman and his group came to the conclusion that one of the main causes of divorce is over sarcasticness one of the partners.
Loved ones support us regardless, we are alone or in a pair. They also need our attention, and the affiliate shall not be an obstacle. The emotions that we get, talking with friends or family members, different from those, which gives us a partner. They are not better or worse, they are just different and we need to feel a whole person.
Joint Bank account with a partner will not prevent, but on its own should not give up. It's not a betrayal and not avarice, and effective way to get yourself out of a difficult situationfrom which nobody is insured. This stability, feeling that you'll worry less about trifles and more time to devote to your relationship.
Confidence, according to psychologists, a thing which is essential to a healthy relationship. Trusting the man, we relax, and then the thrill of a life become brighter. Think of any happy moment and his condition — hardly it was tense.
It is important to understand that the ability to trust the partner does not only depend on him. Education, psychological trauma, negative experiences affect our ability to be open, and the best thing here to do is to consult a specialist. But if distrust lies, irresponsibility, inconstancy partner, ask yourself the question:"are You ready to live?"
Everyone has their own beliefs based on education, experience and personal perception of the world. And to violate these principles is to deny ourselves the opportunity to live life to the fullest. After all, happiness depends largely on whether the reality to our ideas about it. If the partner shares thoughts alien to you or makes fun of important things for you, you shall not be entitled him to deny. But entitled not to support him or laugh with him.
The more we commit acts that are contrary to our desires, the greater the dissatisfaction. The result is a state of "everything is fine, but something is missing", because of which life becomes impenetrable gray.
Therefore, going once again you hated the woods, instead of going to your favorite river, listen to yourself: is there not within you a dull aching feeling that your life lives you instead of someone else?
To sacrifice for the sake of the relationship, of course, necessary, because their duration largely depends on the ability to compromise. But when you face a choice: to go on a trip to Tibet that you've been dreaming about for the last five years, or to spend a holiday in the usual way with your loved one, because that's what he wants — the question arises: what is more important — a dream or a relationship? And the correct answer here is one: loving partners will not put each other in front of the choice "me or the dream."
And finally. Any decision in a couple should not deprive of the right to happiness neither you nor your mate. After all, unhappy people are not able to build healthy relationships, no matter how perfect, neither was his partner.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via EN.depositphotos.com?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=EN-brand
Many of us had to abandon small to gain more. Especially if it was about a loved one. However, there are things it would seem trivia at the expense of which we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to be happy.
The website will tell you about what a wise man will not go for a partner. Why he does not learn at the end of the article.

The adoption of the appearance of the partner for who she is, perhaps, the most obvious symptom of love. After all, we all fall in love first in a way. If you like your reflection in the mirror, but you plan to change your wardrobe or to start Jogging in the morning to meet the expectations of a loved one about ideal, think: could that be your man?

Both men and women sin that like to compare their partners with former parents, often with neighbors or colleagues. "Comparison is the death of joy" — said mark TWAIN. And scientists add that it is a direct way to depression, and not the object of comparison, and the one who does it, that is your partner. Well, your condition is also, of course, would not be very good after all these "she earns more" or "she's the soup tastier."

The temptation to remake human under him is great, and often we take such attempts. Sometimes, it has even an advantage — for example when we help your loved one get rid of bad habits. If a partner against some traits of your character or of your favorite classes?
It is important to understand what it is: a minor detail that can not be taken into account for the sake of the relationship or a reflection of the inner nature, without what your partner ceases to be himself. For example:
- If your loved one interfere with your play the drums in the next room on Sundays — here it is necessary to consider an alternative location or time for music lessons.
- But if it is against your hobby, even if you do when he's not at home or even at a music school, you should consider whether your relationship future.

It is no secret that the distribution of domestic responsibilities by gender is a thing of the past. Modern man learned to cook, and women to deal with the dripping tap. Therefore, home long are not purely female or male work. And, therefore, it is not necessary to assume or demand from a partner of solving everyday tasks for "gender". Ideally, you should aim to cope with the life together: studies have shown that such couples is much higher satisfaction with sex life and in General they are fine.

Healthy irony in the relationship is great, but the key word here is "healthy." But on a regular basis to make evil jokes that border on disrespect, is not the same. And don't think that this should just get used to it and not to pay attention. Marriage researcher John Gottman and his group came to the conclusion that one of the main causes of divorce is over sarcasticness one of the partners.

Loved ones support us regardless, we are alone or in a pair. They also need our attention, and the affiliate shall not be an obstacle. The emotions that we get, talking with friends or family members, different from those, which gives us a partner. They are not better or worse, they are just different and we need to feel a whole person.

Joint Bank account with a partner will not prevent, but on its own should not give up. It's not a betrayal and not avarice, and effective way to get yourself out of a difficult situationfrom which nobody is insured. This stability, feeling that you'll worry less about trifles and more time to devote to your relationship.

Confidence, according to psychologists, a thing which is essential to a healthy relationship. Trusting the man, we relax, and then the thrill of a life become brighter. Think of any happy moment and his condition — hardly it was tense.
It is important to understand that the ability to trust the partner does not only depend on him. Education, psychological trauma, negative experiences affect our ability to be open, and the best thing here to do is to consult a specialist. But if distrust lies, irresponsibility, inconstancy partner, ask yourself the question:"are You ready to live?"

Everyone has their own beliefs based on education, experience and personal perception of the world. And to violate these principles is to deny ourselves the opportunity to live life to the fullest. After all, happiness depends largely on whether the reality to our ideas about it. If the partner shares thoughts alien to you or makes fun of important things for you, you shall not be entitled him to deny. But entitled not to support him or laugh with him.

The more we commit acts that are contrary to our desires, the greater the dissatisfaction. The result is a state of "everything is fine, but something is missing", because of which life becomes impenetrable gray.
Therefore, going once again you hated the woods, instead of going to your favorite river, listen to yourself: is there not within you a dull aching feeling that your life lives you instead of someone else?

To sacrifice for the sake of the relationship, of course, necessary, because their duration largely depends on the ability to compromise. But when you face a choice: to go on a trip to Tibet that you've been dreaming about for the last five years, or to spend a holiday in the usual way with your loved one, because that's what he wants — the question arises: what is more important — a dream or a relationship? And the correct answer here is one: loving partners will not put each other in front of the choice "me or the dream."
And finally. Any decision in a couple should not deprive of the right to happiness neither you nor your mate. After all, unhappy people are not able to build healthy relationships, no matter how perfect, neither was his partner.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via EN.depositphotos.com?utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=EN-brand
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