The house caught fire, and the couple decided to save all the valuable...
Seventy six million three hundred twelve thousand four hundred fifty eight
Late in the evening. To his apartment a frightened man runs in and shouts loudly:
— Lucy! Lucy, where are you?
Wife comes out of the bedroom and says:
— Well, here I am. Why are you yelling?
— Lucy, trouble! The adjacent apartment on fire, we need to escape!
— Oh, mom, that's terrible! — meets his wife and starts rushing down the corridor. At this moment the husband enters the bedroom and runs to the chest, shouting:
— Honey, what first to take? Money, documents?
Suddenly in the room there's a muffled whisper:
— Wardrobe... Take the wardrobe...
The man Blanches and almost falls to the floor, but then is frightened and whispers:
— What is it? Who said that?
Is I, your winter coat-Oh-Oh-Oh — is heard from the closet.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Late in the evening. To his apartment a frightened man runs in and shouts loudly:
— Lucy! Lucy, where are you?
Wife comes out of the bedroom and says:
— Well, here I am. Why are you yelling?
— Lucy, trouble! The adjacent apartment on fire, we need to escape!
— Oh, mom, that's terrible! — meets his wife and starts rushing down the corridor. At this moment the husband enters the bedroom and runs to the chest, shouting:
— Honey, what first to take? Money, documents?
Suddenly in the room there's a muffled whisper:
— Wardrobe... Take the wardrobe...
The man Blanches and almost falls to the floor, but then is frightened and whispers:
— What is it? Who said that?
Is I, your winter coat-Oh-Oh-Oh — is heard from the closet.
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
As my neighbor fell into the trap
The psychologist asked the son a simple question, but the child quickly found the catch